Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 247: Determined to Find Her

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"Stop fighting!”

Audrey stood between them.

Samuel and Mike stopped, and their fists were inches from Audrey's face.

“Audrey, step aside, please. Today, I'll teach Samuel some lessons.”

Mike didn't want to stop, mainly because he failed to have an upper hand. The punches hurt.

Although Samuel did not say anything, he was still in a rage.

Audrey sighed and said, "I just went in and asked Viola. She said that she left her car and Nicole to

Allen. As long as we find her car, we will be able to find Nicole.”

Hearing that, Samuel's expression became even gloomier.

"Mike, we're not finished!"

He suddenly turned around and ran out.

Mike knew what would happen to Nicole when Allen got her.

He was a bit depressed.

What was wrong with Viola?

Seeing that he was in a daze, Audrey gave him a push.

“Hurry up!"

“Oh. Yeah.”

Mike regained his senses and went out with Audrey. They both followed Samuel.

They came and left in a hurry. Staff at the salon didn’t dare to stop them. Seeing them leave, they

heaved a sigh of relief.

Samuel arrived at the Brook Group in no time.

“Anything I can help you with, Mr. Green?"

Secretary Cole stopped Samuel.

Samuel pushed her away.

Secretary Cole wanted to call security, but Mike covered her mouth from behind.

"You'd better keep quiet if you don’t want to die. OK?”

Mike got a firm grip. She nodded in fear.

Samuel went to Allen's office. Seeing him resting, Samuel was swollen with rage.

Samuel grabbed his collar and punched him.

Allen woke up in pain. He was confused when he saw Samuel.

Wasn't he in the warehouse? Why was he in the office?

And why was Samuel here?

"Where's Nicole? Where is she?"

Samuel cut to the chase.

Allen was surprised.


He remembered.

He wanted to sleep with Nicole.

But someone knocked him unconscious.

Allen’s expression darkened when he remembered it.

“Let go!"

“Allen, I've been tolerant towards you. Do you really think no one can challenge you in America? I warn

you. You'd better tell me where Nicole is. Or you will bear the consequences!"

Samuel was very vicious now.

Allen struggled, but he couldn't break free.

"Security! Where's the security? Help!"

Allen called for help.

Samuel almost exploded with anger. Nicole's whereabouts were still unclear. He didn’t have any

patience. He punched Allen

while he was calling for help.

Allen was hit in the face, and his nose was bleeding.

He also got angry.

"Samuel, don’t mess with me!”

Allen lunged at him.

Samuel had some training, so he wasn’t hurt by Allen's punches.

Very quickly, Allen was defeated. He was on the ground and being beaten by Samuel, unable to fight


Allen was not like a gentleman. He was in a mess now.

Samuel's phone rang all of a sudden.

He threw another punch at Allen before taking out his phone and answering it.

It was Jacob.

“Samuel, I got an anonymous call just now. It's said someone saw Viola's car on the road near the

Back Sea.”


Samuel became nervous at once.

"Back sea?"

"Yeah! There is a witness!"

Samuel was very anxious. He rushed out without looking at Allen.

Allen was also shocked when he heard it.

Why was the car heading in the direction of the Back Sea?

Could it be that Nicole was awake?

He got up. The wounds hurt him. They were so painful that he gritted his teeth, but he couldn't attend to

it. He stumbled and ran out.

Secretary Cole was surprised at the sight of Allen.

When Mike saw Samuel, he let go of her.

"How is it? Where's Nicole?"

"She went to the Back Sea.”

Samuel ran out without any hesitation.

Hearing the news, Audrey was somewhat exhausted. But she still followed them.

Allen didn't expect Audrey to be here. He didn’t know why she cared about Nicole so much. Thinking of

villa, he seemed to

know the reason.

However, Allen didn’t ask her. Instead, he said to Secretary Cole, “Follow me.”

They followed Samuel and headed towards the Back Sea.

They arrived at the Back Sea very quickly. Jacob’s subordinates had found the witness.

“What's going on? Where is she?"

