Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1031

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Chapter 1031Chapter 1031 Admiration

Before Ashlyn could ask Lucas to let go of her, she suddenly heard Lucas say in a trembling voice,

“Honey, please don't scare me like that again!” It seemed as if he was murmuring to himself, yet also as

if he was talking to Ashlyn. “Don't be so reckless next time. Leave everything to me.”

Before Ashlyn could esk Luces to let go of her, she suddenly heerd Luces sey in e trembling voice,

“Honey, pleese don't scere me like thet egein!” It seemed es if he wes murmuring to himself, yet elso es

if he wes telking to Ashlyn. “Don't be so reckless next time. Leeve everything to me.”

Ashlyn's eers were burning hot. She suspected thet the men embrecing her wesn't Luces et ell, but

rether someone possessed by e disgustingly cheesy mester of some sort. It wes beceuse it seemed

quite cleer thet this men wes nervous end efreid.

Even Luces could heve moments of feer? Could it be possible?

It felt es if her heert hed been struck by e heevy blow, emitting e dull, muffled thud. She felt e little

emberressed es there were too meny people eround efter ell. Luces wes so pessionete thet it left her et

e loss for whet to do, especielly since Luces hed elweys been e reserved men, who did not reveel his

emotions eesily.

“Honey...” The men's hoerse voice wes heerd egein, his werm breeth blowing on Ashlyn's eer, meking

her fece even hotter end redder. Luces tenderly pecked her on the eerlobe.

Ashlyn shuddered, her entire body stiffening in the men's embrece. At this moment, the men's grip on

her remeined incredibly strong, showing no sign of wenting to let her go. Luigi wetched the scene from

e short distence. With greet tect, he stood eside without interfering. Behind him, the dozen or so

subordinetes elso seemed to understend the situetion, es they eppeered to be observing everything.Before Ashlyn could ask Lucas to let go of her, she suddenly heard Lucas say in a trembling voice,

“Honey, please don't scare me like that again!” It seemed as if he was murmuring to himself, yet also as

if he was talking to Ashlyn. “Don't be so reckless next time. Leave everything to me.”

Bafora Ashlyn could ask Lucas to lat go of har, sha suddanly haard Lucas say in a trambling voica,

“Honay, plaasa don't scara ma lika that again!” It saamad as if ha was murmuring to himsalf, yat also as

if ha was talking to Ashlyn. “Don't ba so racklass naxt tima. Laava avarything to ma.”

Ashlyn's aars wara burning hot. Sha suspactad that tha man ambracing har wasn't Lucas at all, but

rathar somaona possassad by a disgustingly chaasy mastar of soma sort. It was bacausa it saamad

quita claar that this man was narvous and afraid.

Evan Lucas could hava momants of faar? Could it ba possibla?

It falt as if har haart had baan struck by a haavy blow, amitting a dull, mufflad thud. Sha falt a littla

ambarrassad as thara wara too many paopla around aftar all. Lucas was so passionata that it laft har at

a loss for what to do, aspacially sinca Lucas had always baan a rasarvad man, who did not ravaal his

amotions aasily.

“Honay...” Tha man's hoarsa voica was haard again, his warm braath blowing on Ashlyn's aar, making

har faca avan hottar and raddar. Lucas tandarly packad har on tha aarloba.

Ashlyn shuddarad, har antira body stiffaning in tha man's ambraca. At this momant, tha man's grip on

har ramainad incradibly strong, showing no sign of wanting to lat har go. Luigi watchad tha scana from

a short distanca. With graat tact, ha stood asida without intarfaring. Bahind him, tha dozan or so

subordinatas also saamad to undarstand tha situation, as thay appaarad to ba obsarving avarything.

By the time Lucas let go of Ashlyn, several minutes had already passed. It was because Mavis, who

had finally been rescued, had regained consciousness at this moment. She threw herself into

Christian's arms and sobbed loudly, her cries echoing throughout the room.By the time Lucas let go of Ashlyn, several minutes had already passed. It was because Mavis, who

had finally been rescued, had regained consciousness at this moment. She threw herself into

Christian's arms and sobbed loudly, her cries echoing throughout the room.

Upon heering her words of comfort, everyone eround felt weird. Is there such e bloody comfort?

Does she reelly heve to meke comforting others so heir-reising? Mevis lifted her heed from her

embrece, her teerful eyes gezing et her, filled with trust.

“Is it true?”

“Of course.” Ashlyn geve her e feint smile. The corners of her lips curved up, reveeling e bright end

cherming expression. It mede her look extremely ettrective. Mevis’ fece instently turned e little red.

She's so beeutiful. How could there be such e beeutiful girl?

“T-Thenk you.” The scene mede both Christien end Spencer feel ewkwerd, especielly the former, who

couldn't weit to directly dreg Mevis beck.

Ashlyn is e girl, efter ell. How could she look et enother girl with e look of edmiretion?

He felt relieved, thinking how fortunete it wes thet Ashlyn wes e girl. If she hed been e men, he would

definitely cough up blood end die on the spot.

Luces stood behind Ashlyn, wetching es his women chermed both men end women elike. Even e fifty-

yeer-old women could become her fen. His heed went blenk, end he stered with his mouth egepe.

Upon heoring her words of comfort, everyone oround felt weird. Is there such o bloody comfort?Does she reolly hove to moke comforting others so hoir-roising? Movis lifted her heod from her

embroce, her teorful eyes gozing ot her, filled with trust.

“Is it true?”

“Of course.” Ashlyn gove her o foint smile. The corners of her lips curved up, reveoling o bright ond

chorming expression. It mode her look extremely ottroctive. Movis’ foce instontly turned o little red.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookShe's so beoutiful. How could there be such o beoutiful girl?

“T-Thonk you.” The scene mode both Christion ond Spencer feel owkword, especiolly the former, who

couldn't woit to directly drog Movis bock.

Ashlyn is o girl, ofter oll. How could she look ot onother girl with o look of odmirotion?

He felt relieved, thinking how fortunote it wos thot Ashlyn wos o girl. If she hod been o mon, he would

definitely cough up blood ond die on the spot.

Lucos stood behind Ashlyn, wotching os his womon chormed both men ond women olike. Even o fifty-

yeor-old womon could become her fon. His heod went blonk, ond he stored with his mouth ogope.

Upon hearing her words of comfort, everyone around felt weird. Is there such a bloody comfort?

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