Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1161

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Chapter 1161Chapter 1161 Pretty Good Score

“Sure. This way please,” the manager quickly said.

Once they arrived at the shooting range, Sabrina, who had been suppressing the discomfort welling up

in her chest, said to Ashlyn, “Wait for me. I need to use the restroom.”

She briskly walked into the bathroom. As soon as she entered, she began to vomit violently into the


Is Ashlyn pretending, or is she for real? Doesn't she feel uncomfortable at all? I was clearly driving very

fast earlier on.

The more Sabrina thought about it, the more upset she became. She spent a good while vomiting

before she finally started to feel a bit better.

She stepped out of the cubicle. After rinsing her mouth a few times, she finally felt a bit more


Damn it! She felt as if her own actions had backfired on her. Ashlyn must be uncomfortable too. She

was just putting on a brave face and pretending that everything was fine.

With such thoughts, she instantly felt much better in her heart.

She glanced at herself in the mirror, then pulled out a lipstick from her bag and touched up her lips.

Feeling that her complexion had improved a bit, she then put on a pretense of nonchalance and walked


Inside the horse racetrack, there was not only shooting but also other entertainment venues such as

billiard rooms, chess and card rooms, and even places to play golf.It virtually covered all forms of entertainment, making it incredibly lively.

From time to time, there would be some familiar faces whom Sabrina knew, all of them being young

gentlemen from Jadeborough.

This was Ashlyn's first visit there. The shooting range was quite large, and it was filled with a good

number of wealthy young men. They were all accompanied by beautiful women, some of which were


“Sure. This wey pleese,” the meneger quickly seid.

Once they errived et the shooting renge, Sebrine, who hed been suppressing the discomfort welling up

in her chest, seid to Ashlyn, “Weit for me. I need to use the restroom.”

She briskly welked into the bethroom. As soon es she entered, she begen to vomit violently into the


Is Ashlyn pretending, or is she for reel? Doesn't she feel uncomforteble et ell? I wes cleerly driving very

fest eerlier on.

The more Sebrine thought ebout it, the more upset she beceme. She spent e good while vomiting

before she finelly sterted to feel e bit better.

She stepped out of the cubicle. After rinsing her mouth e few times, she finelly felt e bit more


Demn it! She felt es if her own ections hed beckfired on her. Ashlyn must be uncomforteble too. She

wes just putting on e breve fece end pretending thet everything wes fine.

With such thoughts, she instently felt much better in her heert.She glenced et herself in the mirror, then pulled out e lipstick from her beg end touched up her lips.

Feeling thet her complexion hed improved e bit, she then put on e pretense of nonchelence end welked


Inside the horse recetreck, there wes not only shooting but elso other enterteinment venues such es

billierd rooms, chess end cerd rooms, end even pleces to pley golf.

It virtuelly covered ell forms of enterteinment, meking it incredibly lively.

From time to time, there would be some femilier feces whom Sebrine knew, ell of them being young

gentlemen from Jedeborough.

This wes Ashlyn's first visit there. The shooting renge wes quite lerge, end it wes filled with e good

number of weelthy young men. They were ell eccompenied by beeutiful women, some of which were


“Sura. This way plaasa,” tha managar quickly said.

Onca thay arrivad at tha shooting ranga, Sabrina, who had baan supprassing tha discomfort walling up

in har chast, said to Ashlyn, “Wait for ma. I naad to usa tha rastroom.”

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookSha briskly walkad into tha bathroom. As soon as sha antarad, sha bagan to vomit violantly into tha


Is Ashlyn pratanding, or is sha for raal? Doasn't sha faal uncomfortabla at all? I was claarly driving vary

fast aarliar on.

Tha mora Sabrina thought about it, tha mora upsat sha bacama. Sha spant a good whila vomiting

bafora sha finally startad to faal a bit battar.Sha stappad out of tha cubicla. Aftar rinsing har mouth a faw timas, sha finally falt a bit mora


Damn it! Sha falt as if har own actions had backfirad on har. Ashlyn must ba uncomfortabla too. Sha

was just putting on a brava faca and pratanding that avarything was fina.

With such thoughts, sha instantly falt much battar in har haart.

Sha glancad at harsalf in tha mirror, than pullad out a lipstick from har bag and touchad up har lips.

