Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1197

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Chapter 1197

"I want to save her."

The Qin Dynasty said, and threw out a few white gold lotus chop, in the seven inch position of the golden dragon, as well as the head and tail were nailed to wish

an Qiyang was shocked that his tomb guarding golden dragon was totally out of his control and could not break away from the sword!

How powerful is this young man!

It's incredible!

When did he begin to practice?

You've been practicing since you were born?

No wonder he was so arrogant before. Those decent people dare not say anything!

An Qiyang has been guarding the tomb of the gods and demons, and he doesn't know what happened in the Qin Dynasty.

He thought that the Qin Dynasty had a strong background, or the disciples and descendants of those who were capable of cultivating themselves. Other talents had to give him some face.

Now it seems that he himself is very powerful!

It's really strange. When did such a top master come into being.

"Qin Dynasty, are you crazy?"

Tiandanzi couldn't help getting angry, "this is the owner of Shanhai tomb! It was she who revived the infinite! If you want to protect her, you are going to murder the world! "

"What does the world have to do with us?"

Qin Dynasty light ground says, "this seat just don't like, you so many people, bully a weak woman just."


"Tiandanzi yelled," look at me, you are obviously fascinated by beauty! Qin Dynasty, you dirty guy, you are the shame of our practice world


A force of space explodes around tiandanzi.

That day Danton was blown out by that force.

If it wasn't for the sky fire to protect his body, he would have been blown up half of his body.

Rao is so, he is also in a mess, turned into a fireman, floating on one side.

Just stopped at the foot, has more than a black pit.

"Anyone who insults Mr. Qin will die."

Xiaobai is supposed to be a master with six levels of golden body, but the magic pattern behind her now is emitting heat.

Magic puppet release.

So now, she has entered the stage of meat fairy.

As long as an idea, even if you can kill tiandanzi.

But Xiaobai is very rational. She knows that if she kills the Kunlun leader rashly, he may cause some unnecessary troubles to Mr. Qin.

Well, if you can't kill him, just threaten him.

I'll scare him first.

"Qin Dynasty, you want to do with us, right?"

"Hey, how interesting this is"

the Qin Dynasty laughed, "it seems that this is not the first time that I have done the right thing with you. Can you give me another set of speeches? I'm tired of listening to this set of speeches. "

"The world is just, isn't there anyone who dares to fight against you

Tiandanzi couldn't help but excite all the practitioners present.

"I'll do it!"

The tomb keeper Anqi Yang immediately glared, and several companions raised their hands at the same time.

"Tomb guarding array! Kill

In the words, several golden dragons flew out and roared toward the Qin Dynasty.

"Poisonous spider demon puppet, help me to take care of these annoying flies."

The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Mr. Qin."

Xiaobai's body instantly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty. At the same time, she stretched out her hands and released countless white spider silk from her palms, which flew out.

These silk threads run through all the golden dragons in the blink of an eye.

Then, Xiaobai shook hands, the golden dragons were immediately under her control and rushed to the tomb guards with a roar.


The faces of all the grave guards changed greatly, and they looked like wax paper.

"Be careful!"

An Qi Yang also exclaimed.

"Take control back!"

He increased his energy supply.

The remaining five grave watchers also adjusted their strength to the extreme.

They don't believe that the six great masters of the thunder robbery period can't cure a woman who is not well-known!

The six tomb watchers suddenly lit up a golden light, reflecting each other, very dazzling.

This is the performance of their vitality being mobilized to the utmost.

All the practitioners present were surprised.

In the end is the master of thunder robbery period, this power is too strong.

This can make the whole body into a golden light, is the great power of the thunder robbery period!

In particular, the pressure of the people around to leave.

However, such six thunder robbery period of the great master force, also can't shake Xiaobai's step.

She controlled the dragons and sneered.

"Go!"Xiaobai shakes his hand, and Youlong breaks away from the control of the tomb keeper again and bumps into them.


The earth trembled again, and the golden dragons exploded one after another, blowing up deep holes in the ground.

The dust was flying, and many practitioners were surprised.

What strength is this!

Even the six masters of thunder robbery period are not the opponents of that woman!

She is just a magic puppet of luoshamen!

At that time, on the misty peak, the strength she showed was just thunder robbery period!

How can her strength improve in just a few months!

This, this also let other practitioners live!

Are the women of luochamen so horrible?

This is terrible!

"How could this happen..."

Anqiyang scrambled out of the pit with blood on his mouth, "you woman Who the hell is it

"I'm just the housekeeper next to Mr. Qin."

