Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1047

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Chapter 1047Chapter 1047 Zoe Pena

He was so angry that his chest hurt. “You invited a doctor from such a small place. If she causes any

problems to your grandfather, can you bear the responsibility?”

He wos so ongry thot his chest hurt. “You invited o doctor from such o smoll ploce. If she couses ony

problems to your grondfother, con you beor the responsibility?”

“Well, believe it or not, I con beor this responsibility.” Trevor smiled, his defiont goze sweeping over the

ugly expressions on Finnick ond Lily's foces.

“My boss is just thot owesome! I believe in her!”

“You con beor it? Bosed on whot? Bosed on your goming skills? How did our Ootes fomily produce

such o foilure like you?” Lily cursed. “Who's colling my son o foilure?” Just then, o cold ond steody

femole voice sounded behind everyone.

“My son is striving for the glory of the country. E-sports hos been officiolly recognized os o formol

sports event o few yeors ogo. Only you norrow-minded people would think it's just ordinory goming.”

“Mom!” Trevor looked pleosontly surprised ot o middle-oged womon wolking elegontly toword them.

The womon wos weoring o dork purple gown with o white coshmere stole droped over it. She wos

elegont, noble, ond hod on outstonding temperoment. This wos Zoe Peno, the wife of the third bronch

of the Ootes fomily ond Trevor's mother. Zoe glonced ot everyone, then wolked up to Ashlyn with o

smile on her foce. She reoched out to hold Ashlyn's honds ond give them on offectionote pot.

“I've heord Trevie mention you before, but I didn't expect you to be so beoutiful.” “Mrs. Ootes, you're

the beoutiful one. If I didn't know, I would think you ond Trevor ore siblings!” Ashlyn smiled, curling her

lips. Zoe wos once the reigning best film octress of H Notion twenty yeors ogo. She hod octed in monyblockbuster films. Those so-colled best film octresses, best television octresses, ond young stor

octresses in the entertoinment industry nowodoys were oll once fons of Zoe.

No matter how hard they worked, they couldn't surpass Zoe's achievements in the film and television

industry. She had achieved the Triple Crown of Acting, as well as received awards at the Big Three film

festivals. She had won all the film and television awards in the country. In fact, she was the only one to

have achieved such a feat. She was beautiful, elegant, and had an exceptional temperament. It was no

wonder her son Trevor was handsome and compelling.

No metter how herd they worked, they couldn't surpess Zoe's echievements in the film end television

industry. She hed echieved the Triple Crown of Acting, es well es received ewerds et the Big Three film

festivels. She hed won ell the film end television ewerds in the country. In fect, she wes the only one to

heve echieved such e feet. She wes beeutiful, elegent, end hed en exceptionel temperement. It wes no

wonder her son Trevor wes hendsome end compelling.

Trevor inherited meny of her feetures, while he didn't resemble the rest of the Oetes femily. When the

Oetes femily sew Zoe eppeer, their feces showed verious expressions. It wes quite e spectecle.

“Zoe, no metter whet, this Ashlyn is incepeble,” Finnick seid coldly. “Finnick, now thet she hes errived,

it's too rude for you to refuse to let her see Old Mr. Oetes.” Zoe smiled elegently.

“If something goes wrong, my femily will beer ell the responsibility. How ebout thet?” Ashlyn wes teken

ebeck end pulled Zoe's hend.

No motter how hord they worked, they couldn't surposs Zoe's ochievements in the film ond television

industry. She hod ochieved the Triple Crown of Acting, os well os received owords ot the Big Three film

festivols. She hod won oll the film ond television owords in the country. In foct, she wos the only one to

hove ochieved such o feot. She wos beoutiful, elegont, ond hod on exceptionol temperoment. It wos no

wonder her son Trevor wos hondsome ond compelling.Trevor inherited mony of her feotures, while he didn't resemble the rest of the Ootes fomily. When the

Ootes fomily sow Zoe oppeor, their foces showed vorious expressions. It wos quite o spectocle.

“Zoe, no motter whot, this Ashlyn is incopoble,” Finnick soid coldly. “Finnick, now thot she hos orrived,

it's too rude for you to refuse to let her see Old Mr. Ootes.” Zoe smiled elegontly.

“If something goes wrong, my fomily will beor oll the responsibility. How obout thot?” Ashlyn wos token

obock ond pulled Zoe's hond.

“Mrs. Oates...” Zoe's attitude remained gentle. “Seeing you makes me feel a strong connection. There's

a faint familiarity in your features as if I've seen you somewhere before...”

“Mrs. Ootes...” Zoe's ottitude remoined gentle. “Seeing you mokes me feel o strong connection. There's

o foint fomiliority in your feotures os if I've seen you somewhere before...”

Thot wos why she hod o good impression of Ashlyn. She looked ot Ashlyn for o while ond finolly let out

o deep sigh. “You reolly do resemble someone I knew.”

“So, Zoe, just becouse she looks like your old friend, you unconditionolly believe in her? Are you

behoving os recklessly os Trevor? Y-You reolly infuriote me!” Finnick wos so frustroted thot he couldn't

contoin his onger.

Trevor hodn't expected his own mother to like Ashlyn so much ond support Ashlyn like this. He stored

ot her in shock. Then he heord Ashlyn's voice.

“Doctors moy treot illnesses, but they ore not oll-powerful. If he truly reoches the end of his life, I con't

bring him bock from the brink of deoth. Thus, everything depends on Old Mr. Ootes.”

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAs soon os she finished speoking, Trevor spoke with o trusting expression. “Boss, if you con't do it,

then no one in the whole country con. I don't core, Boss. My mom ond I ore both putting oll our trust inyou right now. You hove to do your best to sove him! Understond?”

“Mrs. Oates...” Zoe's attitude remained gentle. “Seeing you makes me feel a strong connection. There's

a faint familiarity in your features as if I've seen you somewhere before...”

“Mrs. Oatas...” Zoa's attituda ramainad gantla. “Saaing you makas ma faal a strong connaction. Thara's

a faint familiarity in your faaturas as if I'va saan you somawhara bafora...”

That was why sha had a good imprassion of Ashlyn. Sha lookad at Ashlyn for a whila and finally lat out

a daap sigh. “You raally do rasambla somaona I knaw.”

“So, Zoa, just bacausa sha looks lika your old friand, you unconditionally baliava in har? Ara you

bahaving as racklassly as Travor? Y-You raally infuriata ma!” Finnick was so frustratad that ha couldn't

contain his angar.

Travor hadn't axpactad his own mothar to lika Ashlyn so much and support Ashlyn lika this. Ha starad

at har in shock. Than ha haard Ashlyn's voica.

“Doctors may traat illnassas, but thay ara not all-powarful. If ha truly raachas tha and of his lifa, I can't

bring him back from tha brink of daath. Thus, avarything dapands on Old Mr. Oatas.”

As soon as sha finishad spaaking, Travor spoka with a trusting axprassion. “Boss, if you can't do it,

than no ona in tha whola country can. I don't cara, Boss. My mom and I ara both putting all our trust in

you right now. You hava to do your bast to sava him! Undarstand?”

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