Samuel asked when he saw his men.

Seeing so many people, the witness was a bit nervous.

“That car went straight into the sea.”

“What are you talking about?"

Samuel grabbed his collar and thought he heard it wrong.

However, the witness was shocked.

“I'm not lying. That car really went straight into the sea and fell in.”

The witness was on the verge of tears.


When Allen arrived, he heard the news.

How could it be?

Nicole could never commit suicide. She would not do that kind of thing.

Audrey went pale.

Fell into the sea?

Nicole fell into the sea with the car?


No way!

Samuel did not say anything. He took off his coat and jumped into the sea.


Mike wanted to pull Samuel, but he failed. Samuel jumped right into the sea before him.

"There are a lot of rocks here. He's going to die!”

The witness was frightened. Samuel's behavior shocked him. Now his legs were trembling.

Mike knew it was dangerous to jump in.

He called for help.

Allen didn’t expect Samuel to jump in without hesitation.

Was Samuel crazy?

Wasn't him afraid of dying?

He frowned and said to Secretary Cole, “Find a rescue team. No matter what, I have to find her!"

Secretary Cole didn't dare to go against him. She did what she was asked to do.

Audrey was trembling, her hands and feet cold.

She said herself that Nicole would not die. She was such a good girl. How could she commit suicide?

However, she felt uneasy. It was like an invisible hand grabbing her heart tightly...

The rescue team arrived. But they retreated at the sight of such a sheer cliff.

“Find them! Move!”

Mike grabbed their leader's collar and said, “If anything bad happens, you will all lose your jobs. I mean


The rescue team knew Mike's influence, and they were in a dilemma.

"Mike, it's not that we don't want to. This place is just too dangerous. Not to mention falling from here,

even if we go down via a rope, it will be dangerous."

"This is an order!”

Mike pushed the man forcefully.

He was worried about Samuel.

Seeing the rescue team was reluctant to move, Mike took off his coat and bellowed, “If I fell down and

you refused to rescue me, what would my father do to you?"


Before the leader could finish his sentence, Mike jumped down.

Audrey's body tensed up again.

The rescue team had no choice.

They put down the ladder and carried out rescue work.

Allen found a search team and offered a high price. There were people who would risk their lives to get

the money.

The teams began to search for Nicole's whereabouts.

Samuel hit a rock in the sea. His arm got hurt and started bleeding, but he didn't care at all.

He held his breath and swam towards the bottom of the sea.

The seawater was chilly. Soon, it was unbearable. Samuel was still bleeding, but there was still a long

way to go to reach the seabed.

What should he do?

Nicole didn't know Nicole's situation and whether she was still alive.

Samuel became more anxious.

He went down even if he almost reached his limits. Suddenly, someone grabbed him by the arm and

pulled him upwards.

"Leave me alone!”

Samuel did not say it, but his struggle suggested that he didn't want anyone to prevent him from going


He couldn't leave.

If he left, what would happen to Nicole?

However, the person didn't let go. No matter how hard Samuel struggled, he held Samuel tightly and

pulled him ashore.

When they surfaced, Samuel saw it was Mike who dragged him out.

"What are you doing? Do you know that Nicole was in the water for a long time? With every minute

passing by, her chances of survival drop!"

"Samuel, calm down. The sea is so deep that you can't go down without an oxygen tank. Listen to me

and carry the tank.”

Mike gave the oxygen tank to Samuel, patted his shoulder and said, “You go down first. If you can’t do

it, don’t push yourself. I will do it for you. Don't worry. We will find Nicole at any cost!"

Without saying anything, Samuel got the tank ready and dived into again.

Mike had seen his wound, but he knew Samuel wouldn't go ashore and dress it.

Samuel was correct. Nicole had been in the water for quite some time.

He couldn't bear staying in the water, let alone Nicole who was physically weaker.

If something bad really happened to Nicole, he didn’t dare to imagine how Samuel would react.

Perhaps he would lose control and kill Allen.

Thinking of this possibility, Mike shivered.

Hopefully, Nicole was still alive!


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