Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1112

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Chapter 1112Chapter 1112 Andrea

This afternoon, I'd like to meet this Mrs. Taylor. Ashlyn thought.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Joseph arrived at the private room inside the club as promised,

bringing Ashlyn with him.

Standing in front of the private room, Joseph raised his hand to knock on the door. From inside, a voice

came. “Come in.”

As soon as the two stepped into the private room, Ashlyn saw a lady of high standing, dressed

extremely elegantly, sitting on the couch. She held a tall glass with utmost grace. She gently swirled the

red liquid inside the glass with her nail-polished fingers.

She wore her hair in an elegant updo, donned a pair of black silk stockings, and matched them with a

pair of slender high heels. Her upper body was adorned with a black fur coat, which was loosely draped

over her shoulders.

The heater was on in the private room, spreading a warm ambiance, yet she felt like the biggest oddity

in the room.

“Ms. Saunders?” Andrea curved her lips, gesturing for Ashlyn and Joseph to sit down. “Please, have a


The two of them took a seat on the sofa opposite Andrea. Ashlyn sat quietly, watching her as if waiting

for the latter to speak.

Andrea never expected that the rumored Ms. Saunders would be so young and beautiful.The woman in front of her was so striking that she wouldn't be overshadowed even in the

entertainment industry, which was filled with countless beauties. In fact, she was even more

outstanding than those famous actresses, especially her temperament of aloof nobility. She was so

elegant and captivating, almost making it impossible for anyone who laid their eyes on her to look


Andrea thought. Still, what's the use of being beautiful? Apart from having a bit of talent, she falls far

short when compared to the true socialites of Jadeborough. She can only take on a few apprentices or

students, that's all.

“I wonder what Mrs. Taylor wants to discuss, calling me for a meeting like this.” After taking her seat,

Ashlyn cut to the chase.

“It seems that Mr. Joseph didn't give you a detailed introduction,” Andrea said with a smile. “My

daughter, Winona, is very fond of music. We heard that Ms. Saunders has won international awards

and is the new president of the International Piano Association, so I would like to invite Ms. Saunders

to be my daughter's teacher.”

Ashlyn raised an eyebrow, her cool gaze as chilling as an igloo. “I'm sorry, but I have no intention of

taking on a disciple.”

So far, she had only ever taught Charlotte. She simply didn't have the leisure or inclination to teach


After Andrea heard Ashlyn's response, her expression instantly darkened. However, she thought of

Ashlyn's status in the music industry and her abilities.Suppressing her displeasure, she put on a forced smile and said, “Ms. Saunders, don't be so quick to

reject me. Why don't I let you witness my daughter's abilities first? Then you can make your decision.”

No sooner had she finished speaking than the glass partition inside the box slowly rose. Behind the

partition was a snow-white piano, and sitting in front of the piano was a woman. All they could see was

the slender and graceful silhouette of the woman's back.

The melodious music flowed from the woman's fingertips, resonating throughout the spacious room.

The piece she played was the widely popular “Moonlight Lovers.”

She was quite skillful, but Ashlyn had no interest in her whatsoever.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookA look of pride surfaced on Andrea's face. She's my perfect creation. My daughter must become a top

socialite, receiving the best education and making all the other socialites regard her with envy.

The song soon came to an end.

Andrea wiped the prideful expression off her face and looked at Ashlyn with a smile. “Ms. Saunders,

could you perhaps offer some guidance?”

Leaning on the couch, Ashlyn glanced casually at Winona's retreating figure, her black eyes gleaming

with indifference. “Her performance is decent, quite good,” she commented nonchalantly.

Anyone could tell that Ashlyn's words were just perfunctory.

Andrea, suppressing the anger in her chest, patiently spoke again. “Since you think she's quite good,

and you two are fated to cross paths, why don't you take my daughter as your disciple?”

Without waiting for Ashlyn to speak, she added, “After all, I can fully assist you with the matter Mr.

Joseph requested of me. What do you think, Ms. Saunders?”Ashlyn lazily lifted her dark eyes, finally resting them on the astute face of Andrea. “Mrs. Taylor, I'm not

opposed to taking on a disciple, but my brother-in-law is suffering in prison. How do you plan to help


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