Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1190

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Chapter 1190

Luo Rumeng is a typical female devil head, which is basically the same as the infinite devil.

It's impossible to ask her to help.

Now the only hope is Mr. Qin.

"It's too late to hide a stick of incense, ha ha."

The infinite devil laughed.

"Let's go!"

People from all sects ran around at once.

This is not the time to bravado, the infinite Demon power is too strong, they can not fight, can only try the way of Tan Hai.

Hide, they can't fight. Can't they hide.

These practitioners disappeared in a flash.

Yuan dream was also taken away by Xiaobai.

"Ha ha ha, these decent people can't fight. It's very powerful to be a shrinking turtle."

The infinite devil laughed, the time was almost the same, and then slowly stood up from the car.

"It's time for the game to start. I can't wait."

He said, releasing his evil spirit.

Those evil spirits turned into black smoke and surged in front of him.

The black smoke quickly condensed into a shape, which was vaguely a small model of Longshui town.

"Your men can hide, but can they?"

He murmured, judging in the model.

"Ha ha, is the nearest person here..."

The infinite devil said, his body flashed, turned into black smoke and disappeared.

Yao Jingtian is an elder of Qinghong sect, and he is the most qualified elder to be the next leader.

Recently, Qinghong's infighting is coming to an end, and his support rating is also the highest.

It can be said that he will basically become the new leader of Qinghong.

As a result, such a thing appeared again, and the infinite devil was born.

He really doesn't want to be in charge of this business, but he can't ignore it because they are respectable after all.

Since they are well-known and decent, they can't just sit around and ignore these things that concern the world.

I was going to come over and walk through the scene.

After all, the force of Qinghong Wuji Gang is weak now, so there is no mind to take care of other things.

"Elder medicine, can we hide here?"

Several people of Qinghong Wuji Gang hide in the illusion created by yaojingtian.

"Who do you think you're talking to."

"This is the magic tool that I have refined with hundreds of years of hard work. It's a mirage made by Mitian mirror."

He put out his hand and pointed out, "here, even if the infinite devil's magic power is in the sky, we can't be found. Ha ha, so, you can rest assured and wait for him to lose."

"Who are you waiting for to lose?"

Just at this moment, a ghost's voice sounded in this illusion.

Several people of Qinghong Wuji gang were startled. They looked up and saw the figure of the infinite devil floating in the air, smiling and looking down at them.

"You, how did you come in?"

Yao Jingtian looks unbelievable.

"How could you find out the illusion I created by the megamirror?"

"How can you hide this little trick from me?"

The limitless devil ha ha ha a smile, "these people who practice the true world, really are more and more not to advance."

"Since you have come in, you are looking for death!"

"In this illusion, I am a god like existence," he said

With a wave of his hands, countless thunder and lightning suddenly flew out of the dreamland and gathered towards the infinite devil.

"It's just a little trick. You really take it seriously."

Who knows, the infinite devil just wave his hand at will, and disperse those thunder and lightning.

"In this illusion, everything is an illusion you make. It's like a dream to confuse us with this illusion. "

"Yes, hateful..."

Yao Jingtian didn't expect that his means were punctured like this.

"You are the first little fly that I found, so I will let you die happily."

Wuji said, reaching out to these Qinghong disciples below.

The black evil spirit wrapped up all the Qinghong disciples, and then they began to scream wildly.

"Kill, kill!"

A disciple of Qinghong suddenly took out his magic weapon and started to shoot at the disciples nearby.

Other disciples also fought back with red eyes and soon became a group.

After a while, these Qinghong's disciples were in a mess with each other. They lost their arms and legs and died all over the place.

"This, what kind of magic is this..."

When the limitless devil was in the realm of cultivation, Yao Jingtian was just a new man of practice, because he didn't know the devil at all.Now he's so scared that he's killed so many people.

This cultivation, too strong, magic is too strange!

"Well, it's time to clean you up."

The Wuji devil pointed his finger to the medicine Jingtian.

"Wait, wait!"

"You, you can't kill me! I, I am the future leader of Qinghong. I, I can be loyal to you. As long as you let me go, it will do anything... "

"Sorry, I don't like the loyalty of others, and I don't trust anyone."

In the mind of the infinite devil, he couldn't help but think of the betrayal by his most proud disciple.

In this world, no one can rely on or not to

you are the only one who can be trusted.

Therefore, he trained all the people he could see into evil spirits.

Only their own demons are the most loyal.

"Damn it, I'll fight with you!"

Yao Jingtian records a dragon hitter and rushes to the infinite devil in the air.

"By you?"

The infinite devil disdained to curl his lips.

He released a magic evil spirit, which instantly penetrated the chest of yaojingtian.

The power of the evil spirit runs through even the original baby of the medicine Jingtian.

This medicine Sedum, instantly became a dead man.

When the master dies and loses the vitality support, the magic power of Mitian mirror disappears.

The figure of the infinite devil reappears in this Longshui town.

