Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 1324 It's His Destiny. Don't Blame It on Me

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"Impossible for this life? William, is it what you really think?"

Sally might have cried out all her tears these two days. Although she was sad now, her eyes were so

dry that she couldn't shed tears at all.

William flinched at her words, but he still whispered, "We have lost each other this life. I will make up

for it to you in the next life."

"We are now living this life, and you are promising me the next life? William, do you still remember the

promise you made to me? You said you would treat me well and pamper me like a princess forever.

This is how you treat me?"

Sally's voice carried a trace of mockery, making William bow his head in shame.

"Forget those words. It's all my fault. If you hate me, you can swear at me or anything you like. I won't

blame you."

"You won't blame me? William, do you know if I will blame you? Let me tell you, no matter how you

treat me, as long as I don't want you to go, you are not going anywhere. Don't talk nonsense."

Sally placed the prepared food on the table when she finished speaking, and then left the room.

Nicole was a little worried about Sally. She glanced at William and before she could say anything, she

heard William say, "Go and see her. Don't let anything happen to her."


Nicole rushed to chase after Sally.

Samuel looked at William with a trace of inquiry in his eyes.

"William, you have something hard to say?"

Although Samuel said it as a question, he knew the answer.

William had suffered a lot in his life. He thought that he could keep it all to himself. However, when

Samuel said so, he couldn't help but feel somewhat sorry for himself.

"How can you tell?"

"From your eyes. Your eyes are all about Sally, but you said something that hurt her. And you even said

you don't want to be with her. I am a man, too. I think I understand what you really think."

Although Samuel's voice was calm, what he said still stunned William a little. He then gave a bitter


"So if you can tell, Sally can certainly tell, right? I thought I've made it flawless to say something to hurt

her while hurting myself. But it was just a joke."

William looked at the food on the table, and they were all his favorites. Thinking of Sally's expression

and words just now, he whispered, "I might not be able to become normal again in this life. Do you

think she would be happy to be with a man like me?"

Hearing this, Samuel was stunned. Even though he had thought of many possibilities, he did not expect

such an answer.

"What did the king do to you?"

"They did everything. I didn't tell them the secrets they wanted to know, so they tortured me as much as

they could. At the beginning, I was injected with all kinds of drugs. I didn't know how many times I

struggled on the verge of death. Every time when I thought I would die, I would be rescued. As time

went on, death became a luxury for me. Later, I found that I had lost the most basic function of a man.

However, it didn't matter to me anymore. I might have died like a rat in a stinking ditch in that cellar or

turned into a pile of bones without anyone noticing. I didn't expect that you would rescue me. Now I'm

glad I am out, but I'm also upset about it. I don't know what I can do now. I don't have the strength to do

anything now. I look like a person, but I've become a cripple. I can't lift my shoulders, my hands, and I

don't even have the functions of a normal male. What's the point of me being alive?"

William suffered too much in those years. With the absence of Nicole and Sally, he didn't know why he

said it all to Samuel. However, if he didn't say anything, he would feel uneasy and don't know what to


He was confused about the outside world, and fearful of the future. He was even resistant to contact

other people.

He knew that he shouldn't be like this. At least he survived. He was still alive. It might be good news for

his families. Even if it was for the sake of his families, he should live on. However, what other reason

did he have to live on?

In the past, the one he was longing to see was Sally. No matter how hard it was, he wanted to be with

Sally. However, Sally was now the one he least wanted to see.

Those who had not experienced it personally would not understand his feelings, but he still had to say it

out because he had been holding it back for too long.

Samuel did not know how to comfort William, so he could only whisper, "William, you still have us.

Nicole and I are your children, and we will take care of you."

William paused, and then smiled, saying, "No wonder my niece fell in love with you. You are indeed


"Actually, it has also been hard for Sally for so many years."

Samuel wanted to say something for Sally.

He remembered what the king did to Sally and the gloomy expression on Sally's face.

William certainly knew that it had been hard for Sally. It was precisely because of this that he thought

he should leave Sally. That was the best option for Sally.

Outside the door, Sally almost pushed open the door and entered, but she was stopped by Nicole.

Nicole pulled her to a corner with complicated feelings.

