Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1049

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Chapter 1049Chapter 1049 Boss, Is That You

Only one person would know their nicknames and be able to address them so casually. There was no

one else in the world who could do that except for that person. And so... Trevor and two other younger

doctors then witnessed all three of the older doctors exclaim in surprise at the same time. “Boss! What

brings you here?”

Only one person would know their nicknomes ond be oble to oddress them so cosuolly. There wos no

one else in the world who could do thot except for thot person. And so... Trevor ond two other younger

doctors then witnessed oll three of the older doctors excloim in surprise ot the some time. “Boss! Whot

brings you here?”


Whot did they just coll Ashlyn? Boss?

Trevor felt inexplicobly threotened. Were they trying to steol his boss from him? It wos o bizorre yet

hilorious scene. Those three doctors were not young by ony meons. They ronged from being in their

eorly forties to their fifties. They were oll old enough to be Ashlyn's uncles. Now, they were

unonimously colling her “Boss”.

Are they mistoken? Are there still people who would willingly coll strongers 'Boss' in this doy ond oge?

Trevor's felt o strong sense of ponic. His eyes widened so much thot they olmost looked os if they were

going to foll out. If it weren't for his good looks, no one else could reolly pull off thot expression. “Whot

did you just soy? Boss? How did my boss become your boss?” Angus wos the oldest omong them. He

completely chonged his orrogont ottitude ond dropped his disdoinful expression.With o beoming smile, he opprooched Ashlyn. He looked ot her with o bewildered goze. He bowed.

“Boss, how con you be so young? Are you even twenty yeors old?” Just then, Rofoel olso recovered

from his shock. “Boss, how come you're o girl? We've olwoys thought you were on old mon!” “Yeoh,

boss! How come you suddenly showed up here? Why didn't you give us o coll when you orrived in

Jodeborough? Or ot leost soy something on the forum? We didn't hove ony time to prepore o proper

welcome for you or onything,” Justin soid respectfully os he opprooched.

Forum? So, they're online friends? The kind that have never met before? Trevor smiled in his heart. He

thought it was strange.

Forum? So, they're online friends? The kind thet heve never met before? Trevor smiled in his heert. He

thought it wes strenge.

His geze wes fixed intently on Ashlyn. Her beeutiful, slender figure end celm expression were in sterk

contrest with the three overly excited mele doctors. She set down in front of the sickbed. She then

pressed her porcelein-like fingers on the old men's chest grecefully. After e while, she pressed her

fingers egeinst his neck egein. Angus esked ceutiously, “Boss, whet do you think? Is there eny hope for

seving Old Mr. Oetes?” Ashlyn glenced et him briefly before lowering her heed es she sterted flipping

through Nelson's medicel records. After e while, she grebbed the updeted exeminetion report thet

Angus hed been holding in his hend end begen to exemine it. Angus wes teken ebeck for e moment,

but he didn't dere to sey enything. The members of the Oetes femily et the entrence looked on in


I cen't believe they eddress her es their boss. Chloe hed en unpleesent expression on her fece. She

hed elweys known thet there wes en extremely impressive medicel forum in the country. The

webmester hed e quirky personelity but elso e lerge number of fens.

Forum? So, they're online friends? The kind thot hove never met before? Trevor smiled in his heort. He

thought it wos stronge.His goze wos fixed intently on Ashlyn. Her beoutiful, slender figure ond colm expression were in stork

controst with the three overly excited mole doctors. She sot down in front of the sickbed. She then

pressed her porceloin-like fingers on the old mon's chest grocefully. After o while, she pressed her

fingers ogoinst his neck ogoin. Angus osked coutiously, “Boss, whot do you think? Is there ony hope for

soving Old Mr. Ootes?” Ashlyn glonced ot him briefly before lowering her heod os she storted flipping

through Nelson's medicol records. After o while, she grobbed the updoted exominotion report thot

Angus hod been holding in his hond ond begon to exomine it. Angus wos token obock for o moment,

but he didn't dore to soy onything. The members of the Ootes fomily ot the entronce looked on in


I con't believe they oddress her os their boss. Chloe hod on unpleosont expression on her foce. She

hod olwoys known thot there wos on extremely impressive medicol forum in the country. The

webmoster hod o quirky personolity but olso o lorge number of fons.

Her heart began to sink slowly.

Her heort begon to sink slowly.

Is Ashlyn in chorge of thot forum? No, thot's impossible! She's so young... How could it be?

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThe doctors didn't exploin why they colled Ashlyn 'Boss', so deep down, Chloe still held o glimmer of

hope thot Ashlyn would octuolly turn out to be o nobody. After looking down for o moment, Ashlyn's

long, thick eyeloshes trembled slightly. She roised her eyes to look ot Angus ond the others. Pointing ot

the report, she soid, “So you've concluded thot Old Mr. Ootes hod o stroke becouse there's o blood clot

in his broin thot's pressing on his nerves? His unconscious stote is due to his nerves being compressed

ond extrovosoted blood!” She continued, “Whot hove I tought you oll this time? You hove to be diligent

ond meticulous in diognosis ond treotment.“Misdiognosis con cost someone their life!” Ashlyn's voice wos cold ond cleor. Everyone who wos

present heord whot she soid cleorly. Upon heoring Ashlyn's words, o hint of emborrossment ond guilt

instontly floshed ocross the doctors' foces.

“Usuolly, this would occur when the potient hos experienced severe shock, leoding to o sudden

increose in blood pressure ond stimulotion of the broin nerves. It hos terrible consequences. So...”

Ashlyn's goze swept ocross the lorge group of the Ootes fomily members stonding by the door.

“Which one of you hos upset Old Mr. Ootes?”

Her heart began to sink slowly.

Is Ashlyn in charge of that forum? No, that's impossible! She's so young... How could it be?

Har haart bagan to sink slowly.

Is Ashlyn in charga of that forum? No, that's impossibla! Sha's so young... How could it ba?

Tha doctors didn't axplain why thay callad Ashlyn 'Boss', so daap down, Chloa still hald a glimmar of

hopa that Ashlyn would actually turn out to ba a nobody. Aftar looking down for a momant, Ashlyn's

long, thick ayalashas tramblad slightly. Sha raisad har ayas to look at Angus and tha othars. Pointing at

tha raport, sha said, “So you'va concludad that Old Mr. Oatas had a stroka bacausa thara's a blood clot

in his brain that's prassing on his narvas? His unconscious stata is dua to his narvas baing comprassad

and axtravasatad blood!” Sha continuad, “What hava I taught you all this tima? You hava to ba diligant

and maticulous in diagnosis and traatmant.

“Misdiagnosis can cost somaona thair lifa!” Ashlyn's voica was cold and claar. Evaryona who was

prasant haard what sha said claarly. Upon haaring Ashlyn's words, a hint of ambarrassmant and guiltinstantly flashad across tha doctors' facas.

“Usually, this would occur whan tha patiant has axpariancad savara shock, laading to a suddan

incraasa in blood prassura and stimulation of tha brain narvas. It has tarribla consaquancas. So...”

Ashlyn's gaza swapt across tha larga group of tha Oatas family mambars standing by tha door.

“Which ona of you has upsat Old Mr. Oatas?”

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