"Ha ha, these flies, really think they can escape the palm of this seat?"

He laughed and flew to the next practitioner's hiding place.

"There is less and less spirit of practitioners in Longshui town..."

Xiaobai with a dream, hiding in the roof of a teaching building.

The figure of two people is constantly shuttling in the town of Longshui.

The outside of this school is the border of Longshui town. The black evil spirit that ordinary people can't see is wrapped here.

Xiaobai originally wanted to cross the outside world with the dream of fate, but the evil spirit was really powerful. Before crossing, she could feel a serious sense of crisis.

This thing seems to block all the space.

"What to do None of us is his opponent... "

Yuan Meng said anxiously, "I'm worried about Shifu and them..."

"The breath of Emei is still there."

Xiaobai comforted, "they must be OK. The breath of Qinghong is not at all. It seems that they are all hanging in the town of Longshui. "

"Can we really avoid it?"

Yuan Meng couldn't help but ask with some doubts.

"Even if you can't avoid it, you have to delay it."

Xiaobai said, "because if you hold on for a while, your elder brother Qin will come."

"Really Great! As long as brother Qin can come, we will all be saved! "

Yuanmeng always believed in Qin Dynasty blindly.

Moreover, the Qin Dynasty has indeed saved itself many times.

However, those who practice the truth never know how to be grateful.

"Jie Jie, who can save you

At this time, a deep voice came from the air.

The two women were startled and looked up. They were the infinite devil.

"Two little beauties, do you think you can't be found if you keep changing directions?"

He said with a smile, "no matter how you run, you can't get out of this town. As long as this town is within the scope, it is all in the induction of this building. So, all of you are dead. "

"Sister Xiaobai..."

Yuan dream to see the infinite devil, can not help but fear.

Her cultivation is still shallow, so it is reasonable for her to be afraid in front of the flesh immortal.

"Don't be afraid. The more you are afraid of him, the more powerful his evil spirit is to you."

Xiaobai said.

"Ha ha, this girl is very clever."

The infinite devil laughed, "but as I have said, you are all dead. What's more, I'd like to give you one of the most comfortable ways, which is to die happily, OK

He laughed wickedly.

"Pervert, rascal! Shameless

Yuan dream scolded a few words, at the same time threw out a group of sacred fire lotus, to the head of the infinite devil on the past.


A black evil spirit came out of the infinite devil and wrapped the red flame lotus.

Then, the infinite devil extended his hand, wrapped the devil in his palm, and grabbed the flame.

"The lotus is very beautiful, but the woman is more beautiful. You two, it's better for you to follow this seat so that you can have a better time. "

"Don't dream!"Xiaobai said and pointed to the sky.

Suddenly, a wormhole was opened on the top of the infinite.

From the wormhole, countless white spider silk flew out and shot towards the infinite devil.


The figure of the infinite devil disappeared in an instant and retreated several meters.

And those spider silk, like falling knife rain, the school playground hit the smoke rolling.

The students in the school who were in class couldn't help but be curious. They looked out of the window and looked at the smoke rolling playground. They said, what's the matter? Someone was setting off firecrackers outside?

However, it is also this thick smoke rolling, blocking the infinite devil and Xiaobai their shadow.

"There are some means, worthy of being a magic puppet."

The infinite devil couldn't help laughing, "but it's just a magic puppet for us to enjoy slowly, ha ha ha! This generation of luochamen masters is really interesting

Finish saying, toward the direction of small white and edge dream, rushed over again.


Xiaobai pulls up the edge dream and rushes to the side of the evil spirit boundary.

"Split it for me."

Xiaobai uses the force of space to tear the dense evil spirits, but the evil spirits are just like glue. They are left to tear and tear constantly.

Today, someone ran to the post bar and scolded me. I didn't hold back for a moment, and then sprayed with him. Alas.

It's really hard to write a book. You write too much meat, people say you are yellow. What you write is not meat, and everyone thinks it is too light. No one can read it.

Your writing is too short for everyone to read. If you write too much, you are too slow.

A lot of people say that I run around without a main line. But I really want to ask, what is my main line, you know?

What main line can be drawn to more than five million words and described all the time?

The life of Qin Dynasty is not only in the main line, OK?

Moreover, this novel has many main lines, not just a line in the Xiuzhen world.

This book is the city of Xiuzhen, the city in front of me, this is not a time I said it.

Many people like to watch Xiuzhen, many people like to see the city. Naturally, I can't just write one.

I don't want to talk about anything else. I just hope that you can be more considerate of one author.

Please shut down the curse and spray, and don't say anything. I'm very arrogant and don't accept readers' opinions.

What I accept is the opinions of the market and millions of readers, not you alone. Books are not written for one person. What you don't like to read doesn't mean that others don't like it.

Or do you think that thousands of people who read my book are fools, and you are smart alone? My readers are what you call "kindergarten students"?

Please respect yourself.

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