Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 770 I'm Used to It

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"It's none of your business. You shouldn't get involved. Otherwise, don't blame me for hurting you and

your children!"

This message was from an unknown sender. Nicole didn't block message from strange numbers. So,

the message could be successfully delivered to her.

Nicole was being menaced.

The sender should know that she was involved in the matter between Tim and Maia. That was why the

sender threatened Nicole.

What Nicole hated the most was people threatening her with her children.

Children were innocent. It was contemptible to harm a child to get his goal achieved.

She dialed the sender's number, but the subscriber quickly refused to answer the call.

Nicole looked at the screen. It showed the phone number attribution was the Seapolis City.

In other words, Nicole was being watched in the Seapolis City.

Who was watching her?

Nicole frowned.

However, she did not pay too much attention to it but only kept it in mind. She was about to investigate

it secretly. Then, she called Samuel.

"How's it going? Have you found Zedd?"

Nicole asked after Samuel answered the call.

"Yes, I've found him. I've arranged my men to control him. That servant Amanda is also in my hand.

They intended to go abroad. And they squandered most of Alina's father's heritage. Fortunately, there

are still tens of thousands money left. It's enough for this child to complete her studies."

Samuel said with some pity.

Nicole had never experienced this, but she knew that it was difficult for Alina to accept this.

"Come back as soon as everything is done. Is Alina by your side?"

"No, she has gone home. She said she wanted to have a talk with her passed father. Alina is a really

pathetic orphan. Without parents, she should do everything by herself. We have to value our lives for

our children. I can't bear this happening to our children. I feel so sad for Alina."

Samuel seemed to be over-sentimental this day.

Nicole nodded and said, "Come back now. Aunt Martha is at our house and Tim is at the hospital.

When we were to leave, a man wanted to jump off the building in the hospital. And a large number of

reporters surrounded the hospital. We were almost stuck there. Anyway, we got home. I have

something to tell you when you are back."

Hearing this, Samuel immediately said, "Alright, I set off now. Oh, what do you want to eat? I can buy

some on the way. I'm a little tired, so I don't want to cook."

"Claudina can do it."

Nicole said casually.

Samuel whispered, "Claudina went home for her grandson's one-month-old celebration. She asked for

a day off. And there is no other servant at home. Petty is picking a wedding dress with Zac. They are

going to get married. So..."

Only then did Nicole realize that the house was so quiet.

She smiled and said, "Oh, everyone is busy except us. We seem to have nothing to do."

"I'm also busy. I work every day to earn money. You also have your stuff. Aren't you going to participate

in the design competition?"

What Samuel said reminded Nicole.

"Oh, you're right. After the thing about Maia is over, I will go all out to get prepared for the competition.

Hope I could do well."

"You can do it. My wife is so smart and beautiful. You will definitely get a prize, right?"

"You are so sweet. I want some bread of that bakery. Can you buy some for me? By the way, please

buy nutritious porridge for Martha. She needs nutrition now to get better."

Samuel remembered what Nicole ordered.

"Alright. See you later."

"Drive carefully. I'm waiting at home."


Then, they ended the call. The smile was still on Nicole's face.

This was what she longed for. God blessed her. She had a happy life with Samuel now.

It would be even better if Lucas came back.

Nicole put down the phone. She was a little unused to staying such a quiet house.

Oh, Petty and Zac were getting married.

Nicole remembered that when Samuel told her about what happened between Petty and Zac, she

stayed by Laurel's side and Laurel almost took her as daughter. Now, their wedding was on the

agenda. Too many things happened to her, too.

Nicole is not very sensitive. But she was delighted for Petty.

Petty was nice to her. She was almost put in prison by Laurel for protecting Nicole. Thinking of this,

Nicole decided to give Petty a good gift for her wedding.

She took out her phone to choose a gift online, but received a call from Tim.

"How's my mother?"

"She is asleep."

Nicole looked towards that guest room, didn't hear any sound.

Tim rubbed his temples, felt tired and whispered, "Maia has been pushed out of the operating room."

"How's she?"

Nicole was a little nervous. No matter what Maia did, she still remembered the great memories with

Maia. Maia was a nice and kind girl that time.

Tim's voice was somewhat hoarse.

"Not good. The doctor said she didn't have many times left. Do you want to visit her? She said she

wanted to see you."

Hearing Tim's words, Nicole was a little hesitant.

"To be honest, I don't want to visit her. Tim, I have nothing with Maia. I'm not interested in listening to

her last words."

"But she said it in an emphatic voice. Nicole, she is dying. No harm in visiting her, right?"

