Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 365 The Only One in a Lifetime

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"Happy birthday, Mommy!"

Lucas and Zoe came out together, attired in white suit and white dress respectively.

Holding flowers in their hands, they looked at Nicole smilingly in the living room that was decorated like

a paradise.

Only then did Nicole realize that today was her birthday.

Samuel came out of another room and he wore a black tuxedo. He looked at Nicole with a smile and

said, "Happy birthday, honey!"

Tears welled up in Nicole's eyes.

"Thank you, thank you!"

She never thought that her birthday would be taken so seriously.

In the past, only her parents remembered to cook a bowl of birthday noodles for her to eat in the

morning of her birthday. If she liked, they would throw a birthday party for her. However, as she grew

older, she started to shun parties.

Ever since she married Samuel, she had never celebrated her birthday properly, because he could not

remember her birthday at all.

Over time, she had forgotten to celebrate her birthday.

Now that her birthday was taken seriously, she had a complicated feeling.

Samuel slowly walked upstairs and took her hand, saying softly, "I didn't do well in the past, and I failed

to remember your birthday, so you've suffered from my negligence these years. From now on, I will

celebrate your birthday every year. Even if we are old, I will get up in the morning and make you a bowl

of birthday noodles and say Happy Birthday to you, okay?"


Nicole was not a cry baby, but now she felt like crying.

The sudden happiness took her off guard.

Actually, women wanted nothing but the care of their beloved ones, one word from whom could thrill

her to bits.

Noticing that Nicole was tearful, Lucas and Zoe hurried over and said, "Mommy, we will celebrate your

birthday together!"

"Good, good!"

Looking at the children, Nicole felt on top of the world.

"Let's go. We'll eat the birthday noodles first. I've planned a lot of activities for you today."

Nicole couldn't help getting curious.

They went to the dining room, where Mr. and Mrs. Bush were waiting. They said, "Happy birthday,


"Thank you, Mom and Dad!"

Nicole felt she was the happiest person in the world.

After the family had their breakfast happily, Samuel was about to take Nicole and the children out.

Mr. and Mrs. Bush stayed behind as they wanted to give them some time alone.

Not knowing where Samuel was taking her, Nicole was expectant.

"Can you tell me where we're going?"

"Buddha says, I can't tell."

Nicole laughed.

Samuel drove the car all the way to the church.

Nicole froze at the sight of the white church.

"Why do we come here?"

"Do you still remember this place? Eight years ago, we got married here!"

Samuel took Nicole's hand and got out of the car. Lucas and Zoe followed them like a flower boy and a

flower girl.

Nicole was extremely excited.

Eight years flew by. She thought that she would never set her foot in this church again for the rest of

her life, but she came again on this day.

She felt that things have changed although they looked the same.

Following Samuel into the church, Nicole was surprised to see the church full of people, some of whom

she knew.

She was intimidated, trying to leave, but Samuel held her hands.

"Don't be afraid. I'm with you."

"Why are there so many people?"

Nicole felt that everyone was looking at her. When they entered, everyone stood up and applauded at

them. Nicole got more nervous at their happy expressions and the blessings.

Her palms were sweating.

Sensing her nervousness, Samuel tightened his grip on her hands and soothed her, "Don't panic, you

are Mrs. Green, who has seen bigger scenes than this? You aren't afraid of these people, are you?"

"I'm afraid!"

Nicole said helplessly, and Samuel chuckled softly.

"Well, you can pretend that they are just cabbages and radishes."

"But they aren't."

Nicole and Samuel whispered all the way to the altar.

Nicole felt limp at the thunderous applause.

Before she could say anything, Samuel knelt down on one knee to her in front of everyone.

"Dear Miss Nicole Bush, I like to take you to be my wife. I give to you in the presence of God my

promise to stay by your side as your husband, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as

through the good times and the bad. Will you marry me?"

After he spoke, Samuel took out a set of jewelry from his pocket. It was the jewelry they had ordered

from the shop of The Only One in a Lifetime.

Nicole surprised and touched.

"Marry him! Marry him!"

The crowd began to cheer.

This was the first time in her life that Nicole was proposed.

Forced by the public opinion, she married Samuel eight years ago. He didn't propose to her, and they

had a hasty and plain wedding.

