Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 286: I Kept My Promise

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Jason had mixed feelings when he met Nicole again, but now he knew that Nicole's mind was all about


He quickly arranged everything. Seeing how worried Nicole looked, he whispered, “Don't be afraid. We

will stand by you."

Nicole looked at Jason and felt he was always so nice, but she didn't know he was her uncle. She

didn't know what to say, only nodded.

In fact, sometimes her personality was a bit like Xander, and she was reserved and didn't know what to


“Your mom wanted to come here when she heard about what you've been through, but someone has to

be in the Don family. You know, Zama and Petty are still at the Don family, so..."

Nicole was taken aback by Jason's words.

She hadn't been able to see Audrey as her mother now, so she was stunned for a few seconds. She

just nodded without saying anything.

Soseph had changed into a hospital gown and was lying in the operating bed.

"Wait a minute!"

Laurel walked over. She looked at Soseph in the bed and said to the doctor, "You have to protect this

girl. My granddaughter

needs a kidney to survive, but the girl is still young. Please do what you can to make sure there are no


Soseph was stunned, her eyes slightly moist.

This was the first person to treat her so well all these years.

Whether it was because she was about to save her granddaughter or not, that attitude touched


And this woman was Samuel's mother!

Soseph wanted to be with them all the more.

“Thank you, Mrs. Green. I'll be all right.” Soseph smiled at Laurel.

"It is Iwho should thank you.”

Laurel nodded and released Soseph.

Nicole looked at Soseph with a mixed expression, but she didn’t know what to say.

At this point, Soseph laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll be all right. I am strong.”

Nicole nodded and said nothing.

Soseph and Zoe were wheeled into the operating room at the same time. Nicole was nervous as the

lights were on.

She would be alright, right? Nicole had no idea.

It was not only a near-death experience for Zoe, but also hers.

Jason wanted to comfort Nicole when he saw her so distressed, but he didn't know what to say.

Joseph was very obedient and stood beside Laurel, silent like a big child, with his eyes fixed on the

operating room.

As the minutes ticked by, Nicole paced up and down in front of the operation room, even wanted to get

in to see what was going on.

She was so nervous and worried that it made Laurel uneasy as well, but Laurel didn't say anything.

Tim sent Nicole a message, saying that he had cleaned up the strange personnel in the hospital so that

Nicole wouldn't need to worry too much.

Nicole was relieved.

Without the intervention of Zama’‘s men, Zoe would have had a bigger chance of success.

The corridors were empty and the hospital was large, but no one spoke, leaving the atmosphere

oppressive and suffocating.

Jason went out to buy some water. He handed the water to Laurel and Nicole, but Nicole was not in the

mood to drink it.

More than two hours had passed, but there was no news. The operating room lights were a little

dazzling. Nicole felt herself a

bit dizzy and almost fainted, but luckily Jason was watching her and helped her in the nick of time.

"Do you want to have a rest? Such operation will take a long time, and if you can't hold on..."

"I can. I have to see Zoe the first time she comes out.”

Nicole was a bit stubborn.

As Jason wanted to say something, Laurel said, "Let her go. She is Zoe's mother, and no one who has

never been a mother

knows what it feels like. Sometimes, when a mother sees her child suffer, she would rather take place

of the child and let herself suffer.”

Jason stopped talking. He felt distressed, but he also knew that Nicole could not be persuaded.

He handed Nicole the hot milk and said, "If you're not going to rest, drink some milk. At least you'll have

enough strength to take care of your daughter, right?"

Nicole was a little touched by this, and she took the milk and drank it.

In fact, she did not know what the milk tasted, but she didn't want to fall down due to lack of energy.

At this time, her phone rang. Nicole didn't want to answer it, but when she saw it was from Lucas, she

answered it.

"Lucas, how's your daddy doing?"

Nicole felt sad again.

She wished she could be with Samuel right now, but she couldn't.

Laurel pricked up her ears and looked worried as she heard Nicole's question.

Lucas said happily, "Mommy, daddy is fine. He just came out of the operating room. The doctor said

that he needs to rest now.

The anesthetic has not passed, and he hasn't woken up yet. How's Zoe?"

"She is still in surgery, but it should be fine. Help mommy take good care of daddy, could you?"

