Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 488

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Chapter 488

Jiang Dong went straight to the parking lot and started his white Mercedes.

"Miss, get in the car. Let's go and see the guy together." Jiang Dong pushes open the door and shouts to Su Fei who takes out the key to open his BMW.

"Go ahead Su Fei saw that the door of the Mercedes Benz had been opened, so she put away her key and sat in the car.

"Wait, wait for me!" Qin Ling is also embarrassed to chase into the underground parking lot, this usually dignified and beautiful secretary, now barefoot, leg black stockings have been scratched many places, a pair of high-heeled shoes in her hand.

"Come on up here." It seemed that Qin Ling was too slow. Su Fei stretched out her arm, pulled Qin Ling into the car and closed the door.

"Ten minutes. Can we get there?" Su Fei looked at her watch and asked Jiang Dong.

"Miss!" Jiang Dong had already started his car, turned the steering wheel, and drove outside the parking lot. "In 10 minutes, we are in the suburbs. We have to drive for an hour and a half to get to the first hospital in the city center without traffic jam."

"Half an hour?" Su Fei frowned, and there was a lot of worry between those beautiful curved eyebrows. "No, half an hour is too slow. Can't you drive faster?"

"Big sister, big sister..." Jiang Dong cried, "I'm just a housekeeper, not Schumacher. Besides, even if Schumacher comes, he can't run on the road full of cars. "

" I don't care. I'll give you 20 minutes. If I can't drive, I'll run! " For the first time, Princess Su was so overbearing that Jiang Dong could cry.

"Drive as hard as you can. If the ticket comes down, you'll lose the car to them."

This guy can't help it. The eldest lady has said so. He can only step on the gas pedal to the bottom. The performance of this Mercedes Benz is very good. When it accelerates suddenly, the car body is still smooth and stable without any ups and downs.

At the same time, three black Land Cruisers at the back also speeded up the speed. Inside the land cruiser, there were bodyguards in black.

Then, a tattered white pickup truck followed at the back. In the big winter, there were about a dozen security guards sitting in the back flip bucket.

"Shit, they're speeding up!" Tension holding the walkie talkie, yelling at the sea inside the car, "can you do with this broken car?"

"Don't worry." Haihai took off his uniform hat and threw it aside. "Actually, I'm a racing fan! Although I am a second-hand pickup truck, it is actually a sports car engine that I have saved for several years! Don't say it's Mercedes Benz, even if it's BMW and Ferrari, we can catch up with it! "

"Sea, you are too overbearing Chen Yingyang, who was sitting in the co pilot's seat, immediately expressed his feelings and sent him a pair of autumn waves, "you are about to conquer others!"

Said, a long black hair claw, on the sea driving hand.

"Ah, ah, ah!" The sea, with twelve points of fear, stepped on the accelerator. After the transformation of the super pickup truck, immediately tilted the rear of the car, like a lame wolfhound, jumped to catch up with it.

In this road leading to the city, suddenly appeared such a strange picture.

At the front is a fast, fast-moving Mercedes, followed by three black land cruisers. These cars are driving like the best speed cars, and they are very fast.

If so, it's OK to say that, after all, it's also a good car with millions of dollars.

The key is that at the back, there is a tattered pickup truck with a large group of security guards on the flip bucket. The car body is jumping, and it can always catch up with the rear of the land cruiser.

"Don't worry, miss. That guy is very strong and won't collapse so easily." While driving, Jiang Dong is still comforting Princess su.

"Who is worried about him?" Su Fei suddenly blushed, but she never admitted that she had any idea about Qin Dynasty. "I'm afraid that something will happen to him. The company has to pay a lot of consolation money."

Su Fei said, and then glared at Jiang Dong, "can you hurry up, Mercedes Benz for you are blind! Oh, would you like to buy him some nutriment along the way Sea cucumber? I heard it's very nutritious Well, no, that guy doesn't like seafood... "

Qin Ling and Jiang Dong are sweating. They are all like this. Do you care?

In the end, Su Qiang.

This strange motorcade all the way, but also get off the bus to buy a lot of nutrition.

The supermarket owner is sitting in his shop, smoking and pinching his toes. Suddenly, a large group of people in black clothes rushed in. Seeing what they took, they almost fell to the ground.

Well, what's this for? Robbery?

"Nutriment, tonic or something There's more food. Take more... " And a beautiful woman who looked very aristocratic stood at the door and said to the people in black, "Oh, forget it. Take whatever you see, hurry up!"

Business is here! Big deal!

The shop owner was immediately happy, licked his fingers and began to wait for the money.

After a sweep, the crowd returned to the car.The bodyguards in the three Land Cruisers at the back, each with a big bag.

