Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! Chapter 899 You Are Much More Emotional Than Your Mother

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Ernesto knew Nicole was here. Edwin also went out. Probably he was still outside. Then who else

could knock on the door?

Nicole did not understand. Audrey was stunned for a moment, and then she whispered, "Open the door

and let him in."


"Please come in!"

Nicole hurriedly opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, Nicole was stunned.


She didn't expect that she could see Tim here.

Ever since his mother's incident, Tim had gone to find a place to nurse his body. Now his sudden

appearance shocked Nicole.

Without saying anything, Tim directly entered and pulled Nicole up. He examined Nicole carefully. Then

he gritted. "Nicole, were you an idiot? Couldn't you dodge if someone were to stab you? Besides, were

all the Greens dead? Why did they ask you to deal with the accident in the building site? How are you

now? Are you injured?"

Seeing Tim's anxious expression, Nicole immediately smiled.

"Why are you laughing? You've been bullied so seriously. How can you still laugh? Are you really


Tim had long unkempt hair and a stubbly chin, as if he hadn't washed himself for many years. And he

just rushed over as soon as he heard that Nicole was stabbed. He didn't even have time to wash


Nicole felt so warm. She tiptoed and hugged Tim.

"Tim, thank you for coming to see me."

Nicole's words made Tim's eyes moist.

"You are no longer a kid. You should take good care of yourself. Even if you don't care about yourself,

we still care about you. Can you take good care of yourself from today on?"

Tim hugged Nicole tightly.

Ever since mother's incident, he felt that he didn't have the qualification to stay here and face Nicole.

He thought that he could ignore everything here, but when he heard about that Nicole was stabbed, he

couldn't help but come back.

Regardless of Samuel's and Nicole's attitude towards him, he just wanted to visit Nicole. He only hoped

he could take a look at her. He didn't expect that Nicole could treat him the same as before.

Tim's eyes were a little moist.

Nicole knew he was a proud man so she didn't lay bare his being emotional. Letting him go, she smiled

and said, "Come. Let me introduce you to my mother, Audrey."

Nicole turned to look at Audrey and smiled, "Mom, this is my cousin, auntie's son. He's very nice."

Audrey knew that Nicole was afraid that she would be biased against Tim because of Tim's mother.

She smiled and said, "You should call me aunt."

Tim found it hard to call her aunt.

After all, what her mother had done really made him feel embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, auntie, my mother...."

"You and she are different. I won't confuse you with each other. Besides, you are really nice to Nicole. I

can tell that. I have cancer and will die soon. I'm afraid that no one will take care of Nicole after I pass

away. Although Samuel treats her well, she still needs a relative to help her, right? Tim, I hope you can

help and support Nicole for the rest of your life. If you can do it, I will forgive your mother for everything

she has done."

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Nicole couldn't bear that Audrey always said that she was going to die soon. This reminded her that

she didn't have much time to spend with her mom.

Audrey, however, had already regarded death as a normal thing.

She patted Nicole's hand and said, "Silly girl. It is normal for people to die. We can't avoid the laws of

nature. I just hope that you can have a smooth life in the future. I brought you to this world, but I didn't

give you too much care and love, but only suffering. Fortunately, there are still so many people who

care about you so much. Then I can rest assured."

"Mom, no one can replace you."

Nicole was a little sad.

Tim did not expect Nicole to forgive him, nor did he expect Audrey not to blame him. Now that he heard

Audrey's last words, he hurriedly said, "Auntie, as long as I am alive, I will definitely not let Nicole suffer

any grievances."

"Good. You are much more emotional than your mother."

Audrey patted Tim on the shoulder.

She stood up and said to Nicole, "It's time for me to take the medicine. Nicole, come home to see me

when you're discharged from the hospital."


Nicole originally wanted to say that she would talk about it with Samuel when he came back. But when

she thought that Audrey didn't have much time, she hurriedly nodded.

Audrey left, so did Edwin.

Tim looked at Nicole and was still puzzled by the question just now.

"Where exactly did you hurt yourself?"

"I didn't get hurt. It was an act."

As soon as Nicole said this, Tim understood.

"Were you mad? You even risked your own life?"

"But everything is alright now."

"It'll be too late if anything happens. Where's Samuel?"

Nicole whispered, "He's gone abroad."

"You've experienced such a dangerous thing, and he actually went abroad?"

"He has some work to do. And he goes there because of me. Please stop blaming him."

Nicole could not bear that Tim spoke ill of Samuel. She did not know how to explain things about Elvis

to Tim. Anyway, everyone would know it soon, so she would just talk about it when the time came.

