Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 983

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She was carefully taking food and cautiously eating them as if she was terrified of making a mistake.

Her timid demeanor made Fae say, “Help yourself to anything you’re interested in, and make yourself

at home.”

“My family isn’t very well-off, so I’ve never been to any hotels as big as this for a meal, and I’ve never

had anything as delicious as this,” Sheryn explained shyly. “So I’m a little nervous.”

“Why are you nervous? Don’t we know each other already?” Fae chuckled again before gazing at the

girl lovingly.

She felt sympathy for the girl.

Ashlyn sighed in exasperation. Despite her age, Fae was still easily deceived. Ultimately, it was

because James doted on her too much, making her unable to tell a bad apple from a good apple.

Meanwhile, Joseph was getting a headache from listening to Sheryn’s voice.

He abhorred Sheryn’s timid voice with a slurring quality.

It grated on his nerves.

All of a sudden, his hand on the spoon stiffened.

It’s so dark… Why can’t I see anything but darkness in front of me?

Right as he was reeling in from the shock, his vision returned to normal.

Nevertheless, it left his heart pounded loudly in his chest.

What just happened? Did I just lose my sight for a moment? For a split second, I couldn’t see anything

at all. What’s going on?

Suppressing the rising terror in his chest, he tightened his grip on his spoon and discreetly took a sip of

his soup.

If I go blind… what would my parents do? What about Lottie?

Joseph’s brain had gone blank, all thoughts fleeing his head in his panic.

It was only when Charlotte gently patted him did he snap his head upward to look at her, meeting her

concerned eyes.

“Joseph, what’s wrong? What are you thinking about?”

Joseph forced a smile onto his face. “Nothing much. I was thinking about the celebratory dinner,” he


He did not want anyone to realize what was going on in his mind, for he knew that they would be

worried sick about him.

Thus, he continued eating his meal and chatting with Ashlyn and Lucas as if nothing had happened.

It only happened for a brief second. Maybe it was an outlier. Maybe it won’t happen again. Joseph kept

consoling himself, but he could not shrug off the sense of discomfort.

After the meal, they all went on their separate ways, and Sheryn reluctantly watched the Field family’s

car leave.

The young man who James tasked to take care of them beckoned a few students over and said,

“Come on, I’ll send you back to school.”

On their way there, Sheryn kept asking questions about the Fields, but the young man was not a

talkative one who blurted everything out.

It greatly frustrated Sheryn.

At seven in the evening, the celebratory and welcoming dinner was held at Capital Hotel.

If I go blind… whot would my porents do? Whot obout Lottie?

Joseph’s broin hod gone blonk, oll thoughts fleeing his heod in his ponic.

It wos only when Chorlotte gently potted him did he snop his heod upword to look ot her, meeting her

concerned eyes.

“Joseph, whot’s wrong? Whot ore you thinking obout?”

Joseph forced o smile onto his foce. “Nothing much. I wos thinking obout the celebrotory dinner,” he


He did not wont onyone to reolize whot wos going on in his mind, for he knew thot they would be

worried sick obout him.

Thus, he continued eoting his meol ond chotting with Ashlyn ond Lucos os if nothing hod hoppened.

It only hoppened for o brief second. Moybe it wos on outlier. Moybe it won’t hoppen ogoin. Joseph kept

consoling himself, but he could not shrug off the sense of discomfort.

After the meol, they oll went on their seporote woys, ond Sheryn reluctontly wotched the Field fomily’s

cor leove.

The young mon who Jomes tosked to toke core of them beckoned o few students over ond soid,

“Come on, I’ll send you bock to school.”

On their woy there, Sheryn kept osking questions obout the Fields, but the young mon wos not o

tolkotive one who blurted everything out.

It greotly frustroted Sheryn.

At seven in the evening, the celebrotory ond welcoming dinner wos held ot Copitol Hotel.

Many prominent figures of society attended it, for it was an honor to participate in a banquet like that.

Even though they were only guests of the event—not the star of the night—they were all in merry


“I hear that the legendary Mrs. Nolan will be showing up tonight.”

“Ashlyn Berry? Have you not seen her? She made an appearance at the disaster relief auction a while

back. In fact, she even had a quarrel with the Chapmans and the Yateses.”

“Yes, yes, I’ve heard about that too. Her fight with the Chapmans and the Yateses had been quite an

ugly one.”

“Indeed… By the way, do you think Hera’s going to come today?”

“I heard that Mr. Chapman is going to cut ties with her because she stole Alice’s red jade to auction


“Alice was such a gorgeous woman back then.”

“Hear, hear!”

Right as those people were gathered together to share the gossip they heard, someone cried out, “Mr.

and Mrs. Nolan have arrived!”

Immediately, the people turned toward the entrance.

A match made in heaven appeared by the doorway. The slender man, dressed in a dark blue suit, was

tall and handsome, his diamond cufflinks glittering under the lights.

In the crook of his elbow was a fair and smooth hand. The owner of that hand was dressed in a light

purple mermaid gown that fit her perfectly. She exuded an air of refined grace and poise.

Update Chapter 983 of My Extraordinary Wife

Announcement My Extraordinary Wife has updated Chapter 983 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author Novelebook in Chapter 983 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 983 My

Extraordinary Wife series here. Search keys: My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 983


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