Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1018

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Chapter 1018Chapter 1018 Trending Topic

Her chest heaved with anger, her eyes wide and fixed on the phone screen.

“These scumbags! How dare they insult me like this!”

“All right. All right. Don't get angry here. Let's just go back first,” Emerson said as he began to help her

pack up her things. As he tidied up, he couldn't help but grumble inwardly that the netizens were hard

to deal with. “I'm so annoyed!” Lynette quickly lifted the blanket, sat up from the hospital bed, put on her

coat, and slipped into her shoes.

After everything was settled, she followed Emerson and walked straight out of the ward. She stood

there waiting for Emerson to process her discharge procedures. Just then, a nurse walked over and

said to Lynette, “Ms. Berry, Dr. Hammer told me to inform you about something.” Lynette queried

impatiently, “Again? Hurry up and tell me, what is it?” The nurse gripped the folder in her hand and

repeated Barney's words to Lynette verbatim.

“Our hospital has blacklisted you. From now on, you will never be able to receive treatment at First

Hospital. Please take note of this.”

“What?!” Lynette shrieked, her voice piercingly loud, drawing the attention of many patients and their

families in the first-floor lobby, who were dealing with their discharge procedures.

“Why are you guys blacklisting me? I'm a customer. I'm the patient! The customer is always right!” She

glared at the nurse with an unpleasant expression as she continued, “I object to this. I want to make a

complaint, and I will definitely report your hospital to Consumers' Association. Your hospital is trashy.”

She stood rooted to the ground, wishing to slap the nurse.

This vile, filthy nurse and this disgusting hospital.Lynette's potbellied manager hurried over with the discharge documents in his hand, asking, “What's

going on? What's going on?” Lynette's eyes flashed with anger.

“I can't believe they dared to blacklist me and not allow me to seek treatment at this hospital anymore.

This is too outrageous!” Upon hearing about this, Emerson was enraged.

“What have we done wrong? Is it just because Ashlyn refused to perform surgery on Lynette? Lynette

is the victim here, and you guys have gone too far! This is the first time I've heard of a hospital

blacklisting patients. Do you really think you can do anything you want because you're a big hospital?”

“Excuse me, sir. I'm just following Dr. Hammer's arrangements in this matter. If you have any

objections, you can go directly to the director's office to discuss with him.”

The nurse couldn't be bothered by these two lunatics, so she turned around and walked away. Lynette

glared at the nurse's retreating figure, fuming with anger.

She wasn't willing to accept this and immediately posted about it on Twitter.

It wrote: Are big hospitals so arrogant these days? They even blacklisted me! When she posted, she

also tagged Consumers' Association, Industry and Commerce Bureau, Mayor's Hotline, and many


She tagged every relevant department she could think of. She was determined to make a big deal out

of this matter and confront Ashlyn to the end.

How dare an old woman like her try to bully me! I'll replace her sooner or later.

Lynette thought to herself, feeling quite smug as she waited for various departments to come and

investigate First Hospital.Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookHowever, no matter how long she waited, nobody paid any mind to her. Someone on Twitter shared a

video of her causing a commotion in the hospital and cursing at the nurse during the day.

Lynette has no manners! Lynette causes trouble at the hospital! Lynette causes a ruckus at the


She became a trending topic immediately. Then, the netizens started a new round of scolding. Lynette

was criticized harshly.

Someone commented: With these manners, you dare to call yourself Lynlyn? Isn't this an insult to Mrs.


Another wrote: Look at what Mrs. Nolan has been doing. She is involved in disaster relief, has made

donations, and has even established a foundation. She has assisted numerous people in need. What

about Lynette? She's nothing but trash.

Another added: Her name doesn't deserve to be mentioned alongside Ashlyn's. If anyone dares to call

her Lynlyn again, I'll fight the person! Another netizen stated: Just because they look alike doesn't

mean they have the same qualities or abilities. What else can she do besides acting cute and

coquettish in front of the camera?

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