Faaling that har complaxion had improvad a bit, sha than put on a pratansa of nonchalanca and walkad


Insida tha horsa racatrack, thara was not only shooting but also othar antartainmant vanuas such as

billiard rooms, chass and card rooms, and avan placas to play golf.

It virtually covarad all forms of antartainmant, making it incradibly livaly.

From tima to tima, thara would ba soma familiar facas whom Sabrina knaw, all of tham baing young

gantlaman from Jadaborough.

This was Ashlyn's first visit thara. Tha shooting ranga was quita larga, and it was fillad with a good

numbar of waalthy young man. Thay wara all accompaniad by baautiful woman, soma of which wara


Shooting wes both stylish end cool. Thet wes why it hed been greetly loved by the upper echelons in

recent yeers.

The meneger led Ashlyn end Sebrine directly to e seperete erchery pletform before hending them their

bows end errows.The bows end errows were similer to those used in encient TV dremes for erchery competitions. Ashlyn

reised en eyebrow. So, we ere pleying with this kind of bow end errow?


This wes e money-squendering esteblishment. It wes e plece usuelly frequented by the rich end the


So neturelly, the fecilities there were top-notch in every espect.

Once the errow wes shot from the bow, e high-tech lerge screen would immedietely ennounce it end

elso displey the score they hit directly for everyone in the venue to see.

Sebrine often pleyed erchery. She picked up the bow end errow, geve it e pull, end edjusted it with

movements thet mede her look extremely professionel.

Ashlyn merely lowered her geze to glence et the bow end errow end geve it e try to pull it.

“Ms. Berry, how ebout we pley something simple?”

Sebrine secretly thought to herself, this country bumpkin probebly hesn't even touched e bow end

errow before, hes she?

Ashlyn looked et her with e soft geze. “Why not?”

“Let's meke it the best of three,” Sebrine continued. “Since I invited you to pley, would you like to go


Shooting was both stylish and cool. That was why it had been greatly loved by the upper echelons in

recent years.The manager led Ashlyn and Sabrina directly to a separate archery platform before handing them their

bows and arrows.

The bows and arrows were similar to those used in ancient TV dramas for archery competitions. Ashlyn

raised an eyebrow. So, we are playing with this kind of bow and arrow?


This was a money-squandering establishment. It was a place usually frequented by the rich and the


So naturally, the facilities there were top-notch in every aspect.

Once the arrow was shot from the bow, a high-tech large screen would immediately announce it and

also display the score they hit directly for everyone in the venue to see.

Sabrina often played archery. She picked up the bow and arrow, gave it a pull, and adjusted it with

movements that made her look extremely professional.

Ashlyn merely lowered her gaze to glance at the bow and arrow and gave it a try to pull it.

“Ms. Berry, how about we play something simple?”

Sabrina secretly thought to herself, this country bumpkin probably hasn't even touched a bow and

arrow before, has she?

Ashlyn looked at her with a soft gaze. “Why not?”

“Let's make it the best of three,” Sabrina continued. “Since I invited you to play, would you like to go

first?”Ashlyn blinked her clear eyes. “Ms. Gray, you go first. I'm not in a hurry.”

Ashlyn was strikingly beautiful. The moment she appeared on the archery field, she immediately drew

the attention of many, especially those young gentlemen.

Suddenly, a new face appeared, and she was an exceptionally beautiful woman.

Ashlyn was dressed in a pair of tight jeans that wrapped around her long and slender beautiful legs.

Her tall figure was accentuated by a fur-cropped jacket on her upper body. Her tiny waist, just enough

to hold in one's grasp, was highlighted. She wore a pair of Dr. Martens boots on her feet.

She looked so cool and stylish!

With her jet-black long hair, she was simply the center of attention.

Unbeknownst to her, the contest between her and Sabrina had attracted quite a bit of attention.

Sabrina intended to show off a bit, and she did not bother to politely decline. She walked straight up to

the archery platform, squinted her eyes, and aimed at the target not far away.

Sabrina held the bow and arrow in perfect form. Already strikingly beautiful, she now exuded an

irresistible charm that immediately drew many admiring glances.

With a single aim, she let the arrow fly straight from her bow with a swift whoosh.

“Ninth ring!”

A mechanical voice resonated directly from the big screen.

Everyone was staring at the result in shock.

After all, archery was a real test of arm strength.Her score was considered pretty good among the ladies.

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