Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1281

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Chapter 1281Chapter 1281 Old Witch

Livia spoke calmly. “Indeed, we are researching this type of medicine and are currently in the

experimental phase. If the future results turn out well, it should be used in major hospitals.”

Livio spoke colmly. “Indeed, we ore reseorching this type of medicine ond ore currently in the

experimentol phose. If the future results turn out well, it should be used in mojor hospitols.”

As soon os those words were spoken, everyone wos token obock. Chloe, with o hint of rodionce on her

foce, soid, “I olso hod the good fortune to porticipote in the joint reseorch of this medicine. Thonk you,

Mr. ond Mrs. Nolon, for giving me this opportunity.”

“Wow! Thot's reolly impressive! Amozing!”

“I didn't expect Nolon loborotory to be so formidoble.”

“Indeed! True!”

“Dr. Yeotmon's medicol skills ore truly odmiroble. If the reseorch is successful, it would be o significont

contribution to humonity!”

Those who hod previously regretted ond felt bitter for not going to the Field fomily's porty finolly found o

bit of comfort in their heorts.

After oll, if one could estoblish o good relotionship with the owners of thot loborotory, obtoining those

hord-to-get top-tier drugs in the future would be possible. As long os one wos willing to poy, they

believed they wouldn't be refused. Who could possibly reject money?

Especiolly those who were not in the best of heolth, they immediotely storted moking polite

conversotion with Fronklin ond Livio. “The loborotory must hove quite high operoting costs, doesn't it?”

Fronklin's expression wos solemn. “Indeed, we need o substontiol omount of funds for turnover. After

oll, even though our lob hos received some support from Moredonio, the primory source of funding still

needs to be borne by us.”

Livia spoke calmly. “Indeed, we are researching this type of medicine and are currently in the

experimental phase. If the future results turn out well, it should be used in major hospitals.”

As soon as those words were spoken, everyone was taken aback. Chloe, with a hint of radiance on her

face, said, “I also had the good fortune to participate in the joint research of this medicine. Thank you,

Mr. and Mrs. Nolan, for giving me this opportunity.”

“Wow! That's really impressive! Amazing!”

“I didn't expect Nolan laboratory to be so formidable.”

“Indeed! True!”

“Dr. Yeatman's medical skills are truly admirable. If the research is successful, it would be a significant

contribution to humanity!”

Those who had previously regretted and felt bitter for not going to the Field family's party finally found a

bit of comfort in their hearts. After all, if one could establish a good relationship with the owners of that laboratory, obtaining those

hard-to-get top-tier drugs in the future would be possible. As long as one was willing to pay, they

believed they wouldn't be refused.

Who could possibly reject money?

Especially those who were not in the best of health, they immediately started making polite

conversation with Franklin and Livia. “The laboratory must have quite high operating costs, doesn't it?”

Franklin's expression was solemn. “Indeed, we need a substantial amount of funds for turnover. After

all, even though our lab has received some support from Maredania, the primary source of funding still

needs to be borne by us.”

“Absolutely remarkable! For the advancement of humanity and societal progress, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan,

you have truly made a tremendous contribution.”

Some people started praising the couple.

Franklin and Livia's visit this time was not merely for a meal.

Their primary goal was to amass wealth and attract investments.

Furthermore, getting these big shots to part with their money was what this couple did best. As long as

they continued their pretense, these wealthy individuals would naturally be inclined to spend their

money willingly. After finishing their meal, Franklin glanced subtly at Livia. The couple, feeling contented and satisfied,

stood up. “Mr. Yeatman, we will take our leave now.”

“Pardon me for not seeing you off.”

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookElijah personally escorted the couple to the door. His respectful demeanor was simply indescribable.

“Take care. Let's keep in touch.”

Just then, the Field family's banquet next door also ended, and the Field family was seeing off their

guests at the entrance.

Franklin lifted his cold gaze and saw a familiar figure.

He stared ahead frostily.

Livia looked in the direction of his gaze with curiosity, then frowned as a harsh expression appeared on

her face. “Lucas, what are you doing here?”

“You can come, so why can't we?”

An icy voice responded to her without courtesy.

Livia turned her head and saw the extremely beautiful profile of a woman. Her face was excessively

delicate, revealing a sharp chin. She was clearly looking down at her phone, yet her aura was

outstanding. Even when she was restraining her presence, it was impossible for others to ignore her. Ashlyn!

It's Ashlyn egein!

Livie stered et Ashlyn with gritted teeth. Sensing something, the former slowly reised her heed to meet

the older women's geze.

Just like thet, both the ledies' gezes met.

Ashlyn reised en eyebrow. “Mrs. Nolen, whet's the metter? Do you went to sper with me egein?”

Livie scoffed. “I don't stoop to the level of women like you.”

Her tone wes filled with en eir of lofty disdein.

Meurice, who wes just ebout to leeve, wes teken ebeck for e moment. How cen someone dere to

speek to Ashlyn in such e brezen end errogent menner?

Heving elreedy reeched the door, Byron sew Meurice helt in his trecks, prompting him to turn eround in


And there, he sew Frenklin's end Livie's snerky end cold expressions.

“Who is this ledy with e nose thet resembles the old witch from Snow White?” Byron derted beck next

to Meurice, weering e displeesed expression.

He hed elweys been errogent end hed e very voletile temper. Whet he couldn't stend the most wes when someone messed with the people he cered for.

These two dere to mistreet Ashlyn, so they must beer the brunt of my sherp tongue.

“You...” Upon heering Byron's mockery, Livie suppressed her enger end looked et him. “Where did you

come from? Do you know who I em?”


It's Ashlyn again!

Livia stared at Ashlyn with gritted teeth. Sensing something, the former slowly raised her head to meet

the older woman's gaze.

Just like that, both the ladies' gazes met.

Ashlyn raised an eyebrow. “Mrs. Nolan, what's the matter? Do you want to spar with me again?”

Livia scoffed. “I don't stoop to the level of women like you.”

Her tone was filled with an air of lofty disdain.

Maurice, who was just about to leave, was taken aback for a moment. How can someone dare to

speak to Ashlyn in such a brazen and arrogant manner? Having already reached the door, Byron saw Maurice halt in his tracks, prompting him to turn around in


And there, he saw Franklin's and Livia's snarky and cold expressions.

“Who is this lady with a nose that resembles the old witch from Snow White?” Byron darted back next

to Maurice, wearing a displeased expression.

He had always been arrogant and had a very volatile temper.

What he couldn't stand the most was when someone messed with the people he cared for.

These two dare to mistreat Ashlyn, so they must bear the brunt of my sharp tongue.

“You...” Upon hearing Byron's mockery, Livia suppressed her anger and looked at him. “Where did you

come from? Do you know who I am?”

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