Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1101

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Chapter 1101Chapter 1101 Reinvestigation

“What's so important that you must see me today, Old Mr. Oates? Is there something you want to

discuss with me?” the president asked as he rubbed his temples.

The Oates family might have declined recently, but he had to admit they still possessed a strong


Therefore, the president made sure to talk to Nelson respectfully.

“Well, it's like this...” Nelson said before being struck by a violent coughing fit. “I-It's about Lake City.”

The president immediately raised an eyebrow. “Lake City? Are you also here because of what

happened to James Field?”

Nelson, who was gearing up to play the sympathy card with a bout of severe coughing, suddenly froze.

“Mr. President, what do you mean by that...?”

What did he mean by “also?”

The president sighed. “Please head home, Old Mr. Oates.”

Upon hearing that, Nelson became anxious. What? I haven't even settled the matter! How can I go

back now?

“I'm not going back. James Field is a good man. He just got—”

“I know. This matter needs to be reinvestigated. Although he's currently in custody, he hasn't been

convicted yet,” the president interrupted, his gaze tinged with helplessness. “However, if we reopenedthe case, the chances of success would be pretty slim. The evidence of his crime is irrefutable, and the

possibility of overturning the case is—”

“Mr. President, what did you just say?” Nelson blurted out. Huh? I haven't even pleaded for James yet.

Why is the president already preparing to reopen the investigation?

“I said we need to reinvestigate,” the president said. When he noticed Nelson's stunned expression, he

couldn't help but laugh. Oh, come on. I'm not a heartless man. Even though running a country is

exhausting, I, too, wish for more honest and upright officials in this world.

“Thank you, Mr. President... Thank you.” Nelson exclaimed as he heaved a sigh of relief. “That's good

to hear. I hope there will be a good outcome.”

At the same time, an image of Ashlyn's beautiful face surfaced in his mind. Ah... This news would make

her happier, wouldn't it? She and that kid from the Nolan family have been running themselves ragged

for James' case... It's been hard on them.

“Mr. President, why have you decided to reinvestigate this case?” Nelson asked out of curiosity. After

all, he had heard that the president's stance was firm and unchanging, so what was with the sudden


“Oh, it's nothing. I just... I've just gotten myself a godsister, and it feels pretty good,” the president

replied, an enigmatic smile on his face. “All right. I'll have someone take you home.”

“Godsister?” Nelson exclaimed, now even more confused than ever. Gosh! To think there's a woman

out there who has charmed the country's leader into acknowledging her as his godsister! She must be

a force to reckon with! Then again, I know better than anyone else that some questions are better left


After seeing Nelson off, the president hurriedly returned to the hospital.My goodness. I've been working like a dog, and I'm exhausted!

The weather was gloomy and unpleasantly oppressive. Dark, menacing clouds hung low as the wind

howled and sent snowflakes swirling in the sky.

Inside South Jadeborough Prison at that moment, dozens of men dressed in prison garb were wielding

hoes and tiling the soil.

However, it was so cold outside that the ground was frozen solid, making it impossible to get any work


To make matters worse, the men were dressed minimally, so it didn't take long for their hands to turn

bright red from the frigid cold.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookA gust of cold wind suddenly swept through, and a few frail-looking men nearly dropped their hoes.

“Get to work! What's everyone daydreaming about? If you don't plant the crops now, what will you eat

later?” a prison guard shouted sternly as he whipped one of the men on his back, causing a loud

smack to ring out.

The man gritted his teeth in pain, almost letting out a cry.

Upon seeing that, the other men began to dig the ground with renewed vigor.

Despite feeling a searing pain in his back, James bit down hard and bore it.

Sadly, prisoners in that camp had zero status and were always either beaten or scolded. As the

prisoners were mostly officials who had been punished, prison guards would usually assume they were

tyrants who had committed nefarious crimes against the country and fellow citizens.As such, the guards tormented them relentlessly, and no one intervened. In fact. the prison guards

even believed they were doing a favor to society by punishing the prisoners.

“I don't care if you guys were high-ranking officials before. Now that you're all on my turf, you're nothing

but parasites of the state!”

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