Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 444 It Would Take More Than an Apology

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Gabrielle looked at the medicine in her hand and frowned, quickly injecting it into the drip bottle. The

moment she turned to look at Nicole, she put on a bright smile.

"It may hurt a little when the needle goes in. Please bear with it."

Gabrielle came off as friendly. Although this was the first time they had met, Nicole felt comfortable

around her.

"It's fine. I'm a big girl."

"That's right, Dr. Farley. Stab her hard. She can stand it."

Olivia teased, but Nicole fought back.

"Shut up! I'll beat you up! No, I'll make Jacob too busy to take care of you."

When Nicole mentioned Jacob, Olivia flushed.

"It's so unfair. Don't make this personal! Be careful! I might just ask Jacob to quit. And no one will be

minding your crappy business."

"Heavens, you're the boss here? Fine. I will wait here and see if Jacob will listen to you."

Nicole teased Olivia, and the latter's face turned as red as an apple.

"Don't test my temper. Let me tell you. You are only being so smug because Mr. Green is not here.

When he returns, I will make sure Jacob hands in his resignation to him."

Olivia snorted coldly, her chin up, looking arrogant. But Nicole laughed despite herself.

Noticing that Nicole was in a good mood, Gabrielle heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. "Mrs. Green,

would you like to go to the bathroom to freshen up first? Or should I walk you there when you are on a


Her words embarrassed Nicole again.

Nicole almost forgot about the awkward thing that was going on around her private parts.

"I'm quite shy about it."

She was blushing.

"It's fine. We're both women. I understand."

Gabrielle smiled. Something occurred to Olivia.

"Holy molly! It is out?"

"Don't say it out loud."

Nicole felt she should gag Olivia.

Gabrielle said with a smile, "Don't feel terrible about it. Every woman has experienced this. Take it

easy. I think Olivia should help you get to the bathroom, so that you can take care of it. Leave this to


"How can I ask you to do that? I will clean it up later."

How could Nicole bother Gabrielle with the stain?

However, Gabrielle smiled and said, "Relax. We are friends here. Don't be a stranger. Just call me by

my name. I am not that much older than you guys."

Nicole and Olivia were naturally happy to hear that.

In the end, Nicole could not win with Olivia and agreed to let her help on the way to the bathroom.

After Gabrielle lifted the blanket, she frowned again when she saw the crimson stain on it.

She took advantage of Nicole's absence and quickly collected a blood sample before changing the


When Nicole and Olivia returned, Nicole looked even paler.

It seemed like her little trip to the bathroom used a lot of her energy, which worried Gabrielle.

"Quickly lie down. You should suffer the most blood loss in the first two days. You mustn't overwork

yourself. Olivia, don't disturb her unless it is necessary."

Olivia understood what Gabrielle meant.

"Got it. However, she might only bother to get up for Mr. Green."

Teased again, Nicole blushed.

"Stop it."

She rolled her eyes at Olivia, then looked at Gabrielle, and said, "I'll call you Gabrielle. Don't call me

Mrs. Green again. Just call me Nicole."


Gabrielle agreed quickly.

She put Nicole on a drip and said with a smile, "You guys continue. I'll go downstairs and talk to Ms.

Bush about upgrading your diet. You need more than medicine."

"Have I developed anemia? I rested quite well after the miscarriage."

Nicole was somewhat uneasy.

Gabrielle smiled and said, "You did rest well. But you were hurt in a bad way in that miscarriage. I

heard about what Zama had done to you from Blair. How cruel she was! No offense, but you also didn't

listen to the doctor, right?"


Nicole didn't quite understand.

Gabrielle pondered for a moment and said, "You and Mr. Green couldn't wait and had sex, right?"

"Does it matter?"

Nicole quickly looked down, and blood rushed to her cheeks.

"Well, well, well. Who said about not being horny? See. The truth came out."

Olivia was gloating when Nicole pinched her.

"Stop! It hurts! Nicole, you're playing dirty! Ashamed to face your own doing?"

"I don't believe you and Jacob haven't done it!"

Nicole was furious.

Was Olivia here today just to piss her off?

Noticing they were in a playful tussle, Gabrielle couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not worried you'll be sullen

with Olivia here."

"She would only cross me!"

Nicole naturally knew what Gabrielle meant, but she couldn't let Olivia have it.

"Gabrielle, you mean I am like this because I had sex after the misarrange?"

Nicole sensed what Gabrielle was suggesting.

Gabrielle nodded and said, "Normally, you should be fine after the rest, but you and Mr. Green should

wait a little longer."

"I see."

