Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 585

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Chapter 585“To bring glory to Nolan Group, of course!” Carmen smiled cheerfully. The racing suit hugged her body

in the right places and showed off her beautiful figure. Her radiant face, coupled with her mane of long,

shiny hair, made her look extremely alluring.

Nathan couldn’t help but hug her tightly. “I heard that you’ve managed to bring your speed up to 430

miles an hour. It’s great to have you back on our team!”

“I only managed to do that once! It doesn’t mean I’ll be able to reach 430 miles an hour in every single

race.” Carmen laughed, looking very sexy as she did.

However, there was a hint of pride in her voice.

Carmen held the record for the fastest racing speed in the country. For the last few years, she had

been racing with another team overseas. However, she had received news that Nolan Group was

participating in an international competition. Immediately, her mind had jumped to Lucas’s cold,

beautiful face, and his powerful position in society.

novelbinThis was an excellent chance for her to get close to him, and she wasn’t going to pass it up.

She was the fastest racer in the entire country, after all! Only a woman like her could befit a man like


Letting go of Nathan, Carmen made her way over to Lucas and said with a brilliant smile, “Mr. Nolan,

aren’t you happy to see me?”

“Of course, I’m happy to see you. Thank you for offering to help us during our hour of need,” Lucas

replied politely. “Please have a seat. Regarding your participation in this race, if you have any

conditions you’d like us to fulfill, please feel free to mention them.”“Just give me the same treatment as you extend to Mr. Cartier here.” Carmen continued to flash her

brilliant smile at him. She believed firmly that, with time, she would be able to make Lucas fall in love

with her.

Meanwhile, Ashlyn was busy – very busy.

However, when the afternoon rolled around, she still took the time off to drop by Mr. Chapman’s for a


Mr. Chapman was well on his way to recovery. In fact, he already looked much better than he did


When he saw Ashlyn, Mr. Chapman stretched an arm out to her and croaked, “My… child.”

“Your body is still very weak, so there’s no need for you to greet me.” Ashlyn dragged a chair over and

sat down by his bedside. She surveyed the old man rather coolly.

To this day, she still couldn’t believe that her mother was a member of the Chapman family.

None of Mr. Chapman’s features resembled her mother’s at all.

“I-is my mother really from the Chapman family?” Ashlyn felt a little doubtful. The emotions swirling

within her were so complicated that she couldn’t put them into words.

“I…” Just as Mr. Chapman began to say something, the door swung open, and a nurse stepped into the

room. She was holding an envelope in her hand.

“Dr. Berry, the results of your paternity test is out.”

Ashlyn felt her heart skip a beat. Standing up abruptly, she took the envelope from the nurse.This was the moment she had been looking forward to. However, with the results right before her, she

felt a little hesitant to look at them. She was rarely afraid of anything, but she truly felt afraid now.


Taking a deep breath, Ashlyn ripped off the seal on the envelope containing the test results.

Flipping through the rest of the pages, she quickly arrived at the last page.

When she saw the results printed at the bottom of the page, she froze in shock.

Although she already had an inkling about what the results would be, having the results stare at her in

the face felt horrible.



She truly wasn’t Horace’s biological daughter at all.

So it was as she had feared.

Suddenly, everything seemed so clear now.

Ashlyn finally understood why Horace had mistreated, taken advantage of, hated, and neglected her on

so many counts.

Well, if I’m not Horace’s biological daughter, then what about grandma? Did she know about this, too?

Ashlyn stuffed the documents back into the envelope. After that, she bid Mr. Chapman farewell and left

in a hurry.There was one thing she had to do now. She had to find her grandma and demand an explanation from


Her grandmother, Susan, had been discharged from the hospital a while ago. Now, she stayed in one

of Horace’s old houses.

She was the only person staying in the large house. If it hadn’t been for the nurse who accompanied

her and chatted with her on a daily basis, Susan would’ve given up on life much sooner.

As she busied herself by peeling garlic in the living room, she heard the front door open and then shut.

Looking up, she saw Ashlyn walk into the room.

The girl’s face was deathly pale, and her expression was as cold as the frost of early winter. The look

she shot towards her grandmother was both foreign and familiar.

Susan’s heart ached a little for her granddaughter. Smiling at her good-naturedly, she said, “Ashlyn,

you’re here!”

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