Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 672

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Ashlyn and Ryan exchanged glances before turning to look at the photo on the phone.

They were stunned when they saw the manuscript shown in the photo.

Michael’s confident expression stiffened. What was going on? Was there a problem with the photo?

Hera felt her heart in her mouth when she saw the facial expressions of the panel of judges.

She needed to know the answer urgently because she couldn’t wait to see Charlotte humiliated by


However, she could not see anything from the audience seat. Thus, she could only wait with bated


After some time, the judges passed the phone to the host.

The host was also stunned when she saw the photo on the phone.

She placed the phone in front of the camera and faced its screen toward the camera lens directly.

“My goodness! The evidence provided by contestant Charlotte is a photo on the phone. The manuscript

in the photo looks to be identical to Mr. Underwood’s manuscript. However, Charlotte’s manuscript

looks very clean and brand new. On the other hand, Mr. Underwood’s manuscript looks slightly

yellowed with age,” the host exclaimed in shock loudly.

When the photo was cast onto the large screen, everyone present stared at the comparison with wide


The two manuscripts were the same. The only difference was one was new, while the other was older.

“Good heavens! How is this possible?”

“Why is this happening?”

Hera was also shocked as she stared at the screen intently.

“How is this possible? Charlotte, where did you steal this manuscript from? You must’ve seen Mr.

Underwood’s manuscript and secretly taken a picture. You went back to practice in private and came

here to accuse Mr. Underwood of plagiarizing this tune, thereby claiming you’re the one who composed

this piece!” Hera disparaged Charlotte loudly, acting as if she was a defender of justice.

All the people present stared at the comparison of the two manuscripts in disbelief. It was truly


All eyes were squarely focused on Charlotte and Michael.

Michael smiled in a way that he personally considered elegant. With a hint of helplessness in his tone,

he said, “Young lady, I appreciate your desire to become famous. After all, we all want to become

pianists with extraordinary achievements. However, you should not take such shameful shortcuts. The

best shortcut in the world is putting in your hard work.”

His words clearly did not carry any hint of anger and agitation at being plagiarized.

The audience could not help but nod their heads in approval. “No wonder he’s a famous musician. This

refined behavior is truly praiseworthy.”

“Indeed. Are you not embarrassed to hear this, Charlotte? You stole someone else’s piece of music

and claimed that it was of your own creation.”

Charlotte bit her lip. Her bandaged face held a hint of inexplicable resilience. “Why is this happening?”

Hera was also shocked as she stared at the screen intently.

It made Ashlyn and the rest of the Field family members feel nervous for her.

As things had already come to that point, there was no one who could help her.

She had to face this issue on her own. Could she do it?

“You can do it!” Joseph soundlessly mouthed the words of encouragement. Worry was written all

across his handsome face.

From above the stage, Charlotte stared at the scant number of people who supported her, including

Joseph, Fae, James, and Ashlyn.

The looks in their eyes told her that they supported her and that they believed in her.

Charlotte felt her rapidly thumping heart calm down. It was as if all the fearful emotions she felt had

vanished as they had been gathered up and thrown into a dark corner.

I can do it! I absolutely can do it!

When the host saw that Charlotte remained silent, she could not resist asking, “Charlotte, is there

anything else you would like to say? Why do you have a photo of the manuscript? Is it true that you

accidentally saw his manuscript and secretly took a picture?”

Charlotte took a moment to calm herself down and replied softly, “The manuscript Mr. Underwood has

belongs to me! I wrote it, and I composed this piano piece. I have no idea why he has it because I

threw it into a trash can long ago.”

The manuscript belongs to me!

About My Extraordinary Wife -

My Extraordinary Wife is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter

672 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 672 and update the next chapters of this series at


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