Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 523

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Chapter 523

"The heart destroying skill is the magic power that we use to control the mortals. With this kind of magic, you can destroy a person's spirit, and then use your own consciousness to create a fake spirit, which directly controls the person's body and actions

"That is to say, to make a puppet?"

The Qin Dynasty immediately understood the meaning of this magic.

"That's right." Rod nodded. "But it's two concepts with magic puppet. The puppet made by the magic puppet technique is unparalleled in the world. And the puppets made by mind destroying technique are similar to slaves. But this spell destroys the spirit of the earth, so it is known as the most evil spell in history. Generally speaking, even if we are luochamen, we will not easily use such evil power. "

"Well, for such a man, mind breaking is just saving him!"

The Han family is definitely not a good place, and the housekeeper Zhang Xiong Zhang, who has been with the Han family for so long, must have done all the bad things for the tiger.

In particular, he threw Zhang Jiwei into the river at will just now. It can be seen that this man has done such things.

For such people, the Qin Dynasty has always been impolite, not soft hearted.

"Well, then use mind crushing. I'll teach you the formula now." Rod in this regard, like a teacher, "after using up, this man is completely at your command, and is 100% loyal to you. Even if you let him die, he would never hesitate. Well, naturally, if you want to do it, he won't resist. It can meet your special abnormal needs

“…… Teach the formula now

"Hey, boy, listen up, I'm only going to read it once!"

Although two people talked so much, but in the outside world, it was only a moment.

The bear was still thinking about how to get rid of it, but the body of the Qin Dynasty suddenly shook.

Then, the Qin Dynasty opened the door.

"Zhang Xiong!"


Zhang Xiong was suddenly called to his name. He was surprised and subconsciously took a look at the Qin Dynasty.

And this time, he found that the Qin Dynasty hidden behind the lens in the double pupil, reflected a kind of strange light.

The bear's body was also shocked at the same time.

There was a sudden heat in the soul. It seemed that something broke with a click.

The bear's eyes became muddy and blank. At the same time, his body, too, has softened.

"Zhang Xiong, from today on, you are my slave of Qin Dynasty. In the future, if you dare to disobey my orders, you will rot and bleed to death. "

"Yes Master... "

Zhang Xiong's eyes also emit a strange purple light, and then slowly looking at the Qin Dynasty.

The earth soul of this man has been destroyed. Now the ghost made in Qin Dynasty is connected with human soul and heaven soul. In fact, this ghost is a separate body of the Qin Dynasty.

Seeing Zhang Xiong's reflection, Qin Dynasty secretly satisfied the effect of mind destroying technique. He turned his eyes and secretly gave an order to Zhang Xiong.


Zhang Xiong, who had just been pinched and had no sense of resistance, suddenly flew up and kicked heavily on the head of the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Dynasty body a tilt, the whole person directly fell off the stage.

"Ah! Qin Dynasty

"Brother in law!"

Luo Qinglin and Luo Yufeng were startled. They all rushed over and helped up the Qin Dynasty.

"I'm fine." The Qin Dynasty blinked at two people. Looking at the relaxed appearance of Qin Dynasty, Luo Yufeng couldn't feel his head. Luo Qinglin, however, responded and understood that this was acting in the Qin Dynasty.

"Housekeeper Zhang, are you ok?"

Those bodyguards, seeing this situation, were surprised and asked one after another.

"It's OK." When the Bear looked at them, his face returned to normal, not so stiff.

"Today I'll give the Luo family a face and spare your life." Zhang Xiong seemed to be a proud winner. Standing on the platform, he said to the Qin Dynasty, "next time, if you dare to appear in the sight of our Han family, I will not be so polite again! Hum

"Brother Luo, let's go."

Qin Dynasty pretended to be kicked not light, supporting Luo Yufeng, stood up and limped out.

That Luo Yu Feng stares at Zhang Xiong one eye, take Qin Dynasty, younger sister, still have a few soldier brothers, walked to the gate. Before leaving, I didn't forget to throw those pistols on the ground.

It's just that the guns don't work. Because at the moment of receiving the gun, Luo Yufeng used a very sophisticated way to unload these pistols into parts.

Out of the Dihao building, there are three military jeeps parked outside. This is the car Luo Yufeng took when he came.

As soon as the Qin Dynasty came out, his waist straightened up and loosened Luo Yufeng's shoulder.

"Ah, brother-in-law, what's the matter with you?"

Luo Yu Feng a brother-in-law, called Luo Qinglin blushed and heartbeat.

The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, did not answer Luo Yufeng directly, but took out a mobile phone.

"Diliu, you can contact Zhang Xiong now. He is my subordinate.""Boss, you're so smart!"

The other end of the phone Diliu, suddenly excited to hold the opposite brother crazy pro. But he held back, because he was calling the boss. How could he do such a perverse thing.