However, Tim thought that Nicole simply did not want to hear him speak ill of Samuel, so he didn't


"What about Lucas and the others?"

"Lucas and Uncle Mark are out. They may be back soon. Do you want to wait for him?"

Nicole thought that Tim wanted to see Lucas.

Tim put the things in his hands on the table. Only then did Nicole realize that it was the latest game


"Is this for Lucas?"

"Well, even though he's a genius, he still needs to play some games that children at his age play.

Otherwise, I'll be depressed. He has to accept it regardless of whether he likes it or not."

Seeing that Tim was so domineering, Nicole couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, I will definitely let him take it."

"This one is for Joseph."

Tim took out a medical manual from his pocket and handed it to Nicole.

"Thank you."

Nicole knew that Tim was really careful in choosing gifts, so she hurriedly took it. However, she thought

of something else.

"Why don't you give it to him by yourself?"

"Is he also in the hospital?"

Tim frowned slightly.

Nicole felt a cold breeze behind her neck. She smiled and said, "Not only Joseph is here, but also Zoe."

"Nicole, you are a mother! And your two children are in the hospital! What's wrong with you? Do you

take the hospital as your home?"

"Keep your voice down. Don't scare me. I'm pregnant."

Nicole touched her belly. Tim was dumbfounded.

"What did you just say?"

"I'm saying that you're going to be an uncle again! Tim, you have to prepare a big gift. Otherwise, I

won't allow you to be my baby's uncle."

Nicole smiled as she looked at Tim.

Tim was still dumbfounded, but he still nodded.

"Alright, I will prepare a big gift."

Tim looked quite innocent and silly now, with no trace of the well-known young master of the Seapolis


Nicole chatted with him for a while before Tim got up to see the children.

She heaved a sigh of relief.

Many people came to see her, which was really stressful.

Just as she was thinking, Jason also came. He had people bring in many packets of tonic. Nicole was

about to cry when seeing these.

"Uncle, are you planning to let me live here for a long time?"

"Where did you get hurt? I bought the best tonic for you. I've heard that Samuel is not here. So I'll

watch you eat the tonic these days. You'd better recover as soon as possible. I've already ordered the

guards in prison. Jamar's wife will suffer a lot there. Don't worry. She dared to bully my niece. She's

courting death!"

The way Jason cared about her was as exactly the same as Samuel.

Nicole really wanted to cry.

"Uncle, I'm fine. I'm really fine. I was acting that day. Look at me. I'm quite healthy."

As she spoke, Nicole was about to jump out of bed to show Jason that she was healthy, but Jason

stopped her.

"Don't jump! Even if you're not injured, you're still pregnant. What if you hurt him because of jumping?

Where can I get another child to compensate Samuel?"

Nicole almost cried out.

"I really don't need the tonic."

"You have to accept them. Otherwise, I will live here with you. Whenever you leave the hospital, I'll


What else could Nicole say when hearing this?

After she accepted the tonic, Jason looked happier.

With Jason's care, Nicole was forced to drink a bowl of chicken soup, a bowl of bird's nest soup, and

something else. In the end, she was really full and couldn't eat anything.

Seeing that she was really painful, Jason stopped.

"What would you like to eat tonight? I'll have the servants cook for you."

"No need, I'm going to visit grandpa and have dinner with him tonight."

Nicole decided to flee.

If Jason continued to stuff her with tonic, she would soon suffer from excessive nutrition.

Nicole saw Jason out with great difficulty. She heaved a sigh of relief when lying alone on the bed.

However, she felt quite warm.

She checked her phone and saw many messages, which were all about asking her whether she was

fine, but there was no news from Mr. and Mrs. Bush.

The news of her being stabbed was so well known that it was impossible for Mr. and Mrs. Bush to not

know it. However, they didn't even send her a single text message. Nicole felt a little upset.

She knew that Melissa had returned and that they might focus more on their own daughter. But being

ignored like this was really hard for her to accept.

Nicole found out the address book and stopped at her mother's phone number. She wanted to make a

call, but she felt that she was mad.

Maybe they were busy.

Comforting herself like this, Nicole put down the phone.

She didn't know when Samuel would come back, and what was going on with him now. She was afraid

of distracting Samuel, so she didn't dare to call him. Now Samuel had been away for a day. She didn't

know if it was safe in the training base.

Nicole suddenly realized that she really missed him. She missed him so much.

She took out her phone and looked at Samuel's photo. Then she smiled slightly, and a trace of

tenderness flashed through her eyes.

In the end, Nicole couldn't suppress the miss for Samuel. She gave Samuel a call. However, the

moment the phone was answered, Nicole's expression instantly changed.


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