Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 1125 Someone Cheated Me

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Nicole felt anxious when she saw it was Evelyn that called.

"If you don't want to talk to her, I can answer the phone."

Samuel knew what Nicole was thinking. Tim must be sad now, so she felt it was improper to ask Evelyn


However, Nicole shook her head and said, "I think Tim should go out with us."


Samuel was a little confused.

Nicole smiled and said, "Because you are here. You will cheer him up, won't you?"

What else could Samuel say?

Although he thought Tim didn't need his comfort, he would talk to Tim later. Nicole had given him a

task. He had to complete it.


Samuel said indifferently.

Now that Samuel agreed, Nicole answered the phone.

"Evelyn, what did he say?"

Nicole tried her best to make her voice sound normal.

Evelyn smiled and said, "Tim agreed to go out with me. Let's go. I can't wait to spend your money."

"Oh, please show me some mercy."

Nicole pretended to beg.

Evelyn was amused and they laughed together.

Samuel was relieved to see Nicole being so light-hearted. He felt glad that he didn’t tell her that it was

Tim who killed Martha.

After Nicole hung up the phone, she adjusted her clothes and wore some makeup. Samuel took a

down jacket and went out with her.

They would meet Tim and Evelyn in Golden Street.

Samuel and Nicole arrived there first. Seeing everywhere decorated, Nicole couldn't help but sigh.

New Year was coming.

It had been almost one year since she returned home.

Too many things had happened this year. Fortunately, everything had settled down. And she still had

this man by her side.

Nicole felt happy and held Samuel's arm.

"What's the matter?"

Samuel looked at her. He thought Nicole was cold, so he asked, "Do you want me to turn up the

temperature? You may catch a cold."

Looking at his worried face, Nicole smiled, "It's not cold. How could I feel cold with you by my side? I

am just thinking that I came back in spring. And it has been almost one year."

"Right. Time passes so quickly, so we should treasure the days we spend together."

Nicole was moved.

"Oh. That's sweet. Where did you learn this?"

"I learnt that from you."

Samuel flattered her.

A smile lifted the corner of Nicole's mouth.

She held Samuel's hand and interlocked their fingers, "We are locked by each other."


Samuel could do anything as long as Nicole liked it.

After a while, Tim and Evelyn arrived.

"God! It's so cold. Nicole, are you feeling better now?" Evelyn said as soon as she got out of the car.

She had worn a lot of clothes and looked like a bear. Nicole couldn't help laughing.

"Let me guess... You're hiding something, aren't you? Are there any marks on your neck?"

Nicole stretched out her hand to Evelyn's scarf as she said.

She would not let Nicole pull off her scarf. Evelyn ran away, shouting, "Samuel, what's wrong with your

wife? Look! She wants to take off my clothes. Nicole, I'm not your husband! You can't do that to me!"

However, Nicole did not stop. She chased after her and smiled, "What are you afraid of? Let me have a

look. Please let me have a look."

"What are you talking about? No way!"

Evelyn had good physical stamina, but considering Nicole's health, she slowed down several times to

wait for Nicole.

After a while, Nicole started to gasp for breath. She was exhausted and stopped.

"Hey. I quit... I am exhausted."

"What? That's it? I thought you are a good runner."

Evelyn mocked Nicole.

She rolled her eyes and said, "You will see."


Before Evelyn finished, Nicole rolled a snowball and threw it at her.

"Nicole! No sneak attack!"

It hit right at Evelyn. She was angry and immediately started to make one to fight back.

A snowball fight between two women began in Golden Street. They ran and laughed as if no one else

was around. People were attracted by their laughter and some stopped to watch.

Tim's face creased into a smile as he saw them having fun.

Samuel walked to him and said in a low voice, "Do you feel better now?"


Tim nodded.

He personally ended his mother's life. It was painful. However, his wife and cousin would have a happy

life. Nobody could threat them now. Tim felt that it was worthwhile.

He suddenly realized something and looked at Samuel.

"Are you comforting me?"

"No. I'm just doing my job. My wife has given me a task. She wants you to be happy."

