Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 928

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Chapter 928

"Snake, be careful!"

When Bai Ze saw the golden palm, he was shocked.

How can that girl do this!

This, without the support of the power of God, can't fight it out at all!

God shaking palm, but he taught Wang a unique skill before he was reincarnated.

This palm is invincible and powerful.

If it's Yingtian, you can take a picture of the earth in two.

And Wang's slap can break the void.

Although Qin Ying's girl is small, but she hits this palm, after all, it's amazing!

A series of thoughts, like lightning, flashed in Baize's mind.

But the snake can't dodge at all. His pulling force is too big. He has no space to avoid. Qin Ying's palm hits him on the chest.


A golden light suddenly appeared from behind the snake.

His body, bow into shrimp, behind the emergence of a golden palm cherry


The snake's body was like a cannon ball and fell into the swamp under him, and his body was soon submerged.

After this, Qin Ying felt that the chaotic vitality was not enough. She immediately flapped her wings and landed on the wall beside her and gently patted her small chest.

"Hoo hoo, it's scary. Fortunately, I still have something to press."

"The little girl really has some means."

Baize is laughing, "but if you think that you can defeat Huashe in this way, it is a big mistake. In the end, she's still a little girl. "

Qin Ying can't understand Bai Ze's words, but at this time, under her body, the marsh bubbles.

"Gululu Boo

A black shadow jumped out of the swamp and scared Qin Ying.

"Wow, it's scary!"

Seeing the appearance of the black shadow, Qin Ying's small face turned white.

The hemp pole, which was two meters high before, has completely changed. His face did not change, but his body turned into a jackal, with a tail up, lying on the ground and staring at Qin Ying fiercely.

And his ears grew bigger, like a pair of meat wings, fanning and flapping.

"It seems that the snake is angry with you."

Bai Ze shrugged his shoulders, "really, what anger do you have for a child?"


The snake roared and stepped on the swamp. Facing Qin Ying, who was sitting on the fence, he spat out water arrows about half a meter thick.

Qin Ying increases the energy transmission of Vajra's enchantment, and the light above the border is more dazzling.


"Bang bang bang!"

The water arrows hit the Vajra's boundary, making a metal crash sound one after another, and then they were smashed apart and bounced to the side.

The surrounding walls are not so strong, one by one was broken, the rubble flying.

The light on the Vajra alliance is also fading.

Nahua snake constantly consumes the energy of Vajra, but it shoots dozens of arrows. Although the light of Vajra is a little dim, it is still strong.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time!"

Bai Ze urges a way.

The snake was also anxious. He opened his mouth and a blue light flashed. Suddenly a long water gun came out.

This is a powerful high-pressure water gun, which first catapulted to the wall under Qin Ying's body and tore the wall directly. Then, the water gun is lifted upward and sweeps towards Qin Ying.


Qin Ying's Vajra border, finally can't stand the pressure of the water gun, suddenly broken.

And Qin Ying that small body, also by this water gun to fly out. If she is not King Kong not bad body, this water gun, estimated to be able to tear her small body.


Qin Ying falls on one side of the roof, the DC tears of pain.

The snake has not finished, he plans to solve Qin Ying.

This si opens big mouth, aim at the direction of Qin Ying, eject a water gun again.

The water gun is aimed at Qin Ying and is about to fall on her.

At this time, a dark shadow suddenly fell from the sky, blocking Qin Ying's body.

"Diamond hand!"


The water gun blows out numerous water spray, very beautiful.

A man in a white shirt and a red tie was holding out his right palm to block the water cannon.

"No, Yingtian came so fast."

Baize said to himself.

In fact, he deserved his bad luck. It was not Suji who picked up the baby today, but the Qin Dynasty. The first time the Qin Dynasty knew that Qin Ying was missing, he immediately rushed over.

"Two shameless beasts bully a little child! You have lived as long as a dog for ten thousand yearsQin Dynasty looked at the snake and white Ze, could not help but curse.

"As long as the goal can be achieved, no matter what method, it is worth trying."

Bai Ze, holding the holy book in his hand, said to the Qin Dynasty, "Yingtian, you should know that when you refuse the king, we will never die."

"Don't die forever..."

Qin Dynasty looked at him, "but there is a sentence, you forget it, disaster is not as bad as family. If you do such a thing, even heaven will not forgive you. "

"Ha ha, as long as it's for the king, I'd like to go to the nine hell."

But Bai Ze laughs, "this kind of love Wang mood, your flowery should day, will never understand."

"It's been a lot of years."