Nicole was a little disappointed.

Even if she wanted to do that, she couldn't find her partner.

Recalling that Samuel had taken drugs from Blair to refrain himself from touching her, Nicole was

somewhat moved.

"Actually, it wasn't his fault. He even asked your Blair to prescribe medicine for him. I couldn't

understand him and fought with him. And then I started the sex."

Nicole murmured with embarrassment. Olivia's eyes widened when she heard that.

"Holy crap, you started it? Are you still the innocent Nicole I used to know?"

"Go away!"

Nicole grew a little anxious teased by Olivia, having an itch to hit her.

However, Olivia laughed loudly.

"Alright, stop messing with her. She is weak and has lost a lot of blood, so she can't take it."

Gabrielle was naturally happy to see them cheerful, but Nicole was in no condition to mess around.

Olivia obediently sat beside Nicole's bed.

"Alright. I'll look after you. How is that sound?"

"That's more like it."

Nicole is glad to have friends like Olivia and Gabrielle supporting her. Otherwise, she would feel lonely

and miserable.

And she would miss Samuel like crazy.

Gabrielle stood up and went out to talk to Ms. Bush about the tonic diet.

Olivia smiled and said to Nicole, "Dr. Farley is so awesome. I heard it was a juicy story when she dated


"How on earth do you know everything?"

Nicole felt Olivia was faring well. She seemed to know a lot more around here than Nicole did.

Olivia said proudly, "Thanks for the compliment. But that is because I have a capable man."

"Lucky brat. You should look at your smug face. When are you going to get married?"

"I am not sure. It's up to Jacob."

Olivia said shyly. A girl in love indeed!

Nicole could tell she was serious about the relationship.

Luckily, Jacob was a good man and trustworthy. Nicole was quite satisfied with him.

"Don't bully him, alright?"

"I have never!"

Then they laughed heartily.

Olivia felt the sunlight blinding. When she stood up and closed the curtains, she saw Jason waiting


She remembered Gabrielle's words. It was best not to bother the sick Nicole with the trivial



"What's your take on the Dons?"

Olivia suddenly said, which surprised Nicole.

"I don't have one. I've done what I have to do. I don't care what they will do. I am done with that family.

And I don't want to hear about them. What do you want to say?"


Olivia shrugged and said, "I just want to tell you to have a good rest now that Samuel is not home.

Don't worry about those which aren't worth your attention. When you recover and Samuel comes back,

you guys can have a good time."

"Shut your face, you pervert. Why do you always have to bring sex up after you started dating Jacob?"

Olivia made Nicole blush again.

Just then, Gabrielle came back. Noticing they were still fooling around, she smiled and said, "You guys

are really close. You just can't stop teasing each other for a minute."

"She started it!"

Olivia laughed like a child.

Nicole let her off and said to Gabrielle, "Are you busy? Why don't you stay for dinner? My mother is an

excellent cook."

"Nicole, if Gabrielle stays, what about Blair? He will look for her."

Gabrielle shook her head and said, "Now you shift your target at me, right?"

"No, no, no! I was just kidding!"

Olivia quickly waved her hand and said with a smile, "Dr. Farley, please look after Nicole for a while. I'm

going out to buy something."

"What do you want to buy? We have everything in the house."

Nicole asked curiously.

Olivia said, "I want to buy underwear. Can I wear yours?"

"Hurry up and scram!"

Nicole felt Olivia had a big mouth now.

Olivia grinned and left the room.

She trotted to the front door.

Seeing her, Jason quickly walked over.

"How's it going? Is Nicole well?"

Olivia put on a straight face and said, staring at Jason, "Mr. Jason, if you care about Nicole, please

don't come here these days. And don't bring your family mess here."

Jason was slightly shocked and asked, "What happened to her?"

"It's nothing much. It's about the miscarriage. She is feeble because of that. It's a gynecological

disease. You won't be of help. If you really love her, you should let her rest and recover. It would take

more than an apology for her to forgive what your family has done to her."

Nicole felt Olivia had a big mouth now.

Olivia grinned and left the room.

She trotted to the front door.

Seeing her, Jason quickly walked over.

"How's it going? Is Nicole well?"

Olivia put on a straight face and said, staring at Jason, "Mr. Jason, if you care about Nicole, please

don't come here these days. And don't bring your family mess here."

Jason was slightly shocked and asked, "What happened to her?"

"It's nothing much. It's about the miscarriage. She is feeble because of that. It's a gynecological

disease. You won't be of help. If you really love her, you should let her rest and recover. It would take

more than an apology for her to forgive what your family has done to her."


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