"Yes. Don't worry, mommy."

Lucas patted his chest like a grown-up man, assuring his mother.

Nicole was so upset.

She wished so much for her son to be free of care, but now she had got him involved, and she could

only do so.

After hanging up the phone, Laurel felt relieved.

"It's best if Samuel is fine. God will bless the Green family and keep all our children safe."

Hearing that, Nicole just nodded.

Life is full changes.

The operation went on for more than five hours, and the lights in the operating room finally went out,

but at this time everyone's heart clenched together, feeling very upset.

Especially Nicole, she might not hold on if she hadn't been supported by Jason.

She was holding Jason's hand tightly and her fingernails pressed into his palms.

Seeing this, Jason wished he could bear all this for her, but he couldn't replace her.

When the doctor pushed Zoe out, Nicole felt like her legs were heavy. She wanted to rush to the doctor,

but she could not lift her legs, so Laurel went first.

"Doctor, how is my granddaughter?"

As Laurel spoke, Nicole was anxious.

The doctor took off his mask, looked at them and said with a smile, “It was successful. Now we should

see if there will be a

rejection reaction in 24 hours. If not, it will be a complete success.”

Nicole finally felt relieved.

At this time, Zoe was pushed out.

She still had an intravenous drip and looked pale, but Nicole saw hope.

Soseph had been wheeled out as well.

Despite having anesthesia, Soseph struggled to stay awake. She looked at Nicole and said weakly, "I

kept my promise.”

"Thank you.”

Nicole's thanks were genuine. No matter what Soseph’'s condition was, she indeed saved Zoe.

Soseph, however, just smiled and lip-synced, "You know what I want.”

At that moment, Nicole felt upset again.

Nicole looked away. Laurel came over to Soseph and said, "I'm going to get you the best caregiver to

take care of you. The Green family will pay for the expenses. If you have anything you want, just tell

me, I'll have all things arranged to make you recover.’

“Thank you!"

Soseph was really tired at this moment, but also grateful to Laurel.

She couldnt hold on anymore and passed out.

Laurel started arranging for someone to take care of Soseph, and Nicole went to take care of Zoe.

Jason tried to stay with her, but Nicole refused it.

"Just go back and have a rest. I am fine. If Zoe gets better tomorrow, someone will take care of it for

me. It's no use staying here now."

Nicole's words made Jason's heart ache.

"Then I will stay here tonight, you go back to rest. You have dark circles under your eyes.’

Jason knew what Nicole had been through before and was particularly concerned about her health.

Nicole shook her head. "I'm fine,” she said, "I can do it. I want to wait for Zoe to wake up.”

Seeing that Nicole was so decisive, Jason sighed and said, "Well, then I'll go first. I'll be back in the



This time Nicole did not refuse him.

As long as she accompanied Zoe through the most dangerous 24 hours, she would be relieved.

As Jason left, Nicole asked him to take away Joseph.

Joseph initially refused, but Nicole persuaded him to follow Jason away.

When Nicole was alone in the hospital room, she sat down at Zoe's bed and watched her tightly, feeling

anxious and worried.

The operation was very successful, and she was worried about the rejection that followed.

If it had been Samuel who donated the kidney to Zoe, Nicole would have been less worried. After all,

they were father and

daughter, and the rejection would be minimized.

But it was Soseph who donated the kidney. Although the matching had been successful, it was

unpredictable whether Zoe's

physical conditions would have rejection with Soseph's.

Laurel wanted to stay with her, but Nicole advised her to go back to rest. Thinking of Samuel still in the

hospital, Laurel had to go back although he was worried about Samuel.

Samuel was the president of the Eternal Group, and with such an accident, someone had to stand

behind what was going on in the company. Laurel was the right person.

When everyone was gone, Nicole began to accompany Zoe.

After the intravenous drip was finished, Zoe didn't have much rejection, but she didn't wake up after the

anesthetic was gone.

The doctor said that it was nothing to worry about it, because the operation was consuming Zoe too

much energy, and she was too young and weak to bear it for a while.

In the middle of the night, Zoe suddenly blushed and her breath was unsteady.

Nicole touched her forehead. It was hot.

Zoe had a fever!

This was the symptom of rejection!

Did she have kidney rejection?


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