Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1194

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Chapter 1194Chapter 1194 Transform This Small Country

Upon hearing Cassandra's words, Spencer was very much taken aback.

“So, has this association been established for a long time?”

“Hmm, it's been about four or five years.” Cassandra tilted her head a fraction. “When Boss started the

association, I was still very young. But... she's a woman with great vision and courage. Some of the

girls who left our association have already started working.”

“Working?” Spencer was even more astonished.

“Yes. The first group of girls we took in were just teenagers then, and they must be in their early

twenties now,” said Cassandra with an air of nonchalance. “Each of them has their own path to travel,

and the paths they've taken were all decided through discussions with Boss.”

“Path?” Spencer was further shocked. “What path?”

Cassandra looked Spencer up and down. “Why is it that I find you a bit slow on the uptaking?”

That struck Spencer speechless.

Have I been disdained now?

“All the girls here join our association with a unified goal, which is to change the social status of women

in Zaewora. As such, how could they possibly be working ordinary jobs?”

“So... they've gone into the district government? Or did they enter some other organization?” A

terrifying thought suddenly popped up in Spencer's mind.Is Ashlyn intending to overthrow the entire national structure of Zaewora? She wants all the girls she

has nurtured to infiltrate every aspect of this country and then carry out all future reforms under her

guidance? It's highly likely that... in the not-too-distant future, she can transform this small country in

Zaewora into a thriving nation before ensuring that women occupy their rightful place, no longer being

mere appendages to men and useless people confined to the home. No, that's impossible. How could

Ms. Berry possibly have such a thought? Surely, this notion of mine is wrong.

Upon hearing Cassandra's words, Spencer was very much taken aback.

He shook his head, casting those thoughts out of his mind.

Just then, Cassandra's voice drifted into his ears once more.

“Of course. At the very least... they're a teacher. Being an elementary school or middle school teacher

is no problem for them at all. We aim to cultivate modern, knowledgeable, and cultured women, not

useless individuals.”

Cassandra wore a proud expression. She then rubbed her stomach. “Ah, I'm feeling a bit hungry.”

She glanced at the time and saw that it was already evening.

“Hang in there for ten more minutes, kids. Then, it's time to end the lesson, and we can all eat.”



The children answered affirmatively in unison.

Clear sound juvenile voices echoed across the shooting range.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookTen minutes later, Spencer went to the association's dining hall with Cassandra.The interior of the dining hall was decorated in a very understated manner, much like the cafeteria from

his university days.

There were some tables and chairs, alongside various food stalls.

However, the variety of food was abundant. One could go to the corresponding stall to get whatever

one felt like eating.

After scanning her eyes around the place, Cassandra frowned.

“Why isn't Ms. Jenkins here?”

“Yuri Jenkins?” It was only then that Spencer remembered that Yuri had also been sent over by Ashlyn.

“Yeah.” Cassandra nodded before looking at the children. “You guys eat first. I'll stepping out for a bit.”

Spencer also quickly stood up and followed Cassandra out of the dining hall.

It was only then that he realized the place was truly vast.

Not only was there a shooting range and training field, but also sports facilities such as a basketball

court, volleyball court, swimming pool, and golf course. There was even a billiard room and one for

chess and card games.

After following Cassandra to several places, they finally found Yuri at the training field, practicing basic


A layer of sweat blanketed her forehead, and the back of her shirt was drenched.

But still, she remained in a horse stance without budging an inch.Quirking an eyebrow, Cassandra walked up to her and said, “It's time to eat, dear. Even if you're eager

to improve yourself, you can't be this impatient! You still need to eat.”

Yuri's face was flushed bright red from the heat of her sweat. Upon hearing Cassandra's voice, she

turned her gaze to the woman. “I need to train... I need to train, for I want to become stronger and

make Ms. Berry proud.”

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