Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 361

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“Did you call me just to say this?” Ashlyn replied coldly.

“Mr. Haddock invited our whole family to a meal tomorrow, and you need to show up. If you don’t, we’ll

stir up trouble in your hospital and interfere with your work,” Horace yelled angrily.

Ashlyn responded with an impatient tone, “Is this really how you’re inviting me to a meal?”

“Mr. Haddock has his ways of making you show up if you don’t attend the meal tomorrow.” Horace

hung up immediately after that.

Ashlyn watched as her phone’s screen turned dark as she put her phone away.

Why is Dixon suddenly in good terms with Horace again?

Why did he invite the Berry family to a meal?

Something very weird is going on.

Just as she was lost in thought, Harrison sent a message to her.

“Boss, it’s from the Haddock Group.”

No wonder.

A hint of derision flashed in Ashlyn’s eyes as she replied, “Keep a close eye on the Haddock Group

and Berry Furnishings. Report to me if you see anything suspicious.”


“Don’t be sad.” A man’s warm and alluring voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

After which, a warm hand caressed the back of her hands which felt a little cold.

Ashlyn was at a loss for words.

What do you mean by saying don’t be sad?

She looked up in confusion and saw that Lucas was staring at her with a sentimental gaze.

His gaze was also laced with a hint of passionate desire.

“What do you mean ‘don’t be sad’?” Ashlyn wanted to break free from his clasp.

However, Lucas held on even tighter, and she couldn’t free herself no matter how hard she tried.

“I will take care of you from now on. Those people are not important.”

A ray of warm sunlight was cast on Lucas’ face through the car’s window, and it illuminated his warm

and affectionate expression.

Unbeknownst to her, the sun was already setting.

Lucas extended his other hand and caressed her soft cheeks tenderly as he beamed brightly.

“Honey, I know that I was in the wrong for neglecting you. I will give you all my love and affection from

now on. I can give you everything you want, and I will even sacrifice my life for you if you want me to.”

Ashlyn’s lips fluttered slightly, yet she couldn’t speak as a sudden dryness permeated in her throat.

Lucas approached her slowly and planted a tender kiss on her cheek.

“D-Don’t say something so cheesy.”

Despite her words, Ashlyn’s heart raced as her face started to blush as if it was scalded by the kiss.

Lucas clasped her chin and wrapped his other arm around her waist. He then placed his lips on her

ears and whispered, “Really? I don’t find it cheesy because I meant everything I said.”

Under the shimmer of the sunset, Ashlyn’s pretty face was illuminated in a scarlet hue, and she looked

rather enticing.

Meanwhile, the man’s masculine scent permeated her senses, and her heart started to race

uncontrollably again.

Lucas’ defined features twisted slightly to show a naughty smile before he grabbed her by the wrist and

pulled her towards his arms.

Using the momentum from the action, he then pressed Ashlyn onto the seat of the car.

His chest was as hard as rock, and Ashlyn felt her sense of smell faltering due to the familiar yet

overwhelming hormonal scent.

She urgently pushed back on his chest and shrieked, “Lucas, what are you doing?”

He inspected the blushing woman closely from above as he replied, “I want to kiss you.”

IN the meantime, Spencer knowingly raised the privacy barrier.

I’m very aware whenever Mr. Nolan wants to engage in ‘those’ activities!

After all, I don’t want to be constantly reminded by the passionate scene that I am still a bachelor.

Lucas lips came down slowly on Ashlyn’s rosy and tender lips.

Her unique fragrance was addicting and alluring.

After some time, the car stopped slowly, and Ashlyn pushed Lucas away harshly.

Her beautiful features were accentuated with streaks of red.

“Did you have some candy just now?” Lucas nuzzled Ashlyn’s forehead gently as he said with a

sensual voice.

About My Extraordinary Wife -

My Extraordinary Wife is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter

361 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 361 and update the next chapters of this series at


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