Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1111

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Chapter 1111

"I, I don't know..."

Yuanfei chicken shook his head.

"No wonder you don't know..."

But Baize laughed. "He was blocked by a terrorist before you were born."


Yuanfei chicken is a little puzzled.

"Yuanfei chicken, do you know who are the three masters around Wang?"

"I know that!"

Yuan Fei chicken immediately pulled his finger and said, "there are Taotie, you, Baize."

"Ha ha, in fact, there was a man above us."

"There's another one? How can it be! "

Yuanfei chicken is a little surprised.

Taotie, Kuai and Baize are three masters of fierce beasts.

Will there be more fierce beasts than them?

"Of course there is. He is so strong that he can almost draw with Wang. All, sometimes, even the king can't help him


Yuanfei chicken is even more surprised that there should be such a terrible beast!

Even Wang can't help him!

"So he was the first of us. However, he made a very big taboo. Do you know what it is? "

"I don't know..."

Yuanfei chicken thinks that Baize is a little strange today, and he should say these words to her.

Is it true that Bai Ze's adult also likes himself in his heart, so he talks to her?

"He fell in love with Wang."


Yuanfei chicken's eyes widened. As a fierce beast, how can you fall in love with Wang!

"He wanted to marry Wang, which made Wang very angry. At last, he was sealed completely with the treasure of human respect. So now, in the tomb behind you, he is sleeping. "

"Originally, this tomb is so terrible..."

Yuanfei chicken a little understand, the original Baize adult is to remind her, the importance of this cemetery.

"Lord Baize, don't worry. I will guard here well."

Yuan Fei chicken confidently said, "my voice is very loud. If someone comes, I'll call everyone to help."

"Ha ha, but I don't want you to shout."

Baize smiles again. The smile looks cloudy in Yuanfei chicken.

"Why, why?"

Yuanfei chicken doesn't understand why Baize said so.

"Because, I want to release that guy"

Baize's smile is even more haze, which makes Yuanfei chicken's body tremble.

"Lord Baize, you, you..."

Yuan Fei's heart was startled and his flesh leaped. He only thought that today's Baize Lord was so terrible, "you can't..."

"You can only blame yourself for your bad luck."

Bazaar raised his right hand.


Far fly chicken know things are not good, she just want to take out their own housekeeping skills, shout.

But Baize's movements were faster, and a few words came out of his mouth very quickly.

"Order, pinch!"

With Bai Ze's voice, the far fly chicken's own right hand uncontrollably pinched his neck.

All the sounds she wanted to make were pinched by herself and stuck in her throat, never to come out again.

"White Lord Baize... "

She could only weakly squeeze a few words out of her throat.

"Next life, remember not to be a fierce beast."

Bai Ze stretched out a finger and gently touched the forehead of the far flying chicken.

Far flying chicken's eyes are momentarily dull.

The soul in her, then, collapsed.

But Baize didn't want to leave any evidence. He stretched out his hand and let out a white flame to burn the body of the far flying chicken.

Then, with a sneer on his lips, he walked into the grave full of thorns.

Thorns blocked his way.

But it's hard for Baize.

"Le Ling San."

He released the Musical Magic, and the thorns, as if they understood the command, retreated to both sides, revealing a huge tomb inside.

There is a wooden ruler on the tomb.

"People respect ruler."

Bai Ze looked at the wooden ruler and said with a smile, "your task will stop here."

With that, he stretched out his wrist and gently cut a wound to let the blood on the wound drip into the tomb.

"Wang, don't blame me I also want you to leave Ying Tian's hand Only fierce animals can be trusted. "

When Baize finished dripping blood, the tomb suddenly began to vibrate."Black Kirin, I hope you won't let me down."

Finish saying, white Ze's figure, suddenly turned into a little white light, leave from this grave.

And the tomb trembled for a long time, and suddenly a huge opening opened.

A black flame came tumbling out of it.

After a while, the thorns were all black flames.

Xuanyuan Yingji, who is resting far above his tomb, suddenly opens her amazing eyes of beauty.

"No, how did he come out..."

A black fire cloud was flying in the sky that day.

Then, a man wrapped in a black robe, holding a wooden ruler in his hand, fell from the sky and fell in front of Xuanyuan Yingji.


The earth trembled with his fall, and the black flame flowed in the mountain and sea tomb.

"Black Unicorn! He, how did he get out

Taotie stood aside, looking at the black robed man, his body trembled.