Qin Ling is almost shocked. Su Dong doesn't look like shopping. It's like robbery! She can buy almost anything she meets, not only for food, but also for other things.

even two large packages were thrown into her arms.

She looked in, and there was a cold sweat on her forehead.

These are all gods and horses Seven dimensional WSJ? Lonza black silk stockings?

Well, how can there be tampons Thinking of the usage of this thing, Qin Ling couldn't help sweating.

However, she was also embarrassed to remind Su Dong that it was given to the Qin Dynasty in the end. If the guy had any bad preferences, he could use it as well.

This group of people arrived at the first hospital.

The address was clearly written in the newspaper, not only the name of the hospital, but also the floors and rooms.

The nurses, doctors and patients in the hospital were shocked to see a large group of people rushing in.

"You, what are you doing?"

A new young nurse saw a large number of people in black running towards him. He was so scared that his medicine bottles and needles fell all over the floor.

"Don't kill me, I'm a good man..." The little nurse was holding her head and squatting on the ground, shivering.

"Girl, you've seen too many movies." Jiang Dong with a group of bodyguards passed by the nurse. Seeing her like this, he was happy and couldn't help saying a word.

"Well, you said brother Qin was fine. How could he become a vegetable?"

Those security guards followed, one by one seemed to think of Qin Dynasty's pale face, full of pipes, lying on the hospital bed, and all of a sudden they all looked sad.

Chen Yingyang even sniffed his nose, and two lines of tears came down. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, blew a big nose, and wiped the wet corners of his eyes.

"It's a real enemy. It's so distressed that it's necrotic."

After that, Su Fei, who was in the front of her eyes, turned red.

That hateful guy, isn't he strong. At the beginning, so many killers wanted to kill themselves. Didn't he solve them? Did he encounter something terrible?

Suu Kyi is now in the United States, and the two are still waiting to live together. But now such a thing has happened. How can I explain to Suji

Su Fei moved her sister out and used it as a reason for her heart ache.

"What are we all doing with a sad face?" Seeing the security guards one by one, Zhang Li was not happy. "Are you crying for brother Qin? Brother Qin certainly doesn't like everyone like this. Please give me some energy. Don't cry and lose face. Do you hear me? "

"Yes, but they are sad..." Chen Yingyang is puffing and teasing, with a face of grievance.

"Hold on!" Tension cheered.

Yes, he must not like his unhappy appearance.

Su Fei also said to herself in her heart.

Be happy. Be happy.

When the time comes, he lies on his bed and tells him in his ear that Suji will come back to Sunan city. He will surely wake up happily.

Believe in miracles

Su Fei pinched her fist in secret, then took a deep breath. With a beautiful smile on her mouth, she raised her feet and walked into the ward with 431 written in front of her.

"Qin Dynasty, let me see..."

Once in, the smile disappeared.

Bodyguards guard at the door, tension they follow in, see the scene in the room, also a silly.

Jiang Dong is a big mouth, into an O-shaped.

Qin Ling is also fixed there, holding two bags of things fell on the ground.

This Qin Dynasty, where they imagined, with a pipe in it, lying in a hospital bed waiting for death.

This guy is now surrounded by a large group of beautiful women, holding in the air, Yanfu is not shallow ah!

What is this? Is this the ceremony before the group P?

"Qin, brother Qin is brother Qin..." Tension took a mouthful of saliva and said dryly, "it's too strong..."

"Sue, boss Sue?" The Qin Dynasty, whose head was still squeezed in the chest of Liu Chang, also saw the movement here. He immediately turned around, and then his chin almost fell to the ground.

The princess stood at the door of the ward, holding two small fists, looking at him, biting her lips and shaking her body slightly.

"Sue, boss su If I say, this is a misunderstanding, do you believe it? " The Qin Dynasty felt a bit bitter and astringent in the corners of his mouth, so he said such a sentence for a long time.

"If I said it was a misunderstanding, would you believe it?"

"Qin Dynasty! I'm so disappointed in you Su Fei suddenly called out, then turned her head and ran out of the ward.

"Miss!" Jiang Dong and those bodyguards immediately chased out."Well, brother Qin, I'll buy you a drink when you have time! Well, we'll take it off first. "

Tension a few also bitter ha ha a smile, follow Su Fei to go.

But Qin Dynasty's body trembled slightly.

He was not afraid of Su Fei's words, but because at the moment when she turned around, he clearly saw the strong woman with tears rolling out of her eyes.

Did she cry?

She cried for herself?

The fog at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the mood also slowly suppressed

Boss su Su Fei, why is she crying?

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