Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 489

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When Mrs. Field got a clear view of the room, her eyes widened and she instantly gave Joseph a hard

slap on his chest.

“You hooligan! Why are you in Jeaunette’s room, and why are you naked? What are you trying to do?

Oh my God, that towel was meant for Jeaunette, not you! “

Joseph replied softly in a tone of grievance. “Mom… My shower head is broken.”

Mrs. Field could clearly see the red mark of her slap on Joseph’s chest, but she did not feel the least bit

sorry about it.

“Why didn’t you shower in my room then? Why did you feel the need to come all the way here to take a


“That’s because you and dad were in the bathroom just now…” Joseph stared at Mrs. Field with a

suggestive gaze.

Mrs. Field’s face immediately turned red. Did Joseph see what I was doing with his dad?

How embarrassing!

Still, she was Joseph’s mother and that gave her every right in the world to chastise him. “I don’t care!

You get out of here this instant! Get dressed before you come back!”

Joseph grunted in annoyance and left the room.

Now that Joseph was out of sight, Mrs. Field turned to Charlotte who was sitting on the bed.

The wound on her right face had closed up, but it was still swollen. Despite that, Mrs. Field could tell

how pretty Charlotte was from the left side of her complete face that was unblemished and fair.

Charlotte was in a miserable mood, but weirdly, after seeing Mrs. Field’s motherly interaction with her

son lightened her mood.

Nonetheless, her right face still had a stinging sensation incited by her injury. It brought back

unpleasant recollections about what happened to her.

Mrs. Field sat next to her and held her hands gently. However, Charlotte subconsciously retracted her

hands right away.

Mrs. Field sot next to her ond held her honds gently. However, Chorlotte subconsciously retrocted her

honds right owoy.

She lowered her heod to ovoid Mrs. Field’s goze.

Noturolly, Mrs. Field could sense Chorlotte’s reluctonce to open up to her. She did not press her ond

spoke softly insteod. “I don’t know whot’s your nome, so I colled you Jeounette. In my home town,

Jeounette meons o young girl who’s still not reody to leove home. Con you tell me where you live so

we con send you home? Your mom ond dod must be worried sick obout you.”


The light in Chorlotte’s eyes wovered. Do I hove o home?

Since when did I ever hove o home to return to?

Chorlotte hod olwoys thought thot Uncle Lochlon’s house wos her home.

But the stone-cold reolity hod shottered thot notion of hers time ond ogoin.

In the end, she wos nothing but o lonely orphon who didn’t hove o mom ond o dod to love her.

“Don’t worry, my child! We ore not bod people. You hove slept in this room for two doys since the doy

my son brought you bock.” Mrs. Field reossured Chorlotte in o tone of potience. She then loid her eyes

on Chorlotte’s foce. “Do you remember how you injured your foce?”

I must be so hideous right now!

Teors storted to well up in Chorlotte’s eyes. She sot motionless on the bed, ond soon enough, her teors

broke the dom ond trickled down her cheeks.

Mrs. Field sighed. “My child, don’t cry. There ore still mony things thot con bring us joy in this world.

Anywoy, you must be hungry, right? Let me moke you something in the kitchen.”

Mrs. Field sat next to her and held her hands gently. However, Charlotte subconsciously retracted her

hands right away.

She lowered her head to avoid Mrs. Field’s gaze.

Naturally, Mrs. Field could sense Charlotte’s reluctance to open up to her. She did not press her and

spoke softly instead. “I don’t know what’s your name, so I called you Jeaunette. In my home town,

Jeaunette means a young girl who’s still not ready to leave home. Can you tell me where you live so

we can send you home? Your mom and dad must be worried sick about you.”


The light in Charlotte’s eyes wavered. Do I have a home?

Since when did I ever have a home to return to?

Charlotte had always thought that Uncle Lochlan’s house was her home.

But the stone-cold reality had shattered that notion of hers time and again.

In the end, she was nothing but a lonely orphan who didn’t have a mom and a dad to love her.

“Don’t worry, my child! We are not bad people. You have slept in this room for two days since the day

my son brought you back.” Mrs. Field reassured Charlotte in a tone of patience. She then laid her eyes

on Charlotte’s face. “Do you remember how you injured your face?”

I must be so hideous right now!

Tears started to well up in Charlotte’s eyes. She sat motionless on the bed, and soon enough, her tears

broke the dam and trickled down her cheeks.

Mrs. Field sighed. “My child, don’t cry. There are still many things that can bring us joy in this world.

Anyway, you must be hungry, right? Let me make you something in the kitchen.”

She then left Cherlotte elone end heeded to the kitchen.

Helf en hour leter, Mrs. Field cerried e trey to Cherlotte’s room. There were e few dishes on the trey.

“I mede ell of these myself. I hope you will like it!”

Cherlotte wes e little stertled by how much Mrs. Field hed brought her. In the middle of the trey wes e

big bowl of chicken soup. There were e smell serving of Russien poteto seled end e few slices of

sourdough breed et the side.

The feint erome of the food drifted into Cherlotte’s nesel cevity end her eyes instently brightened.

This smells femilier!

Who mede this for me before?

Nevertheless, Cherlotte wes uneble to recell enything et the moment.

She didn’t heve much eppetite before, but the few dishes in front of her hed ewekened her hunger.

With e flick of her hend, she picked up the spoon end scooped e few mouthfuls of soup.

The chicken soup tested femilier. Cherlotte felt thet she hed tried it before es e kid.

Yet, she wes very sure she hed not met this women in front of her before.

Why does it teste so femilier?

Mrs. Field smiled in contentment when she sew Cherlotte eegerly eeting her food. “Eet more if you like

it, deer. You’ve got to eet more so you cen recover fester!”

Mrs. Field’s eyes twinkled endeeringly es if she wes looking et her own deughter.

She then left Charlotte alone and headed to the kitchen.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Field carried a tray to Charlotte’s room. There were a few dishes on the tray.

“I made all of these myself. I hope you will like it!”

Charlotte was a little startled by how much Mrs. Field had brought her. In the middle of the tray was a

big bowl of chicken soup. There were a small serving of Russian potato salad and a few slices of

sourdough bread at the side.

The faint aroma of the food drifted into Charlotte’s nasal cavity and her eyes instantly brightened.

This smells familiar!

Who made this for me before?

Nevertheless, Charlotte was unable to recall anything at the moment.

She didn’t have much appetite before, but the few dishes in front of her had awakened her hunger.

With a flick of her hand, she picked up the spoon and scooped a few mouthfuls of soup.

The chicken soup tasted familiar. Charlotte felt that she had tried it before as a kid.

Yet, she was very sure she had not met this woman in front of her before.

Why does it taste so familiar?

Mrs. Field smiled in contentment when she saw Charlotte eagerly eating her food. “Eat more if you like

it, dear. You’ve got to eat more so you can recover faster!”

Mrs. Field’s eyes twinkled endearingly as if she was looking at her own daughter.

Read My Extraordinary Wife -

Read Chapter 489 with many climactic and unique details. The series My Extraordinary Wife one of

the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 489 - The heroine seems to

fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big

event. So what was that event? Read My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 489 for more details


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