Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 1075 You Would Always Be Young in My Eyes

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Watching him left, Nicole quickly took Samuel's phone and unlocked it.

She didn't want to peep on his privacy, but only wanted to know who bullied him.

The last call was to Steven.


Nicole was slightly stunned.

Then, she wasn't surprised. In Seapolis City, except for the four young masters, who else would laugh

at Samuel and made him so helpless?

Although she didn't know what Steven had said to Samuel, she remembered that Samuel recently

dressed up as a woman, and that could be the reason.

Nicole smiled faintly.

She took out her phone and sent a message to Ashley.

"Do you want to see Steven dress like a woman?"

Ashley paused after reading the message, and then replied, "No."

"Are you afraid of seeing that? I understand how you feel. Even dressed up like a woman, Samuel still

looks nice. Who else could be like him? Well, no offence. Just ignore me."

Ashley stared at Nicole's message.

Ignored her?


Ashley knew that Nicole said that on purpose, but she just couldn't bear it.


Ashley said in a low voice.

Steven came out from shower and saw Ashley looked upset, so he checked on her.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you make fun of Samuel for dressing like a woman?"

Ashley looked at Steven with a smile. But somehow, he felt she was planning on something.

"So? He looked funny, so I mocked him. Why can't I? And, you are my wife, why do you even care

about that?"

"Nothing. I remember you said that you will go back for the New Year, right?"


"If you want me and the kids to go back with you together, you also got to let me see you dress up like

a woman."

Ashley said indifferently and looked at Steven.

Steven was speechless.

"Ashley, you promised, and you know how much they want to see the kids."

"Then do as I said."

"Are you out of your mind?"

Steven felt humiliated. He turned around and went to the bedroom and slammed the door.

Ashley was mad.

She jumped up.

"Steven, what do you mean? Samuel can dress like a woman to please Nicole, why can't you? I see.

They married for love, and you married me because I forced you to. Is that why you don't bother to

make me happy? That's right, how can I be compared with Nicole?"

Ashley started to feel sorry for herself. Her words were like swords piercing into Steven's heart.

"Why do you bring that up? It's been so many years, and you are still talking about it. Have I ever

complained about it?"

Steven opened the door and looked at Ashley's back. She was shivering. Although he didn’t hear her

cry, he felt bad the way she looked.

He suddenly felt sad.

"Alright, it's no big deal. I'll do it."

"Do you want to do it, or am I forcing you again?"

Ashley's voice was a little hoarse.

Steven gritted and said, "I want to do it, OK?"

"Then which dress do you want to try on?"

Ashley turned around looking excited.

She didn't cry at all.

Steven felt like a fool.


"You agreed, and I recorded it. Don't try to get away with it!"

Ashley smirked and shook her phone.

Steven felt such a fool by falling into her trap.

He thought, 'Samuel, bastard! You did the stupid thing to please your wife, why do I have to do the

same? You must have said something to Nicole, and then she agitated Ashley. "

Steven knew Samuel well.

He mocked Samuel, and now it was his turn.

So, never piss off Samuel.

Ashley didn't care about those things and pushed him to the bedroom.

"How about try on my clothes? I think I have a princess dress."

Then, she started looking for it.

Steven was dumbfounded.

A princess dress?

He was 1.85 meters tall and was going to wear a princess dress?

He would rather kill himself.

Ashley was rummaging through the wardrobe. Steven turned around and was trying to run away.

This was ridiculous!

It was a stupid game between Samuel and Nicole, why should Steven do the same?

As Steven was about to run out of the house, he heard Ashley's voice.

"You can run now, but can you run forever?"

Steven's good-looking face darkened.

He mumbled and cursed Samuel. Then, he reluctantly went back to the bedroom. Now, he was all up to


Most men wouldn’t look good in women's dress.

Steven was a tall and robust guy. Now he was wearing a princess dress, a long curly wig and even


Ashley took two pictures of him.

