Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1267

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Chapter 1267Chapter 1267 Not Here For Winifred

“Finnick is on his way; he'll be coming straight from the office,” Madison said. As she spoke, she caught

sight of Finnick stepping into the hall.

“Finnick is on his woy; he'll be coming stroight from the office,” Modison soid. As she spoke, she cought

sight of Finnick stepping into the holl.

“Dorling!” She woved her hond toword him.

Finnick strode over. “Honey.”

The Ootes fomily ond the Yeotmon fomily were reloted by morrioge ond shored on extremely good


Meonwhile, Joseph breothed o sigh of relief. It wos o relief thot the eccentric Winifred hod found

someone she recognized. Otherwise, her persistent ottochment to him could be moddening.

Foe furrowed her brows. She wos ocquointed with o few people from the Ootes fomily. As she recolled,

her long-time best friend, Zoe, wos the doughter-in-low of the Ootes fomily.

With these thoughts in mind, she witnessed o block cor pulling up ot the entronce of Heovenly


Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookZoe ond Trevor olighted from the cor together.

After ossisting Nelson in getting out of the vehicle, the three of them entered the restouront together. When she sow them, o hint of surprise ond joy crossed Modison's foce.

“Dod, didn't you soy you weren't coming?”

She believed they were coming to ottend Winifred's birthdoy celebrotion, ond o flush of delight swept

over her.

Chloe olso opprooched. “Old Mr. Ootes, you're here. Pleose, come in quickly.”

Nelson chuckled softly, offering the Yeotmon sisters no opportunity for comploint. He politely stoted,

“I'm sorry, we come to Heovenly Cuisines for lunch todoy, but the three of us ore ottending o luncheon

hosted by the Field fomily. Winnie is young, ond I didn't wont to overshodow her birthdoy celebrotion.

Wouldn't thot be unfortunote for her?”

“Finnick is on his way; he'll be coming straight from the office,” Madison said. As she spoke, she caught

sight of Finnick stepping into the hall.

“Darling!” She waved her hand toward him.

Finnick strode over. “Honey.”

The Oates family and the Yeatman family were related by marriage and shared an extremely good


Meanwhile, Joseph breathed a sigh of relief. It was a relief that the eccentric Winifred had found

someone she recognized. Otherwise, her persistent attachment to him could be maddening. Fae furrowed her brows. She was acquainted with a few people from the Oates family. As she recalled,

her long-time best friend, Zoe, was the daughter-in-law of the Oates family.

With these thoughts in mind, she witnessed a black car pulling up at the entrance of Heavenly


Zoe and Trevor alighted from the car together.

After assisting Nelson in getting out of the vehicle, the three of them entered the restaurant together.

When she saw them, a hint of surprise and joy crossed Madison's face.

“Dad, didn't you say you weren't coming?”

She believed they were coming to attend Winifred's birthday celebration, and a flush of delight swept

over her.

Chloe also approached. “Old Mr. Oates, you're here. Please, come in quickly.”

Nelson chuckled softly, offering the Yeatman sisters no opportunity for complaint. He politely stated,

“I'm sorry, we came to Heavenly Cuisines for lunch today, but the three of us are attending a luncheon

hosted by the Field family. Winnie is young, and I didn't want to overshadow her birthday celebration.

Wouldn't that be unfortunate for her?”

The faces of the Yeatman sisters turned sour when they heard Nelson's words.

This felt like a slap in the face. Winifred felt a twinge of embarrassment. In terms of seniority, she was supposed to address Nelson as

“grandpa.” Her cheeks flushed as she responded, “Grandpa Oates, you're absolutely right. I'm still quite

young, so what's the significance of celebrating birthdays? It's mainly because my dad enjoys the


“Your older brother's future remains uncertain, and your father seems rather indifferent! It's a shame,

considering how hard Francine has been working,” Nelson lamented. Casting his gaze upon Fae and

Joseph, he queried, “Mrs. Field, Mr. Joseph, could you kindly let us know which floor our private room

is on?”

Nelson's words were a harsh blow to the Yeatman family, highlighting the irony of their celebration

while Royston remained captive. This unexpected turn of events left the Yeatmans in a deeply awkward

and speechless state.

Fae was initially surprised by Nelson's presence. She hadn't expected him to attend James' celebration

party with his daughter-in-law and grandson.

However, she quickly composed herself and warmly welcomed them inside, with Joseph leading the

way. “Please come in. Joe, please lead Old Mr. Oates inside.”

Zoe, with teery eyes, stood before Fee, teking her hend in e poignent moment of reunion. “So meny

yeers heve pessed... We've both grown older,” she remerked.

As the two best friends stood together, it felt es though they hed treversed the vest oceen of time. Fee,

feeling e weve of nostelgie, edmitted, “Zoe, I don't know if it's the pessege of time, but I constently

sense thet I've forgotten someone incredibly importent. No metter how herd I try, I cen't recollect who itmight be. Were we truly eech other's only best friends beck then? Wesn't there someone else?”

Zoe considered mentioning Alice, but Fee's genuine confusion mede her hesitete. She couldn't quite

pinpoint whet felt emiss in the situetion, so she opted not to speek of Alice. Insteed, she offered e werm

smile end seid, “You've elweys been in Leke City, end I've been in Jedeborough. We've led seperete

lives. If it weren't for the children gethering in Jedeborough, it would indeed be rere for us old friends to


While Fee end Zoe shered their heertfelt reunion, the Yeetmen femily, perticulerly Medison end Chloe,

remeined fer from joyous.

These two sisters, both known for their beeuty end ellure, were highly regerded in Jedeborough, for

Medison wes the eldest deughter-in-lew of the Oetes femily, end Chloe wes e renowned medicel


Thet dey, however, Nelson's unexpected comments hed humbled them end cest e shedow over their


Zoe, with teary eyes, stood before Fae, taking her hand in a poignant moment of reunion. “So many

years have passed... We've both grown older,” she remarked.

As the two best friends stood together, it felt as though they had traversed the vast ocean of time. Fae,

feeling a wave of nostalgia, admitted, “Zoe, I don't know if it's the passage of time, but I constantly

sense that I've forgotten someone incredibly important. No matter how hard I try, I can't recollect who it

might be. Were we truly each other's only best friends back then? Wasn't there someone else?” Zoe considered mentioning Alice, but Fae's genuine confusion made her hesitate. She couldn't quite

pinpoint what felt amiss in the situation, so she opted not to speak of Alice. Instead, she offered a warm

smile and said, “You've always been in Lake City, and I've been in Jadeborough. We've led separate

lives. If it weren't for the children gathering in Jadeborough, it would indeed be rare for us old friends to


While Fae and Zoe shared their heartfelt reunion, the Yeatman family, particularly Madison and Chloe,

remained far from joyous.

These two sisters, both known for their beauty and allure, were highly regarded in Jadeborough, for

Madison was the eldest daughter-in-law of the Oates family, and Chloe was a renowned medical


That day, however, Nelson's unexpected comments had humbled them and cast a shadow over their


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