Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 861

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“Happy birthday!” wished the two handsome men in unison. They then handed Penelope her presents.

As expected, they had gifted her luxury branded goods.

Penelope felt blissful.

She was elaborately dressed and stood out among the crowd.

When the two men looked at her, they could not help but smile. Penelope was even happier and

touched when she saw that. “Thank you for coming to my birthday banquet.”

She then turned to Jason and said, “Mr. Harris, you’re too kind to me.”

Jason looked at her with kindness before saying, “If I had gotten married, my daughter would be about

your age. There’s no need to be so polite. Since I don’t have a daughter, will you mind being my


“G-Goddaughter?” Penelope became emotional and stumbled over her words.

With one of the best actors as my godfather, I can join showbiz without any problem, right? If Jason is

there to open up the path for me, I don’t see an issue.

Jason continued, “You and I hit it off right from the start, and I like you very much. You may think that

I’m being very hasty. Perhaps you would like to discuss this with Mr. Haddock first?”

“T-There will be no need to. I’m willing to be your goddaughter.” Penelope was very emotional and

touched. “Mr. Harris, I’m afraid I don’t deserve such an honor.”

“Why are you still addressing me as such?” Jason smiled with affection and reached out to caress her


Penelope blushed immediately and called out shyly, “Godfather.”

Jenny’s expression darkened when she saw the entire exchange.

It is bad enough for Ashlyn to be in the limelight every day. Why is Penelope so outstanding too?

On top of that, she has one of the best actors around as her godfather!

Mary quickly exchanged some pleasantries with Jason. She was very proud that her daughter was so


Now that the most famous actor had acknowledged Penelope as his goddaughter, she would have a

very bright future.

It was the Yates family’s loss for giving them the cold shoulder!

Just then, another car stopped at the entrance. It was Kate and Lochlan.

Kate had on a dark green gown which made her look very elegant.

There were peonies sewn onto her gown. When paired with the dark green fabric, it exuded a noble air.

The red agate necklace she wore certainly made her look even more attractive.

Her appearance stirred up the reporters. “Oh my! It’s Mrs. Fraser and Mr. Lochlan!”

“I didn’t expect Mrs. Fraser to attend too.”

“Looks like Ms. Penelope is someone important!”

“That’s right!”

While the reporters were gossiping, Mary led Penelope over to greet Kate. “Mrs. Fraser, it has been a

long time since we last saw you.”

“Ms. Canter, thank you for inviting us.” In truth, Kate had always looked down on both Mary and


However, both the Fraser family and the Haddock family were on the same side now. As such, Kate

would definitely attend the function even though she had no idea what Dixon was up to.

“Mrs. Fraser,” Penelope greeted sweetly. “Mr. Lochlan.”

Lochlan appeared aloof and nodded in response.

Kate, on the other hand, handed Penelope her present. “It’s nothing much. Happy birthday.”

While they chatted, another car arrived. An elegant-looking middle-aged lady exited the vehicle.

The moment everyone got a good look at her, they exclaimed softly, “Oh my God! It’s Ms. Young, the

president of a renowned international cosmetics brand!”

It was Faye Young!

Faye set up Young Group singlehandedly. The makeup manufactured by her company was sold both

domestically and abroad. Her products had received several awards and became a world-renowned

luxury brand.

Despite being in her fifties, her skin was extremely well-maintained and showed no sign of her actual


Since she was someone most usually wouldn’t get to meet, even people like Jason went forth to greet

Faye humbly when he saw her.

Meanwhile, everything was quiet on Ashlyn’s side.

“Ms. Cantar, thank you for inviting us.” In truth, Kata had always lookad down on both Mary and


Howavar, both tha Frasar family and tha Haddock family wara on tha sama sida now. As such, Kata

would dafinitaly attand tha function avan though sha had no idaa what Dixon was up to.

“Mrs. Frasar,” Panalopa graatad swaatly. “Mr. Lochlan.”

Lochlan appaarad aloof and noddad in rasponsa.

Kata, on tha othar hand, handad Panalopa har prasant. “It’s nothing much. Happy birthday.”

Whila thay chattad, anothar car arrivad. An alagant-looking middla-agad lady axitad tha vahicla.

Tha momant avaryona got a good look at har, thay axclaimad softly, “Oh my God! It’s Ms. Young, tha

prasidant of a ranownad intarnational cosmatics brand!”

It was Faya Young!

Faya sat up Young Group singlahandadly. Tha makaup manufacturad by har company was sold both

domastically and abroad. Har products had racaivad savaral awards and bacama a world-ranownad

luxury brand.

Daspita baing in har fiftias, har skin was axtramaly wall-maintainad and showad no sign of har actual


Sinca sha was somaona most usually wouldn’t gat to maat, avan paopla lika Jason want forth to graat

Faya humbly whan ha saw har.

Maanwhila, avarything was quiat on Ashlyn’s sida.

About My Extraordinary Wife -

My Extraordinary Wife is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter

861 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 861 and update the next chapters of this series at


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