"So ugly."

Ashley's words agitated Steven.


He smiled flirtatiously.

Ashley tried to run away, but Steven threw her to bed....

Ashley screamed and accidentally sent out the photo.

Nicole got a message.

She checked on it.

She chuckled.

Nicole was laughing hard.


Steven looked so cute in that princess dress.

Samuel also took a glance, and smiled faintly.

Look at him!

Steven mocked Samuel, and now it was his turn.

"He looks stupid!"

Samuel said.

Nicole laughed so hard that her tears came out.

"Samuel, don’t be mean, it's not that bad."

Nicole said, and then laughed again.

Steven was not bad-looking. He was a macho guy, so, he looked funny in that skirt.

He was manly and had bright piercing eyes.

A man like him in a princess dress would be quite a scene!


Nicole even felt embarrassed for him.

Ashley was too naughty.

'Steven's photo made her laugh, so he wasn't completely useless. She was right to make that call.'

Samuel thought.

Nicole was chatting on her phone, Samuel knew it was probably Gabrielle.

It was fair now.

Samuel was one of the Four young masters, he shouldn’t be the only one to dress like that.

Steven should join him, and that would bring more fun.

Samuel started ordering stuff for tomorrow on his laptop.

Nicole was sitting on the sofa while chatting on the phone, and Samuel was working on his laptop. She

felt time pass so quickly in this cozy environment.

It was lunch time.

Today was Samuel's birthday, so Nicole was going to make him a nice meal. But Samuel said, "Let's go

out and eat."

"I thought we are alone here."

Nicole paused.

Samuel smiled, "It's true, but we can eat in the town nearby."

"But how to get there?"

"By boat."

Nicole got a little excited.

"It's snowing."

"No problem."

Samuel asked Nicole to change into something warmer and he also put on a thicker jacket.

After they left the house, Nicole saw a speedboat on shore.

"Are we travelling by that?"


Samuel got on the boat and then helped Nicole to get on.

"Do you want to learn how to drive it?"


Samuel pulled her hands and walked to the cockpit.

Nicole watched Samuel quickly starting the boat and asked, "Is there anything that you don't know how

to drive?"


Samuel's answer was quick and simple.

Nicole smiled, "How about being a little humble? There must be something out there that you don't

know how to drive."


Samuel said, "In the military, we have to learn everything. It's the basic skill for soldiers of special


"I always wanted to join the army, but it's too late for me now."

"Yeah, you are too old to join the army."

Samuel's words made Nicole angry.

"What did you say?"

Samuel smiled, "I'm telling the truth."

"Shut up."

Nicole was about to push him. Samuel said with a smile, "Be careful, I am driving, you don't want to fall

into the sea, right?"

Nicole stopped.

"It's not over, I'll get back to you later."

Nicole was lovely when saying so and Samuel was happy to see that.

Around twenty minutes later, Nicole saw the town.

"It's almost Christmas. I can hear the music from here."

"After Christmas, it will be New Year. You and Lucas came back early this year, and so many things

happened during this time. Now, we finally settled down."

Samuel signed.

Nicole nodded.

"Yeah. After the New Year, the kids will turn five. And we are getting older."

"You're not old. You are always young in my eyes."

Samuel's sweet talk made Nicole happy.

"Are you trying to flatter me?"

"I am. I don't want to sleep on the floor for the rest of my life."

Samuel's words made her smile again.

They pulled in to shore.

"I'll go first. Meet me after you are done."

Nicole was eager to see the town.

She ran on to shore happily like a little girl and Samuel shook his head and smiled.

Nicole jumped off the speedboat, and she was surprised that there was no one here.

Tomorrow would be Christmas and there was music everywhere. Where was everybody?

This was weird!

She was puzzled, and when she was about to turn around and call Samuel, someone pressed a gun

against her waist.


Someone said in English and Nicole's heart was racing.


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