Although Sally ran out, she didn't go far. When she saw Nicole come out to find her, she pulled her over

and hid outside the door to eavesdrop.

Nicole had never done that before. Now that she was pulled by Sally to overhear William's

conversation with Samuel, she felt a little nervous and uneasy. However, she didn't expect to hear

William say such things. She was so stunned that her mind went blank for a moment.

Seeing Sally's gloomy eyes, Nicole gritted her teeth and whispered, "Sally, I'm going to kill the king of

Country F, don't stop me."

"I won't stop you, and I will even help you. That man is too wicked. I will make him pay the price."

Sally never thought that William rejected her for such a reason.

No wonder he didn't want her to touch him. No wonder he had changed so much. No wonder he had

been silent.

A wholesome man had become a eunuch. No one could accept it. William was already considered

strong if he didn't go crazy.

Sally's entire body trembled with anger. She rarely became so angry for she had been trained from

childhood to repress her emotions so that other couldn't know her thoughts. But now, she couldn't

repress it anymore.

She wished she could rush to Country F and kill that man in the next second.

How could he be so cruel?

How dare he!

Sally clenched her fists tightly without saying a word.

Nicole felt depressed and worried.

"Sally, what's your plan?"

"What plan? William is my man. No matter what he becomes, I will never leave him."

Sally said in a firm voice.

"But you are Ms. Sally of Country F," Nicole said hesitantly.

"Ms. Sally has long been dead. The whole country knows it. Besides, Ms. Sally is just a concubine who

does not have anything to do with their ancestral hall or the genealogy, a dispensable woman. As long

as I wish, I can leave. I have nothing to do with him in law."

Nicole was kind of sad hearing Sally's words.

It must have been so unfair for Sally in all those years.

Did Sally fake death to just run away from the king? At the very least, if everyone else thought she was

dead, she could leave the place on her own and no longer sleep with the king.

Nicole felt that her guess should be right, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

"But Sally, if you leave it all behind, what about Zayn?"

Nicole remembered that Zayn was still in Country F. Sally had always been concerned about him.

However, Sally did not hesitate this time and said, "Zayn is his son. If he wants to kill him, I won't stop

it. To put it bluntly, the very existence of Zayn is a stain to me. It reminds me that I gave birth to a child

for him. If Zayn really can't protect himself and dies, it's his destiny. Don't blame it on me."

Nicole was completely stunned.

What was going on?

Sally used to put down her dignity to beg the king to let Zayn go, but now, why did she say so?

Nicole was puzzled but she quickly understood.

Without knowing whether William was alive or dead, Zayn was the only reason for Sally to survive.

However, now that she knew that William had been tortured so badly by the king and that it was

impossible for him to have his own child in this lifetime, Sally also changed her mind.

She could give up everything now, even her own son, just for William. All she wanted now was to stay

together with William. Such a resolution made Nicole speechless.

They had deep affections for each other, but the fates conspired against them. How could such an

endgame be resolved?

Nicole had no idea.

Actually, she didn't want Zayn to die. However, if the king was completely disappointed in Sally, would

he threaten her with Zayn's life? No one would know.

Sally saw the confusion and surprise in Nicole's eyes. She sneered and said, "Do you think I'm too


"No, I just feel pathetic for Zayn."

Nicole's words agitated Sally.

"Pathetic for him? But not for me? I was taken away when I was just born. I had been trained to be an

assassin and a hidden guard since I was a child. I didn't have my own life. I had to do whatever my

master asked me to do. I couldn't have the right to choose my marriage. I even gave birth to a child for

him. Am I not pathetic? I had my parents, but I couldn't reunite them. I had my lover, but I had to sleep

with someone else. The person I want to have a child with the most in my life is William. Unfortunately,

we are destined to be separated. Am I not pathetic for all those injustices?"

Sally's words left Nicole speechless, but she quickly caught some information.

"Sally, are you saying that the person who kidnapped you was the king of Country F? Why did he do

this? What kind of hatred did he have with the Shaw family? Is he the one who raised you up? He

actually took his adopted daughter to be his woman, and even had a child?"

Nicole was grossed out.

What kind of freak was the king of Country F?


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