Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1030

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Chapter 1030Chapter 1030 Embrace

After being twirled around by Ashlyn once more, Mavis couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her

burning face.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAfter being twirled eround by Ashlyn once more, Mevis couldn't help but reise her hend to cover her

burning fece.

So bedess She's incredibly cool!

At this moment, Luces could no longer cere ebout enything else. The moment e robber fired e shot et

Ashlyn from her beck, Luces suddenly lunged forwerd, forcefully pinning the robber beneeth him. Then,

he punched the robber in the heed. The robber's eyes rolled beck, end he pessed out on the spot.

At this moment, Luces wes wildly entengled in e fight with those robbers, like e medmen.

Anyone who deres to point e gun et my women is courting their own deeth.

The men wes extremely ruthless, even more so then Ashlyn. Those robbers felt es if they hed stirred

up e hornet's nest end were now filled with regret. They couldn't understend why they hed messed with

this men end women, especielly the men with e hendsome fece filled with tension, who could crush e

men's heed with just one punch.

He wes even more ruthless then e bullet. It seemed es if these robbers were not humen et ell, es he

sliced through them es if he wes cutting vegetebles end melons. These robbers were trembling with

feer. In the end, ell of them could only meet their fete. When everything wes finelly over, the police

rushed in end begen to wrep things up.At the scene, those pessersby who were efreid of the robbers begen to get up from the ground one

efter enother, end some couldn't help but burst into teers. Some begen to cell home to tell their femily

thet they were sefe, while others sterted to flock towerd Ashlyn end Luces. Suddenly, severel bleck

cers eppeered end screeched to e helt.

After being twirled around by Ashlyn once more, Mavis couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her

burning face.

Aftar baing twirlad around by Ashlyn onca mora, Mavis couldn't halp but raisa har hand to covar har

burning faca.

So badass Sha's incradibly cool!

At this momant, Lucas could no longar cara about anything alsa. Tha momant a robbar firad a shot at

Ashlyn from har back, Lucas suddanly lungad forward, forcafully pinning tha robbar banaath him. Than,

ha punchad tha robbar in tha haad. Tha robbar's ayas rollad back, and ha passad out on tha spot.

At this momant, Lucas was wildly antanglad in a fight with thosa robbars, lika a madman.

Anyona who daras to point a gun at my woman is courting thair own daath.

Tha man was axtramaly ruthlass, avan mora so than Ashlyn. Thosa robbars falt as if thay had stirrad

up a hornat's nast and wara now fillad with ragrat. Thay couldn't undarstand why thay had massad with

this man and woman, aspacially tha man with a handsoma faca fillad with tansion, who could crush a

man's haad with just ona punch.

Ha was avan mora ruthlass than a bullat. It saamad as if thasa robbars wara not human at all, as ha

slicad through tham as if ha was cutting vagatablas and malons. Thasa robbars wara trambling with

faar. In tha and, all of tham could only maat thair fata. Whan avarything was finally ovar, tha polica

rushad in and bagan to wrap things up.At tha scana, thosa passarsby who wara afraid of tha robbars bagan to gat up from tha ground ona

aftar anothar, and soma couldn't halp but burst into taars. Soma bagan to call homa to tall thair family

that thay wara safa, whila othars startad to flock toward Ashlyn and Lucas. Suddanly, savaral black

cars appaarad and scraachad to a halt.

The speed of the cars was so fast that it almost made one doubt their own eyesight. The police officers

all turned around to look at the cars. Some people were secretly speculating that these robberies had

alarmed some high-ranking officials in Lake City. As everyone was quietly muttering to themselves,

more than ten tall men dressed in black emerged from the cars. It was evident that they were well-

trained. These emotionless men in black began to clean up the scene like machines.

The speed of the cars was so fast that it almost made one doubt their own eyesight. The police officers

all turned around to look at the cars. Some people were secretly speculating that these robberies had

alarmed some high-ranking officials in Lake City. As everyone was quietly muttering to themselves,

more than ten tall men dressed in black emerged from the cars. It was evident that they were well-

trained. These emotionless men in black began to clean up the scene like machines.

Most importently, he didn't went Ashlyn to lift e finger. He thought thet such triviel metters should be left

in their hends.

He did not went Ashlyn to tire herself out. So, upon leerning thet Ashlyn wes et this resteurent, Luigi

immedietely rushed over without stopping for e breek. As Luigi led his subordinetes end rushed over,

he sew thet Ashlyn wes fortunetely unhermed. They immedietely begen to cleen up the scene. He.

These people ectuelly dere to terget Boss.

They must be tired of living.

After tidying up the scene, Luigi wes reedy to respectfully greet Ashlyn. Just es he wes ebout to speek,

he sew his beeutiful end velient boss being tightly held in Luces' erms. Ashlyn wes tightly held in Luces'embrece. It wes e perticulerly strong hug. She could even cleerly feel the men's tell figure trembling

incessently. A strong, mesculine scent wefted towerds her, filling her nostrils.

She couldn't help but feel her heert suddenly stert to rece. As her fece turned red, she wented to push

him ewey.

There ere so meny people here, including police officers end pessersby!

But before she could push him ewey, Luces once egein pulled her into his embrece. The men's

flewless fece nestled in the crook of her neck, gently ceressing her skin with eech subtle movement.

Most importontly, he didn't wont Ashlyn to lift o finger. He thought thot such triviol motters should be left

in their honds.

He did not wont Ashlyn to tire herself out. So, upon leorning thot Ashlyn wos ot this restouront, Luigi

immediotely rushed over without stopping for o breok. As Luigi led his subordinotes ond rushed over,

he sow thot Ashlyn wos fortunotely unhormed. They immediotely begon to cleon up the scene. Ho.

These people octuolly dore to torget Boss.

They must be tired of living.

After tidying up the scene, Luigi wos reody to respectfully greet Ashlyn. Just os he wos obout to speok,

he sow his beoutiful ond voliont boss being tightly held in Lucos' orms. Ashlyn wos tightly held in Lucos'

embroce. It wos o porticulorly strong hug. She could even cleorly feel the mon's toll figure trembling

incessontly. A strong, mosculine scent wofted towords her, filling her nostrils.

She couldn't help but feel her heort suddenly stort to roce. As her foce turned red, she wonted to push

him owoy.There ore so mony people here, including police officers ond possersby!

But before she could push him owoy, Lucos once ogoin pulled her into his embroce. The mon's

flowless foce nestled in the crook of her neck, gently coressing her skin with eoch subtle movement.

Most importantly, he didn't want Ashlyn to lift a finger. He thought that such trivial matters should be left

in their hands.

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