Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1096

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Chapter 1096Chapter 1096 Time Waits For No One

“Sure, but time waits for no one. I hope you won't take too long to decide, after all, your father's

situation is rather dire.” Mrs. Taylor picked up the cup of coffee from the table and took a sip. “Ms.

Saunders is too famous. Your relationship with her will inevitably attract those with ulterior motives who

wish to make use of you. So, you'd better hurry up. Don't keep me waiting until I lose my patience.”

Having said that, Mrs. Taylor gracefully rose to her feet and adjusted the shawl that was draped over

her shoulders.

“Let me know when you've made up your mind.”

The door was opened, and the lobby manager respectfully escorted her out.

Joseph drained the coffee from his cup in one gulp before placing it back on the table with a thud. He

took Charlotte's hand and said, “Let's go.”

Even after leaving the room, Charlotte's face was still slightly pale. “Joseph, what should we do?” she


“Let's head back to the hotel first.” Joseph gave her a somewhat forced smile, lifting his hand to ruffle

the girl's hair. “Lottie, you did really well just now.”

He was somewhat taken aback when the girl mustered the courage to refute Mrs. Taylor.

Charlotte pursed her lips. “But you said you'd consider the deal. Are you going to see Ashlyn?” Joseph lowered his gaze to look at her, “Lottie, whether or not to take a mentee is Ashlyn's decision to

make. None of us can make that decision for her. However, to save Father, we can ask for Ashlyn's

opinion. If she is willing to meet Mrs. Taylor, we will introduce them. If she is not willing, we will refuse

Mrs. Taylor.”

“I understand.” Charlotte nodded. “In this way, you'll neither offend Mrs. Taylor nor hurt Ashlyn.”

“Yes,” Joseph said with a sigh. The world of adults had never been easy.

After the conversation, he gazed at the gray, overcast sky outside, shrouded in smog.

It was just like the gloomy clouds in his heart that he couldn't rid of.

A car smoothly pulled into the underground parking lot of the mall.

Ashlyn got out of the car and stiffly tugged at the fleece sweatshirt she was wearing.

She had no idea what had gotten into Lucas, or where he managed to find a pair of matching hoodies,

but he had insisted that she wear one.

If she wore it alone, it wouldn't have mattered much, but Lucas was wearing an identical hoodie.

The man was typically dressed in a suit, but suddenly, he was adopting a much more casual style.

Surprisingly, this change softened the sharp and intimidating aura that usually surrounded him.

In fact, he almost seemed like a university student in that outfit. Even Spencer had cooperatively put on a casual sweater.

The moment the three of them stepped into the elevator, a girl rushed in right after them. She was

wearing a pink fur coat and a black A-line leather skirt. Around her neck hung a large, chunky sweater

chain. Her outfit was incredibly trendy.

She was chewing gum, and her expression radiating untamed defiance.

The elevator ascended slowly, and when it reached the first floor, Ashlyn stepped out.

Lucas and Spencer also came out with her.

Dressed in matching outfits of the same color, their striking good looks immediately drew the attention

of many passersby.

“The mall is quite cozy.”

With Christmas just around the corner, the mall is decked out in festive cheer.

At the entrance of the first floor, there was a gigantic Christmas tree, adorned with tiny lanterns, small

gift boxes, and miniature Christmas apples.

Moreover, it was wrapped with strings of flickering, twinkling fairy lights, which looked absolutely


The Christmas atmosphere was palpable. “The restaurant is on the left side of the first floor,” Spencer said after checking the map on his phone.

“I've heard the food is quite good. It's one of the popular influencer restaurants in Jadeborough. It

usually has a lot of customers.”

“Let's go.” Ashlyn nodded. They came here because Spencer had mentioned that there was a

restaurant with spicy food in this area.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookJust then, a sharp yell rang out from not far away. “Are you blind? Don't you have eyes? Do you know

how expensive this fur coat of mine is?”

Right after that, the remorseful voice of an elderly man resonated, “I'm sorry, miss. It was unintentional.

My eyesight isn't as sharp as it once was.”

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