Tim's eyes widened.

"You told her?"

"I told her that Martha had a sudden myocardial infarction and that she died under your eyes. That's all

I know. I didn't say anything else."

Samuel was smart.

It surprised Tim.

It seemed that Samuel really understood Nicole and was concerned about her. Tim felt relieved.

"If you let her down, I will take her away from you. And you won't be able to have her back."

Samuel immediately replied, "You won't have the chance to do that."

"Well. I'll take that as a promise."

Then they kept silent, while Nicole and Evelyn were still enjoying themselves.

Samuel saw that Nicole's face was flushed red and her head was sweating. Nicole hadn't recovered.

He was worried and quickly walked to her.

"Alright, that's enough. You are sweating."

Samuel took out a napkin from his pocket and wiped Nicole's forehead.

Evelyn felt jealous.

"Darling, I'm sweating too."

Evelyn pouted and looked at Tim.

Tim smiled and took a step forward. He held Evelyn in his arms and said softly, "Well. Let me have a


He put his hands on Evelyn's waist.

Evelyn was shocked. Her face and neck immediately turned red. She patted Tim and whispered, "Stop

it. There are people are watching."

"If there's no one else here, I would check your whole body."

Evelyn didn't know how to reply. Her cheeks flushed red.

Nicole teased, "Tim, what did you say to her? Look at Evelyn's face."

"I won't repeat it to you. If you want to listen to that, go find your husband."

Tim retorted jokingly.

Nicole curled her lip and looked at Samuel, "Darling, he made fun of me!"

"It's fine. We will give him a huge surprise in his wedding."

The corner of Tim's mouth twitched.

What did Samuel mean?

Would Samuel give him a surprise?

It could not be something good.

Tim suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

Samuel's tone was a bit strange.

Tim suddenly panicked.

"Hey! Don't make trouble in my wedding!"

Samuel glanced at him and did not say anything. He wrapped up Nicole's coat and said softly, "Let's go



Nicole answered delightedly. She was satisfied with what he said to Tim.

Tim looked at Evelyn gloomily and said, "Honey, I think we need to run away before our wedding. What

do you think?"

"I agree."

Evelyn hurriedly nodded.

Evelyn was also a little scared. Samuel never let go of people who offended him. She couldn't imagine

the "surprise".

They started hanging around.

Evelyn looked at the bustling street and asked with a smile, "Samuel, I heard that Golden Street is

owned by you. Is it true?"

Nicole paused.

"Honey, really?"

She had known Samuel for such a long time, but she hadn't figured out how rich he was.

Golden Street belonged to Samuel.


It must worth a lot of money.

Samuel was happy as he saw Nicole's eyes lit up.

"Not the whole street." he said softly. "There are two shops that belong to Tim."

Tim was embarrassed.

"We've agreed not to mention this."

Nicole and Evelyn became interested.

"What? Any story?"

"Yes. There's a story."

A smile touched the corners of Samuel's mouth, while Tim's face sank.

"What exactly happened?"

Evelyn grabbed Tim's hand with curiosity.

Tim sighed and said, "Someone cheated me."

"Someone" raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything.

Nicole couldn't wait to listen to the story.

"Hurry up! Tell me what happened."

Tim really didn't want to embarrass himself. However, both his wife and cousin wanted to listen to the

story. They were looking at him with eagerness. And Samuel, who mentioned it first, showed no

intention of helping him. Obviously, Samuel wanted Tim to make a fool of himself.

Tim scolded Samuel in his heart. Then he said disappointedly, "It's no big deal. Originally, I owned half

of Golden Street. But one day, someone played a trick on me. He made a bet with me. I lost, so now I

have two shops only."

Tim felt angry as he recalled it.

It was half of Golden Street! There were so many shops!

The rent of the shops had been rising rapidly. What was he thinking back then? He knew Samuel's

intention, but he made a bet with him without hesitation and thus lost a huge part of his property. If he

didn't walk into the trap, with half of Golden Street, he would be one of the four young masters in



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