Nicole felt sad for what Tim said.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm OK. You are the first woman I want to protect in my life. Maia is the second one. I really don't

expect she suffers this. How ridiculous it is."

Tim wanted to say it in a humorous way, but he failed. Nicole was heart-struck for him.

"Don't be so negative. Perhaps you two are not meant to be together."

"I guess so."

Tim sighed and said, "My mother is in the Green's?"


"The security system in the Green's has been adjusted recently. I don't think anyone can break into the

Green's because of the strict security system. My mother will be safe there. If possible, can you come

to visit Maia? If Samuel is worried, he can also come over."

Tim said in a beseeching tone.

Since he said so, Nicole couldn't find any excuse to refuse him.

"OK. I'll get changed and go there soon."

"Thank you, Nicole. I thank you for Maia."

"No need. You are not responsible for doing this for Maia. She's the one that should thank me."

Then, Nicole hung up.

Maia was going to die!

This news was surprising to Nicole. But she felt that it could be rationally explained.

Nicole didn't know how much Maia suffered that she bore such extreme pain. Maia was thrown into the

landfills like garbage. When it came to this, Nicole's hatred to Maia totally disappeared.

Anyway, Maia did not really do any harm to Nicole. She just said harsh words to Nicole. Even if she

had kidnapped and threatened her, she did it because she loved Time. Now that she was dying, Nicole

thought it was pointless to be unforgiving.

Death paid all debts. Just let it go.

Nicole sighed and went to her room to get changed. Micah returned.

"Mrs. Green, are you going out?"

"Yes. How's it going?"

Nicole asked.

Micah smiled and said, "That nurse is under my protection. I've asked our men to guard her. Mrs.

Green, you awesomely know everything. Someone wanted to kill her when I went there. I save her.

When she knew I came to save her, she followed me without any hesitation. "

Micah was very cheerful. Nicole also smiled and said, "You did a great job. But I have to go. Stay here

to protect my aunt. Is that OK?"

"But I am your bodyguard, Mrs. Green. Are you sure that you go out without me?"

What Micah said was really amusing. Nicole showed a happier smile.

"You don't need to follow me. I go to the hospital. I will be OK. Samuel will be back soon. Please tell

him. I'll be back when it is settled."

"Well, you really don't need me to follow you?"


Nicole patted his shoulder and walked out of the room.

She drove a very ordinary car and arrived at the Central Hospital soon.

Tim told her the room number.

When Nicole saw Maia, the latter lay on the bed feebly, staring at the ceiling, thinking about something.

Perhaps she was musing on her short life, or pondering about what would happen after her death.

Nicole did not know her thought.

Tim saw Nicole, got up, and walked to her.

"Oh, Nicole."

"Hi, Tim."

Nicole waved to Tim.

Tim looked behind Nicole and frowned.

"Only you? Where's Samuel?"

"Samuel went to find Zedd and hasn't returned yet. I'm afraid that it will be late if I wait for Samuel. So, I

come alone."

Nicole kept her voice down, but Maia still heard what she said.

"Samuel went to look for Zedd? Has Samuel found him?"

"Yes, Samuel has gotten him."

Nicole walked to Maia and put her backpack aside. Looking at Maia's pale and bloodless face, Nicole

recalled how vigorous and energetic she was when she was healthy.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Well, how can I get better?"

Maia smiled bitterly and seemed to realize that she said this in a bad manner. She then said in a low

voice, "Sorry, I'm in a bad mood."

"It's fine. I'm used to it."

Maia became even more embarrassed for what Nicole said.

"Nicole, you think I'm an evil woman?"

"Oh, I don't mean that. Everyone will do something from his standpoint. We are in different positions.

So, it is difficult for us to have a good talk. What's your purpose to ask me here?"

Nicole asked directly.

She and Maia can never be friends. It was unnecessary to beat around the bush to maintain the

spurious peace.

Maia was stunned. She didn't expect Nicole to be so direct. But she immediately understood it.

Nicole didn't care what she had done.

She was really a joke in front of them, like a clown. She wanted to be successful by hook or by crook,

but she got nothing. In the end, she would die at a young age.

When she thought about this, she was more sorrowful.

Maia pulled over the quilt and covered herself, sobbing.

Tim stood by the side, wanted to comfort her. But he didn't know what to do. Nicole did not say


Whether Maia was guilty or in deep remorse, everything was too late. After all, there was no going back

in the travel of life.

After sobbing for a while, Maia removed the quilt, wiped her tears, and looked at Nicole.


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