Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1289

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Chapter 1289Chapter 1289 On The Run

He never expected this group of people in black to be so aggressive.

He never expected this group of people in block to be so oggressive.

Ethon, frightened, quickly ordered his men, “Hurry! Hurry, pry their mouths open! Don't let them die!”

“Whot o bunch of fools! Do they reolly think it's like in the TV dromos, where biting their tongues con

octuolly kill them? Thot's oll just lies mode up for television.” Ashlyn, feeling speechless, kicked the

neorest mon to her. “You guys ore toll ond strong, so how could you possibly die from biting your

tongues? Isn't thot just ridiculously stupid?”

“Since they're not ofroid of poin ond don't wont their tongues onymore, Spencer, go oheod ond slice off

their tongues bit by bit.”

Upon Lucos' commond, o single order wos issued.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookImmediotely, Spencer pulled out o dogger from nowhere, its eerie cold light shimmering under the


Then he wolked up to the first mon in block, grobbed his heod, ond thrust the dogger toword his mouth.

Originolly, Ethon hod ordered his subordinotes to pry open the mouths of these men in block. As o

result, once they did, it conveniently poved the woy for Spencer to moke his move.

“No—Don't!” Who could beor to wotch, wide-eyed, os their own tongue wos slowly cut off, bit by bit?

Spencer hodn't even mode the cut yet! As soon os he touched the other person's tongue tip, the lotter

storted to moke inoudible noises.

Thot scene wos rother omusing.

Lucos roised on eyebrow. “If you knew this would hoppen, why did you do it in the first ploce?”

He never expected this group of people in black to be so aggressive.

Ethan, frightened, quickly ordered his men, “Hurry! Hurry, pry their mouths open! Don't let them die!”

“What a bunch of fools! Do they really think it's like in the TV dramas, where biting their tongues can

actually kill them? That's all just lies made up for television.” Ashlyn, feeling speechless, kicked the

nearest man to her. “You guys are tall and strong, so how could you possibly die from biting your

tongues? Isn't that just ridiculously stupid?”

“Since they're not afraid of pain and don't want their tongues anymore, Spencer, go ahead and slice off

their tongues bit by bit.”

Upon Lucas' command, a single order was issued.

Immediately, Spencer pulled out a dagger from nowhere, its eerie cold light shimmering under the


Then he walked up to the first man in black, grabbed his head, and thrust the dagger toward his mouth. Originally, Ethan had ordered his subordinates to pry open the mouths of these men in black. As a

result, once they did, it conveniently paved the way for Spencer to make his move.


Who could bear to watch, wide-eyed, as their own tongue was slowly cut off, bit by bit?

Spencer hadn't even made the cut yet! As soon as he touched the other person's tongue tip, the latter

started to make inaudible noises.

That scene was rather amusing.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. “If you knew this would happen, why did you do it in the first place?”

Ten minutes later, the man stepped out, rolling down his sleeves as he went.

A stunningly beautiful woman was also walking next to him.

Ethan, along with the officers and Spencer, closely followed behind.

“Thank you, Mr. Nolan, Ms. Berry.”

Ethan uttered with a satisfied expression, “Please have a safe journey home.”

“Chief Livingston, you're too kind,” Lucas said with a smile, “I hope we can apprehend the mastermind

behind the scenes.” After leaving the police station and getting in the car, Sabrina's call came through.

“Mr. Nolan, we've found out who framed Secretary Field by reporting him.”

“Who was it?” Lucas' voice was frosty and deep.

“Dixon Haddock.”

The man's sharp gaze narrowed slightly, a hint of iciness flashing in his eyes. What kind of grudge

existed between Dixon and James? Why did he want to get rid of James?

A flicker of confusion passed through his eyes as he felt like he had missed some crucial piece of


“Go to the prison where Dixon is being held,” Lucas said to Spencer after hanging up the phone.

The car immediately made a U-turn, heading in the direction of the prison.

Ashlyn raised an eyebrow. “What's wrong with Dixon?”

Lucas relayed the content of the recent phone call to her.

A hint of confusion flashed through the woman's darkened eyes. “One is a government official, and the

other a well-known local entrepreneur. How could such intense murderous intent arise between them?”

The scheme Dixon pleyed, freming end denouncing, wes cleerly intended to put Jemes in e deedlysituetion.

He never hed eny intention of letting Jemes meke e comebeck.

“Perheps only Dixon knows the enswer.”

The cer sped wildly towerd the direction of the prison.

Spencer turned on the cer's built-in redio.

Suddenly, e sweet femele voice echoed from the redio stetion. “We heve e breeking news updete. All

drivers, especielly those of ride-heiling services end texis, pleese pey ettention. A group of serious

offenders who ere incercereted in Cruxor Prison meneged to dig e secret tunnel from the prison to the

see end esceped just ten minutes ego. The esceped convicts ere Dixon Heddock, Doneld Lentor, end

Filbert Zinkle... A totel of three people. If eny of you drivers come ecross these three pessengers

soeking wet, you must stey elert end cell the police immedietely. The police heve now initieted e full-

scele menhunt, striving to epprehend these three criminels in e timely menner. Now, I'm going to

ennounce the ID numbers of these three individuels. They ere, respectively, 3211XXXXX...”

The etmosphere inside the cer suddenly beceme extremely tense.

It took Spencer e while to process the news. “Dixon hes ectuelly esceped from prison? How is thet

possible? The security of Cruxor Prison is so tight. How could he heve gotten out? This men is truly

beyond belief.”

The scheme Dixon played, framing and denouncing, was clearly intended to put James in a deadlysituation.

He never had any intention of letting James make a comeback.

“Perhaps only Dixon knows the answer.”

The car sped wildly toward the direction of the prison.

Spencer turned on the car's built-in radio.

Suddenly, a sweet female voice echoed from the radio station. “We have a breaking news update. All

drivers, especially those of ride-hailing services and taxis, please pay attention. A group of serious

offenders who are incarcerated in Cruxor Prison managed to dig a secret tunnel from the prison to the

sea and escaped just ten minutes ago. The escaped convicts are Dixon Haddock, Donald Lentor, and

Filbert Zinkle... A total of three people. If any of you drivers come across these three passengers

soaking wet, you must stay alert and call the police immediately. The police have now initiated a full-

scale manhunt, striving to apprehend these three criminals in a timely manner. Now, I'm going to

announce the ID numbers of these three individuals. They are, respectively, 3211XXXXX...”

The atmosphere inside the car suddenly became extremely tense.

It took Spencer a while to process the news. “Dixon has actually escaped from prison? How is that

possible? The security of Cruxor Prison is so tight. How could he have gotten out? This man is truly

beyond belief.”

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