Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1017

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Chapter 1017Chapter 1017 Retaliation

Ashlyn yawned and said, “Find all my surgical records from the past two years, take photos of them,

and post them online. It's not that I won't perform surgery on her. It's just that she doesn't deserve it!”

After saying that, she got up and left immediately.

At that moment, Barney finally realized that he had lost his head because of the incident's popularity on

Twitter. Ashlyn's words gave him an epiphany. Holger also seemed to have just recovered his wits.

“The patients Dr. Berry operated on before are all big shots in the industry. Any one of them is a well-

known figure. As for Lynette, she really pales in comparison.”

With that, the hospital released Ashlyn's surgical records through their official Twitter account that very

day. When netizens saw the patients Ashlyn had operated on, they all fell silent. Many of those familiar

names could only be seen in the news.

Even A-listers from the entertainment industry were in the minority. Ashlyn's patients were all big shots

of a different level.

As she was the top surgeon at First Hospital and a renowned doctor, it would be a bit of an overkill to

let her perform surgery for Lynette's minor burn.

Moreover, the surgical records clearly showed that she only performed two surgeries a month. Ashlyn

had already done two surgeries this month, so no matter who the patient was, she could not possibly

take the job. Lynette and her manager were proven wrong quickly and fiercely.

What further pissed Lynette off was that the hospital even released the examination results of her burn

on their official Twitter account. It stated that the burn was a minor one that required no surgery.Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAll she needed was some time to heal. So, all the surgeries she mentioned were by her own demands,

and the doctor never intended to let her get any surgery in the first place. With her mistakes called out

one after another, Lynette was dying of embarrassment. She never expected Ashlyn to be that

incredible to manage to avert such a disastrous situation.

Lynette initially thought that by tarnishing Ashlyn's reputation, she could usurp the latter's position to

gain more fame, thus securing more opportunities.

Things did not go as planned, and it was driving Lynette crazy. In the midst of her frustrations, a nurse

came over and informed her, “You've been expelled from the hospital. You're not a suitable patient to

be hospitalized here.”

“What did you say? I paid for this; that makes me the boss! I'm a patient! On what grounds are you

kicking me out?” Lynette bellowed, her eyes blazing as she glared at the nurse.

“I'm sorry, but this is the hospital's decision. My job is to inform you, and I have no authority to interfere.

Please leave as soon as possible.” As soon as she delivered the message, the nurse turned to leave.

Trembling in anger, Lynette furiously slapped the medicines on the bedside table away.

All the medicines clattered to the ground. The portly Emerson saw the scene as he walked over at that

time. He exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, “Oh my goodness! Lynette, what are you doing?”

“D*mn it! They're actually forcefully discharging us from the hospital. I paid the medical bills, but they

just told me to get lost!” Lynette's eyes were filled with malice. Her fists clenched tightly as if she were a

wild beast, ready to strike at any moment.

“Dear, we should hurry up and leave. There's nothing we can do anyway. Your negative comments on

Twitter are blowing up, and a whole bunch of people are cursing at you.” Emerson was somewhat at

his wit's end. The original plan was to use Ashlyn's hype to their advantage and bring her down a notchin the process. However, they did not expect Ashlyn's response to be so swift and fierce. Not only did

she make the hospital kick them out, but the hospital even posted Lynette's medical records on Twitter,

including her current condition. Her minor burn had absolutely no need for surgery. Lynette was just

making a fuss for no reason. Now, almost all the netizens who had previously sympathized with Lynette

quickly changed their stance and began to sympathize with Ashlyn instead. That was how netizens

were. They would follow the crowd and enjoy the drama as it unfolded. They would go wherever the

juiciest gossip led them. Lynette quickly grabbed her phone and turned it on. When she saw the

barrage of curses on Twitter, she almost blew a fuse.

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