Qin Dynasty was angry sneer, "very good, in this case, I will personally crush this section of evil relationship!"

"Dad, be careful."

Qin Ying is very happy to see her father coming. At this time, he reminded them to fight.

"Don't worry, they're not your dad's match."

The Qin Dynasty said that Jiulong armor had appeared on his right wrist.

Recently, he has broken through to Jinshen No.1, and Ali tells him that the cultivation of chaotic vitality has made some progress, and the second sister is about to wake up.

This is the Qin Dynasty very happy, as long as can enhance their own strength, can those who are very important to him.

"Bang bang bang!"

The snake didn't give the father and daughter a chance to talk, and water arrows shot out.

A grimace mask appeared on the face of the Qin Dynasty, and he also wore a long black dress.

At the same time, in his hands, there was a huge black sickle, wrapped in purple light.

This sickle is the product of the evolution of the nine ghosts.


The Qin Dynasty waved sickles and fired the water arrows one by one.

Then, his body instantly appeared in front of the snake, the sickle in his hand cut to the other side's right ear.


The sickle cut off the other party's ears, but soon, the figure of the snake and the lost ears turned into water spray and scattered in the swamp on the ground.

"The body of a snake is water. You can't help it."

Baize stood there, looking at the Qin Dynasty, with a smile on his mouth, "Yingtian, I will take Qin Ying from your hands today. Otherwise, you can't understand the pain of taking away the beloved. "

Bai Zexin said that the king of that year had already experienced this kind of pain when he knew that Yingtian loved the ninth fairy princess.

The same pain must be tasted by Yingtian.

Qin Dynasty looked as like as two peas in the same person, and felt very strange and uncomfortable.

He can't help but think of his heart demon, Qin Dynasty No. 2.

When you see yourself, there is a kind of creepy feeling.

While talking, a water shadow rushed out from the swamp, spitting out a water gun toward the back of the Qin Dynasty.

The figure of the Qin Dynasty disappeared in an instant. In a blink of an eye, he appeared behind the snake.

The snake's water gun was sprayed on an abandoned house which was ready to be demolished, and the house was immediately swept in two.

In the Qin Dynasty, on his right hand, the black scythe turned into a black chain and wrapped around the snake.

The body of the snake was locked tightly.

"Let me die honestly."

The Qin Dynasty tried to entangle each other's soul with this chain, and then split it in two with a sickle.

Who knows, the body of the snake turned into liquid again, and in the blink of an eye, it flowed out of the chain.

"Is that ok?"

The Qin Dynasty was surprised.

"Water is invisible."

White Ze shakes his head in the side ground, say, "you use tangible to tie invisible, simply can't work."


The Qin Dynasty waved a few sickles to the flowing liquid. The black cutting line tore the air, but it still didn't hurt Nahua snake.

The snake fell to the ground, re condensed into its original form, and continued to attack the Qin Dynasty.

"In that case, I'll make you visible."

Qin Dynasty said, the body's call changed shape. The mask of grimace fell from his face and his black robe was gone.

He was wearing a white shirt, and his fingernails became sharp and fluttered to one side of the roof.


Hua snake opens its mouth and stands on the swamp. It sprays a high-pressure water gun to Qin Ying on the roof.

This snake attack is not a threat to the Qin Dynasty, but it does harm to his daughter.

"Stop it for me!"

Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand, the palm released a blue light wave, quickly spread away.The muddy swamp under him suddenly began to form a thick layer of frost.

The snake, which had just ejected half of the water gun, immediately condensed into an ice sculpture.

The water gun in his mouth, also solidified in the middle of the road, stopped in front of small Qin Ying.

Xiao Qin Ying is not afraid at all. She seems to have believed that as long as her father is there, no one can hurt her.

"Break it for me!"

The Qin Dynasty's right hand is carrying a huge ice hammer, facing the snake melting ice sculpture below, a throw out.

The ice hammer rolled in the air, making a whirring wind, and then smashed the ice sculpture opposite.

Qin Dynasty stood on the roof of the house, looking at the other himself holding the holy book, laughing.

"How? Now, is it your turn? "

"In ancient times, fierce beasts were not so easy to die."

But Baize laughed, "the battle has just begun."

He said, holding up his holy book, "come on, ancient fantasy!"

With his call, the holy book, out of a red light, and then quickly spread in this space.

The Qin Dynasty only felt that the body trembled and came to another space.

The surrounding scenery has changed, originally in the muddy alley, grew a huge towering tree. And the color in the line of sight has become scarlet, like the sunset.

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