Nicole became tearful now that Samuel proposed to her with sincerity.

"Get up! We've been married for a long time! What are you doing?"

Nicole said in a low voice that was only audible to Samuel.

Samuel whispered, "I will make up for what I owe you in the past. I'll give you everything that other

women have enjoyed. I don't want you to regret about anything in your life. Someone told me that the

most unforgettable day in a woman's life is the day she gets married. Eight years ago, I didn't give you

a wonderful memory. Today, eight years later, I start over again. Honey, marry me. I give you the

promise in the presence of the people of the Seapolis City that I will love you and stay with you for the

rest of my life."

After he spoke, a beautiful song sounded in the church.

The big screen behind them started to display the photos of Samuel and Nicole over the years.

Lucas said smilingly with a remote control in his hand, "I have made a musical album of the photos of

Daddy and Mommy from the past few years as a birthday gift for Mommy. I wish Daddy and Mommy

eternal love. Happy birthday, Mommy! I wish you happiness every day!"

"And me, and me, I helped too."

Zoe shouted anxiously.

Tears coursed down Nicole's cheeks when she looked at the screen, her husband and children,

listening to the warm music.

"Yes, I do!"

She felt that she had been blessed, for she was given the most desirable happiness.

The crowd applauded again.

Samuel put the set of jewelry on Nicole in front of everyone and said softly, "The only one in a lifetime.

We will stay together forever."

"We will stay together forever."

They hugged each other in excitement.

This was the most meaningful birthday she had ever had.

"As your mother-in-law, I have something to give you."

Nicole paused. She found that not only Laurel, but also her parents were present in the audience.

It turned out that everyone had been preparing for her birthday for a long time.

It felt so good to be loved by everyone.

"Mom, you don't need to do that, really."

Nicole felt that Laurel treated her well enough.

Laurel smiled. "I need to do this, for you are my daughter-in-law. Now I announce to the people of the

Seapolis City that anyone who dares to humiliate you will be the enemy of the Green family and we will

not let him off easily."

As she spoke, she gave Nicole a key.

"This is the key to the house for you and Samuel as a wedding gift. I know you have a place to stay, but

this is a token of my regard as a mother-in-law. The interior renovation has been done to your taste.

You can ask Samuel to take you there and have a look later."

This gift was too precious and Nicole didn't dare to accept it.

"No, thank you, Mom. You don't need to do this."

"Take it. This is your wedding gift and your birthday gift as well. No matter what other people think of

you or how they treat you, the Green family will be your family and we will support you from now on. It

doesn't matter if others don't cherish you, for we cherish you. From now on, you are not only my

daughter-in-law, but also my own daughter! If Samuel doesn't treat you well, tell me and I'll beat him up

for you."

Nicole felt extremely happy.

"He treats me well, so please don't beat him up."

Everyone laughed.

People kept coming to congratulate them.

Nicole felt she was dreaming.

Samuel held her hand and whispered, "Let's escape."


Nicole was bewildered, not getting what he meant.

Samuel whispered, "Many people here are the new dignitaries of the Seapolis City who do business

with the Green family and will keep coming to congratulate us. Mom told me she had booked tables at

a five-star hotel. I guess they will take the chance and get me drunk. Why not sneak away and have

our own celebration rather than entertaining them here?"

Nicole felt a bit vexed.

She felt happy, but if she would be surrounded by people asking her to drink wine, she would like to

leave as well.

"But if we leave, what about the children? Do you think we should tell them?"

"Do you think we can leave after we tell them? Don't worry. Mother and your parents will take good

care of them. Let's sneak away and enjoy our private space for a day."

Samuel urged Nicole.

Nicole suddenly felt that this idea was not bad.

Looking at the crowd, she clasped her hand with Samuel's, feeling nervous.


"Follow me."

After he spoke, Samuel grabbed Nicole and ran out.

All of a sudden, everyone paused.

"Samuel, Nicole, where are you going?"

Laurel asked in bewilderment.

Samuel told her smilingly, "Mom, please take care of the rest. Nicole and I are going out to take the air."

"This brat!"

It dawned on Laurel, but when she thought of stopping Samuel, they had run out of the church.


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