Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1243

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Chapter 1243Chapter 1243 Jackpot

She understood each word when taken separately, but she found it difficult to comprehend when they

were put together. What does “together” mean? What did he mean when he said nothing would

separate me from my child?

She looked at him, puzzled. “Are you saying that even though you know Renae is your daughter, you

don't want to fulfill your responsibilities as a father? That's okay, I won't ask anything of you. I can raise

her on my own. It might be a bit tough, but a little hardship is nothing.”

Liam was so furious that he wished he could crack open her skull to see what exactly was inside.

Wasn't I clear enough? Why can't she just get my point?

The driver sitting in front was so anxious that he was like a cat on hot bricks. He was dying to speak on

Liam's behalf. Mr. Cartier! With your hesitant and subtle approach, when exactly will you be able to win

over your lady love? Can't you explain it a bit more clearly? Confess your feelings! Why don't you

confess your feelings?

Just then, the car came to a smooth halt at the airport. The driver let out a sigh and said helplessly, “Mr.

Cartier, we've arrived at the airport.”

Airport? Why are we at the airport? Does Liam want to take me back to H Nation at this instant? Yuri

panicked. “I'm not going with you. Renae is still in the association! Let me go back!”

“What are you thinking about?” Liam looked at her somewhat speechlessly, got out of the car first, and

then extended his hand toward her. “Get out of the car.” Yuri bit her lip, feeling too shy to hold his hand. Silently, she steadied herself on the car door as she got


Liam felt a bit hurt, sensing her obvious rejection toward him.

However, he didn't show it.

Instead, he looked at the handsome man and beautiful woman who got out of the car in front of him.

Upon seeing Ashlyn, Yuri finally felt a hint of security in her heart.

She practically sprinted toward Ashlyn, her steps fast and frantic. “Ms. Berry, why are we at the


If she had to spend any more time up close with Liam, she was certain she'd go mad.

Ashlyn gave a slight smile. “Yuri, I'm going back to H Nation. The matters in Zaewora have been

resolved. It's time for us to return.”

“Huh?” Yuri looked at her in surprise. Did Liam bring me here to hand me over to Ashlyn and Lucas?

“Keep working hard, and I believe in you.” Ashlyn extended her fair hand, gently patting Yuri's smooth

little face.

Such an affectionate gesture made Yuri blush a little. “Wishing you a smooth journey. Thank you.” “No need to be so formal, Mr. Cartier should be quite capable.” Ashlyn gave her a meaningful glance,

then looked at the tall man standing not far away with Lucas. “Wow! You hit the jackpot with Renae on

your first try. Impressive!”

Upon hearing Ashlyn's teasing, Yuri's face turned redder, especially when she thought about how

intimately and deeply she had interacted with Liam five years ago, even having a child with him.

Yuri felt dizzy and her vision blurred.

The passion of that night seemed vividly in sight, and it was too embarrassing for her.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAshlyn knew she was sensitive, so she didn't press on. Instead, she turned her gaze toward Lucas.

Liam was handsome, but Lucas was even more so. The two of them standing together form an eye-

catching duo, more pleasing to the eye than the male celebrities featured in magazines who were

hyped as the perfect gay couples.

“Thanks,” Liam uttered.

Lucas had a half-smile on his face when he replied, “So, you have finally settled down, and all you

have to say is thanks? That seems insufficient.”

Liam lowered his eyes and smiled. “She seems to be quite afraid of me. But, it's okay, I'll try to court

her first.”

The man who had never been in love was smiling, his face full of joy. “After all these years, this is the first time I've seen you smile so blissfully.” Lucas lowered his head to

check the latest messages on WhatsApp, only to see a series of shocked emoticons sent by Nathan.

Nathan texted: D*mn! You actually found a wife for Liam! Aren't you two always at each other's throats?

You two have been hiding secrets!

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