Xiaobai stood there, the momentum of the female killer quickly spread open, "or luochamen's poisonous spider demon puppet. If you dare to offend Mr. Qin, I will send you to death. "

Xiaobai's prestige makes several grave watchers dare not make a mistake at one time.

Can block them several people to practice, also only meat immortal level super master.

That's the flying line level, not something they can resist.

This woman is a meat fairy, so the man behind her

Terrible, I can't imagine it!

And Qin Dynasty at this time, slowly walked to Xuanyuan Yingji side.

As if feeling the danger, the burning devil lights up the sky lamp and lights himself up, shooting out a golden light, hitting the body of the Qin Dynasty.

A strange burning feeling appeared in Qin Dynasty.

"It's just a broken lamp. I really think I'm a artifact."

The Qin Dynasty disdains to sneer, the body suddenly appears a golden arhat.

This arhat gold body completely insulates the golden light from the outside.

At the same time, he threw out a white sword.

This white lotus cut, stabbed to the side of the lamp. The burning devil lights up the sky lamp with golden light to block the penetration of the white lotus.

"Ha ha, my burning devil shines on the sky lamp, which is the magic weapon of celestial instruments!"

Tiandanzi couldn't help laughing. "It's just a dream if you want to use your sword to break the magic weapon of this day."

As soon as his voice dropped, he heard a crisp sound.


That day Danzi relied on the magic weapon of heaven, and left a gap.

And the white lotus cut, is stabbing in, stabbing this treasure lamp into several petals.

"Ah! My burning devil lights up the sky lamp

Tiandanzi was so distressed that a mouthful of black blood rolled out of his throat and almost passed out.

This is the most precious treasure of our school. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed in my own hands!

My God, this time, I will lose the position of leader.

Maybe, the school will punish itself for hundreds of years

It's over. Oh, my God

"Why do you want to save me..."

Looking at Xuanji, she was confused and asked.

This man, don't you hate yourself.

"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, even if I'm not responding."

Anyway, I was pushed down by this woman.

Now that it's down, you have to take responsibility.

She was responsible for herself and gave herself the ability to grow rapidly.

And she saved herself.

In any case, I have to repay this kindness.

"Just, do you want to repay me?"

Xuanyuan Yingji seems to be able to understand the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, she said with a bitter smile.

"If it's just gratitude, please go. I don't need the kindness of anyone

"Not just gratitude..."

Qin Dynasty looks at Xuanyuan Yingji, don't know why, he doesn't want to cheat this entangled woman for thousands of years.

"There are still some There are other things in it. "

"Is it?"

Xuanyuan Yingji at that moment, seems to be some surprise.

"You didn't lie to me?"

"Why should I lie to you?"

Qin Dynasty frowned, "what's more, when did I cheat you?"

"Yes, you are always too lazy to cheat me, too lazy to make me happy..."

When Xuanyuan Yingji said this, she didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

However, she knows that she is very happy now.

"Qin Dynasty!"

Tiandanzi is already a little desperate. Now killing the owner of Shanhai tomb is his only way out."You want to protect a demon!"

"This seat is protecting her. Why?"

The Qin Dynasty disdained to turn his head, looking at that day Danzi, "have the ability, you come to kill me."


Tiandanzi doesn't have this ability.

"Anyway, even if we die here, we will kill the owner of Shanhai tomb."

But several grave watchers spoke.

"You have offended the tomb of gods and demons. This rule can't be broken! Those who offend the tomb of gods and demons will be killed without mercy! "

"I'm here. Who dares to touch her?"

The Qin Dynasty stood in front of Xuanyuan Yingji and looked around coldly at the practitioners.


An Qi Yang coldly hummed, "this Taoist friend, do you think that you can compete with our tomb watchers if you have the cultivation of meat immortal period?"

"Do you mean you have the ability to kill me?"

Qin Dynasty is still that disdainful expression.

"Hum, Taoist friend, I have a word to tell you. There are people outside, and there is a heaven out of heaven! The tomb of our gods and demons can stand for nearly a thousand years, and it is not vegetarian! "

With that, he opened his hands, and the vitality in his body began to flow again.

"Tomb keeper, give me your dragon heart!"


"Anqiyang, it's up to you!"

The five tomb watchers also held their hands high.

At the same time, at the tomb of the gods and demons, all the grave keepers seemed to feel the same, and raised their hands.

In the sky, for a moment, it was wrapped by golden light.

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