Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1170

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Chapter 1170Chapter 1170 Who Is She

After shifting Ashlyn into a relatively comfortable position, Lucas gently pressed her head against his

chest with his large hand and said calmly, “Sleep for a while.”

As her head was pressed against his muscular chest, she heard what he said and immediately figured

out it would take some time before they reached the airport. She pondered for a moment, then

obediently followed his suggestion, leaning against him and closing her eyes to rest.

About an hour later, the car slowly came to a halt.

The mist gradually thinned and turned paler, appearing like something translucent flowing in the air.

The buildings and trees around them that had appeared blurry were also now clearly visible, and one

could distinctly make out almost all of their outlines.

Opening her eyes, Ashlyn saw that everything was gradually being bathed in a golden glow.

The sun had risen, and the mist was clearing.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThey arrived at a private airport where a red helicopter was parked in its parking pad.

Lucas carried Ashlyn directly onto the helicopter. Once she settled into her seat, she picked up her

phone and sent a WhatsApp message.

Then, she put away her phone, found a comfortable position in Lucas' arms again, and closed her


The airplane's propellers whirred, stirring up gusts of wind, before gradually ascending into the sky and

heading toward Zaewora.Over in Lake City, a private jet was also taking off and flying toward Zaewora at practically the same


More than ten men dressed in black were on the private jet, along with hundreds of boxes of medicine.

The man leading them wore a stern expression on his face. “Boss is already flying to Zaewora. We'll

set off immediately and rendezvous with her. There can be no mistakes in this operation. Understood?”

“Understood!” the men in black responded loudly.

“Very well. You should all sit down immediately and conserve your strength,” instructed the man in

charge, taking the lead by sitting down first.

The remaining men in black then took their seats one after another.

Three hours later, the helicopter landed at a private airport.

Ashlyn and Lucas disembarked from the plane together, then immediately climbed into a limited edition

Rolls-Royce. The car glided smoothly along the road and arrived at a private villa in the quiet suburbs

an hour later.

It looked incredibly majestic and had a golden exterior that exuded an elegant air.

As the Rolls-Royce slowly approached, the tightly-shut iron gates opened, allowing the vehicle to enter.

Inside the car, Ashlyn, who had kept her eyes closed the whole journey, finally opened her dark eyes.

Her gaze drifted toward the window, and she saw that the car had stopped in front of a magnificent

villa. Countless men in black had been waiting there for quite some time.

Spencer, who was in the driver's seat, immediately exited the vehicle and opened the door for Lucas.“Mr. Nolan,” he said in a respectful tone after opening the car door.

Lucas nodded, then stepped out of the car with his long legs. He swept his keen gaze over the

surroundings, instantly taking in the expressions of everyone present.

“Mr. Nolan, you've finally arrived,” a voice carrying a hint of respect said as soon as Lucas was out of

the car. A middle-aged man stepped forward to meet him, welcoming him warmly.

“Mr. Lancer.” Lucas gave a slight nod in greeting. His voice was calm and steady yet unmistakably

laced with a sense of indifference.

That immediately made Leroy feel a bit awkward. However, he was familiar with Lucas' personality and

did not take it to heart. He maintained an enthusiastic tone as he said, “Please come in. The others

have already arrived.”

Lucas cast a glance at Leroy and nodded but did not go in. Instead, he turned around, bent down, and

leaned his tall frame into the car.

That took Leroy by surprise, and he was unable to stop himself from looking toward the car, only to see

Lucas carry a beautiful woman out from inside the vehicle.

The woman was breathtakingly beautiful. She had fair skin and delicate features, and her clear, cold

eyes bore a striking resemblance to Lucas' indifferent gaze.

There was a flash of astonishment in his eyes. What a beautiful woman! But... who exactly is she that

she could make Lucas personally carry her out of the car?

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