He was sealed!

"Ha ha! My black unicorn is coming out again

The man held up the wooden ruler in his hand and roared up to the sky, "human respect ruler, you have sealed me for so long. It's your turn to accept my revenge today!"

As he spoke, a large black flame burst into flames.

Even if it is the treasure left by the Reverend, it will soon turn to ashes under the burning of this black fire.

"Black Unicorn Who let you out

Xuanyuan Yingji eyes flashing fierce light, looking at the opposite man in black.

"My king, it is my love for you that moved the heaven, which made me free from the seal."

Black Qilin looks at Xuanyuan Yingji with a spoony taste in his eyes.

"I miss you so much that I can see you."

"Damn it!"

Xuanyuan Yingji's face is very ugly. She flies up and pats it on the black Kirin.

God shaking palm.


Behind the Black Unicorn, a black flame pops up.

But he himself, is safe, or that infatuated appearance, "Wang, when you are angry, is also so beautiful..."

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the fierce animals beside him. "Why, haven't you seen me for so long? Have you forgotten the rules?"

"Lord Black Qilin..."

All fierce beasts, including Taotie, knelt down.

Among the fierce beasts, they always speak by their strength.

Black Qilin's strength is the highest. All fierce beasts must obey his lustful power.

"Black Qilin, it's none of your business. Go back to your graveyard."

Xuanyuan Yingji hates this guy. I hate him to death.

I'm a person who should be born and a ghost who should be dead. I have something to do with this guy.

"Wang, I believe you will fall in love with me one day. You, destined to be my man. "

"Go away!"

Xuanyuan Yingji is so angry that her figure suddenly flies in front of the black Kirin. At the same time, a startling palm hits his forehead.


However, the Black Unicorn did not move, but a flame shield appeared on his forehead, blocking Xuanyuan Yingji's palm.

"The power of God is very strong."

He said with a smile, "but in front of my UNICORN fire, it is not enough to see."

Kirin fire, this is the life flame of Black Unicorn.

The Black Unicorn, said to be a fierce beast, is not a fierce beast.

He is the fusion of heaven, earth and man.

When he was born, he was a master at the immortal level.

Originally, she was a strong man in three circles. Later, she fell in love with Xuanyuan Yingji, so she swore to be her fierce beast and followed her with determination.

Xuanyuan Yingji doesn't want to pay attention to heiqilin at all, because her heart is full of Yingtian.

However, black Qilin became more and more excessive. Once, he almost strengthened Xuanyuan Yingji with his martial arts.

This just let Xuanyuan Sakura Ji rage, seal this hateful guy with his father's ruler.

Unexpectedly, he broke through the seal and appeared in this world.

"You don't have to dream."

Xuanyuan Yingji didn't give black Qilin a good look. "I'm the person who should be in the sky. I don't pay attention to other men."

"What's good about Ying Tian? He has other women. What can he give you? "

"He's a thousand times better than you, ten thousand times."

Xuanyuan Sakura Ji sneered, "you don't even have the qualification to give him shoes."

"Damn it! God, I'll kill you

Black Unicorn is jealous.

"Dare you

"I dare not!"

Black Qilin snorted coldly."If you dare to fight him, I will die with you!"

Xuanyuan Yingji's black hair turned into silver hair.

All life around her began to wither.

"When you feel angry."

Black Qilin turned his eyes and said, "don't worry, I won't fight him."

"That's good!"

Xuanyuan Yingji Li didn't want to pay attention to this guy. She went back to her tomb and closed the coffin.

"Hum, it doesn't mean he can live if I don't do it."

Black Qilin turned his head and said to a small fierce beast beside him, "come here and tell me what Yingtian is like now."

"Yes, Lord Black Qilin..."

The little fierce beast didn't dare to disobey the black Qilin, so he quickly came over and told him all about Yingtian's reincarnation as the Qin Dynasty.

"I see I don't have to do it myself for such a weak guy. Big crab, I'll leave it to you. "


Among these fierce beasts, there are naturally some loyal followers of Black Unicorn.

After he gave the order, he took a look at the Taotie, who was watching coldly beside him.

"Taotie, I don't think you're going to make a small report to Wang, are you?"

"Well, as long as you don't disturb the king, I'm too lazy to interfere in the affairs of you and Yingtian."

Taotie snorted coldly, turned back to his tomb and went to sleep.

"That's good Yingtian, since you are not dead, I will give you a ride... "

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