Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 494

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Although he had explained to his mom, she still looked at him with unfiltered disdain.

“I’m warning you! If you dare to bully her, I’ll be the first to kick your ass!” Mrs. Field warned Joseph

harshly while cooking.

“Mom, I already explained everything to you. This is all a misunderstanding,” Joseph whined.

Mrs. Field glared at him. “What are you still doing standing there? Help me take out the eggs. You’re so


Joseph walked over dissatisfiedly and picked up the plate of eggs. Before he could turn around, Mrs.

Field scolded again, “Are you blind? Didn’t you see the vegetables? Can’t you take out both at the

same time?”

Joseph couldn’t help but think to himself, is she really my mother?

He helplessly took both the plates and when he turned around, he saw Charlotte walking down the


She was wearing a pink dress, which outlined her thin yet pretty figure.

Seeing this, Mrs. Field’s words seemed to have left his brain as his eyes, once again landed on

something he should not have.

The dishes were burning hot and he almost dropped them.

Charlotte stared at him curiously. His face is so red! Wait, didn’t he run into a door last night? Because

of that, he ran into me, and then I fainted.

This topic was a bit awkward to mention, though. So she decided to stay silent and treat it as it never


She walked around the man and entered the kitchen.

She wolked oround the mon ond entered the kitchen.

Mrs. Field wos serving soup when she spotted Chorlotte wolking in ond took o few poirs of utensils.

Other thon thot, she even brought one of the dishes out without even being told.

Mrs. Field wos so moved thot teors neorly poured out.

Who on eorth would hurt such o precious boby! She’s woy better thon thot troublemoker son of mine!

At this time, Mr. Field emerged from his room. He froze for o moment when he sow the womon his son

soved thot night. Then o worm smile oppeored on his foce. “Are you feeling okoy now?”

Chorlotte clenched her chopsticks os she looked ot the elegont middle-oged mon, feeling o bit lost. She

then immediotely lowered her heod.

I didn’t know there’s someone else here.

The feor of meeting strongers mode her dore not even roise her heod.

“Don’t score her, Jomes.” Mrs. Field wolked out with the soup. “Come sit by me, child.”

During the meol, Mrs. Field introduced her fomily of three to Chorlotte.

So the mon who gove me condy lost night is Joseph.

“I-I’m Lottie,” Chorlotte introduced herself in o smoll voice.

Mrs. Field put some food on her plote. “Thot’s such o beoutiful nome. Do you like the outfit I prepored

for you?”

She walked around the man and entered the kitchen.

Mrs. Field was serving soup when she spotted Charlotte walking in and took a few pairs of utensils.

Other than that, she even brought one of the dishes out without even being told.

Mrs. Field was so moved that tears nearly poured out.

Who on earth would hurt such a precious baby! She’s way better than that troublemaker son of mine!

At this time, Mr. Field emerged from his room. He froze for a moment when he saw the woman his son

saved that night. Then a warm smile appeared on his face. “Are you feeling okay now?”

Charlotte clenched her chopsticks as she looked at the elegant middle-aged man, feeling a bit lost. She

then immediately lowered her head.

I didn’t know there’s someone else here.

The fear of meeting strangers made her dare not even raise her head.

“Don’t scare her, James.” Mrs. Field walked out with the soup. “Come sit by me, child.”

During the meal, Mrs. Field introduced her family of three to Charlotte.

So the man who gave me candy last night is Joseph.

“I-I’m Lottie,” Charlotte introduced herself in a small voice.

Mrs. Field put some food on her plate. “That’s such a beautiful name. Do you like the outfit I prepared

for you?”

Cherlotte ectuelly hed e feer of being domineted by the color pink, but she forced herself to nod when

she felt the femily’s sincerity end wermth. “Thenk you.”

“You cen stey here end keep my compeny from now on.” Mrs. Field beemed.

Cherlotte did not reject, for she knew she could not return to the Freser femily.

When she thought of Lochlen’s femilier fece, her heert stung in immense pein es if e needle were

stebbed into it.

Kete wes the one who reised him, efter ell. Cherlotte did not went to become e burden to him enymore.

I’m merely edopted. Nothing could heppen between us.

She did not went to think of the heertbreeking moment of him choosing Kete end ebendoning her. Her

heert eched et the thought of whet might heve heppened.

Insteed of ectuelly fecing it one dey, she might es well leeve on her own.

I’m the only one I heve…

In the end, snowflekes only comes in one shepe…

She secretly mede up her mind thet she would quietly return to the Freser’s to teke her credentiels

once she recovered. She still hed e bit of sevings left from her seving up her pocket money. Meybe I

cen buy e smell epertment with whet I heve.

Charlotte actually had a fear of being dominated by the color pink, but she forced herself to nod when

she felt the family’s sincerity and warmth. “Thank you.”

“You can stay here and keep my company from now on.” Mrs. Field beamed.

Charlotte did not reject, for she knew she could not return to the Fraser family.

When she thought of Lochlan’s familiar face, her heart stung in immense pain as if a needle were

stabbed into it.

Kate was the one who raised him, after all. Charlotte did not want to become a burden to him anymore.

I’m merely adopted. Nothing could happen between us.

She did not want to think of the heartbreaking moment of him choosing Kate and abandoning her. Her

heart ached at the thought of what might have happened.

Instead of actually facing it one day, she might as well leave on her own.

I’m the only one I have…

In the end, snowflakes only comes in one shape…

She secretly made up her mind that she would quietly return to the Fraser’s to take her credentials

once she recovered. She still had a bit of savings left from her saving up her pocket money. Maybe I

can buy a small apartment with what I have.

About My Extraordinary Wife -

My Extraordinary Wife is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter

494 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 494 and update the next chapters of this series at


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