Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 690

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Chapter 690Livia was going to instruct the men in black to stop Ashlyn and Blair from leaving, but Franklin shook

his head.

“There’s no need to.”

His eyes gleamed dangerously as they closely trailed after Ashlyn and Blair, who were leaving the

scene. “Let’s go inside the ward.”

At that, he carried Livia in his arms and walked toward Naomi’s ward.

The two rows of men in black stood guard outside the door. The young girl inside the room could not

hear anything at all.

It was only when they arrived right in front of her that Naomi lifted her eyes.

“Dad… Madam? Why are you here?”

Naomi looked at the couple in shock.

Feeling a temper building up within her, Livia struggled and got out of Franklin’s arms.


A loud slap resounded in the ward.

Livia had slapped Naomi forcefully across the latter’s face.

The young girl looked at Livia in humiliation but obstinately refused to allow her tears to come out.

Since young, I’ve always known that I’m the precious daughter of the Nolan family on the surface, but

Madam only ever cared about her own two biological daughters. Blair and I—we’re no more than dogsin their eyes only because we were born of Dad’s servant.

“You wretched thing! If it weren’t for our family, would you have been able to study abroad? We’ve

raised you for so many years; it’s time for you to return the favor.”

Pinching Naomi’s chin, Livia commanded, “You must keep Mr. Zimmerman company tonight.

Otherwise, I’ll have your head!”

Naomi’s eyes widened, and she shook her head in fear. Although she could not hear what Livia was

saying, she had a gut feeling that it was not good news.

With a lump in her throat, she muttered, “Madam, I can’t hear… I can’t hear anything.”

Trembling, she passed a piece of paper and a pen to Livia.

novelbinLooking at Naomi with a hint of mockery, the latter took the pen and paper and started writing down

what she had said.

When Naomi read what was written on the paper, her face turned ashen from shock.

“You’re just a deaf girl now. Seeing as you might still be of some use to us, go and accompany Mr.

Zimmerman at night! He promised to invest three hundred million in our lab. Now, it’s time for you to

support your father’s career.”

“N-No, I don’t want to…” Naomi’s chest heaved as she grabbed the corner of Franklin’s shirt. With

teary eyes, she glanced up at her father’s stern face. “Dad, please… D-Don’t make me go with Mr.

Zimmerman. I’m earning money with my films; I’ll give all the profits to you. I beg of you…”

Livia swiftly scribbled on the paper again. It wrote: Even if you don’t want to, you have to! Did you think

you can just sit and enjoy our family’s luxury after we’ve taken care of you for so many years? It’s timefor your dad and me to collect your debt! You’re deaf now—what other purpose can you serve? It’s

good enough that someone even wants you! You’re nothing but trash!

Franklin coldly pushed away Naomi’s hands, causing the girl to stumble onto her bed. Her heart froze

over with helplessness as though someone had poured a bucket of iced water over her head in the


With a lump in her throat, she muttered, “Madam, I can’t hear… I can’t hear anything.”

So, these are my parents… They’re willing to push me into the pits of hell with their own hands for the

sake of money.

“Lucas has money,” Naomi mumbled. ”It’s just three hundred million. Can’t Lucas fork that sums out?”

Livia smugly wrote on the paper again: Mr. Zimmerman is extremely interested in our research, so we

became business partners. Why would we use our own family’s money when we can use someone

else’s money? Isn’t it great to keep our money in our own pockets? Did you think your brother would

fork out money for you, anyway? Did you think that you’re worth three hundred million? You’re just

trash! Why would he spend money on you?

Naomi thought she had indeed been too naïve.

What am I? I’m just his half-sister. Lucas has taken more than enough care of me over the past few


“That’s right… We’re half-siblings, after all. It’s good enough that he accepts me as his sister.”

Naomi could feel a thousand knives piercing her heart. The pain was so immense that she could hardly

breathe.Once more, Livia held Naomi’s face by the chin. With a probing stare, she lifted the piece of paper in

her hand for Naomi to read. It wrote: You’re wrong. He’s not even your father’s son. He has absolutely

no blood connection with you whatsoever. Only your lovely face is still good for something!

I-I’m not related to Lucas by blood?

“N-No, that’s impossible! How could Lucas not be my brother? You’re lying! How could we not be

siblings?” exclaimed Naomi.

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