"Boss, Zhang Xiong is the most loyal dog under Han haoxuan. How did you do it?"

"You don't have to worry about it. You just need to know that he is one of us now. You two, one bright and one dark, should be able to get rid of the Han family? "

"No, boss, it's far from enough." Di Liu is bitter and shakes his head. "Han's family is big in Zhongchuan. Even if Zhang Xiong helps secretly, we still don't have the strength to uproot them."

"You don't have to worry about that." The Qin Dynasty pondered for a moment and quickly said, "from today on, all government departments, including the military and the police, will fully support you, Diliu."

After listening to this, Diliu was a bit silly.

"Old man, boss, is that true?"

If he didn't know the magic of Qin Dynasty, di Liu would really think that he was a big boss. How difficult it is for the government to cooperate with you!

In particular, the Korean family does not know how much tax they pay to Zhongchuan city and how much GDP they will increase each year. What's more, their father is a senior official in X province. In such an identity, the government does not protect them like treasure, but can also support itself in turn?

"It's true, of course." Qin Dynasty light smile, "there is not my seventh section can not do things."

In mainland China, the seventh branch is the existence of absolute supremacy. The Qin Dynasty didn't realize this before, but now he does.

If you have such a right, why not?

Moreover, the overthrow of the Han family has benefited the people of Zhongchuan city.

Before that, Han Shao sent someone to capture Sun Yan, killed sun Xueyuan's mother, and crushed sun Xueyuan's leg, which had already been sentenced to death by the Qin Dynasty to the Han family.

What a ferocious state this has reached!

"The police will come to you tomorrow to talk about cooperation." The Qin Dynasty will call Li Baishan and ask him to help arrange this matter. "You can stay in your hiding place now. I promise you that within ten days, Han haoxuan will become a street mouse. At that time, you Diliu was the underground king of Zhongchuan city. "

"Thank you, thank you, boss!"

Di six holding the phone, tears are coming down, just feel that he with the right person. The beating at that time was not in vain!

When the Qin Dynasty put down the phone, Luo Yufeng was able to understand.

"Brother in law, do you mean that boy Zhang Xiong is your servant now?"


"No, I didn't kick you just now."

"It was acting, my brother-in-law."

Qin Dynasty a big brother, make Luo Qinglin roll a white eye, and then secretly pinched his waist. However, the body of the Qin Dynasty was as hard as iron. This pinch made Luo Qinglin's fingers ache for a long time.

"Hey, I said!" Luo Yufeng suddenly realized, "if at ordinary times, Zhang Xiong is threatened by someone like this, he still doesn't take that person apart! But my brother-in-law, what did you do so that Zhang Xiong, the watchdog of the Han family, could be transferred to you? "

"Let's just say it's hypnotism." The Qin Dynasty thought for a moment and explained.

"Hypnotism! We soldiers do have some simple self hypnosis Luo Yufeng started the jeep and continued to say, "Hey, brother-in-law, or you can give him a performance. I've heard that after hypnosis, hypnotized people can do something that they can't normally do. "

"Hao AI," Qin Dynasty replied simply, "brother Luo, look, there is a beautiful woman like Sister Feng on the street in the distance. What do you think if I hypnotize you and ask you to touch her ass

“…… Linlin, you don't care about your family, how bad your head is

"Hee hee, I also want to see hypnosis. Brother, stop your car and let the Qin Dynasty have a try... "

Luo Qinglin is holding her mouth and laughing.

"My God!" Luo Yufeng had the impulse of car wrecking and people dying. "Thanks to my hard work, I took my brothers and risked being punished to save you. Now you're just following the lead, and you don't have my brother in your eyes! "

The husband sings with the woman

These four words, let Luo Qinglin, like a little daughter-in-law, blushed and buried her head in her chest.

Qin Dynasty also just dry smile two, did not continue to build stubble.

It's not hypnotism, it's mind destroying!

Show it out, his brother-in-law's soul can be destroyed. Since then, only a walking corpse.

Qin Dynasty while playing haha, while pressing the number on the mobile phone.

Li Baishan's number has a feature, no matter which phone you store in, it will be automatically deleted after a minute. I don't know what Daoism Li Baishan has done on his own phone number.

Therefore, the Qin Dynasty can only be recorded in the head, manually dial out."Well, this is not our hero."

At the other end of the phone, a lazy voice soon rang out.

"Well, chief Li." After all, the Qin Dynasty was asking for help. Some of them couldn't face it. "I know that I suddenly stood you up, which made you very unhappy. But I have something to ask you to do... "

"Oh, I'll tell you." There seems to be the voice of Li Baishan opening Sprite, very clear. At the same time, the Taoist descendant said with a slight irony, "if you are not busy, how could you come to me on your own initiative. I had something to tell you. Now let's talk about it first. "

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