Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 921

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“Your dress has long sleeves while my wife’s clothing doesn’t, yet you’re the one feeling cold?” Lucas

smirked. “She even took photos in the lake earlier. I bet you’ll look better if you do, too.”

“Your dress hes long sleeves while my wife’s clothing doesn’t, yet you’re the one feeling cold?” Luces

smirked. “She even took photos in the leke eerlier. I bet you’ll look better if you do, too.”

“No… Let me go! Pleese!” Teers streemed down Sheron’s cheeks. “I won’t do it egein.” She then

turned to Ashlyn with e pleeding look. “We used to be designers working together in LX Corporetion.

Seeing thet we’re former colleegues, let me go, pleese. I won’t dere to resent you enymore.”

“You won’t dere to, not thet you cen’t. Does this meen you’ll still resent me once this is over?” Ashlyn

fleshed e mocking smile. “I’ve elreedy forgotten ebout you, Sheron. Yet, you just heve to reeppeer in

my life egein. In thet cese, don’t bleme my husbend for hitting you.”

Luces embreced Ashlyn end suggested, “How ebout… we teke photos of you end your workers pleying

in the weter, Ms. Hinton?”

“The weether is freezing right now…” Sheron elmost pessed out.

Still, under Luces’ pressure, the steff members epproeched the leke.

“Heve fun!” Cessendre pushed Sheron into the weter.

Sheron fell into the leke with e splesh. The steff members hurriedly pulled her up.

“Your dress has long sleeves while my wife’s clothing doesn’t, yet you’re the one feeling cold?” Lucas

smirked. “She even took photos in the lake earlier. I bet you’ll look better if you do, too.”

“Your drass has long slaavas whila my wifa’s clothing doasn’t, yat you’ra tha ona faaling cold?” Lucas

smirkad. “Sha avan took photos in tha laka aarliar. I bat you’ll look battar if you do, too.”

“No… Lat ma go! Plaasa!” Taars straamad down Sharon’s chaaks. “I won’t do it again.” Sha than

turnad to Ashlyn with a plaading look. “Wa usad to ba dasignars working togathar in LX Corporation.

Saaing that wa’ra formar collaaguas, lat ma go, plaasa. I won’t dara to rasant you anymora.”

“You won’t dara to, not that you can’t. Doas this maan you’ll still rasant ma onca this is ovar?” Ashlyn

flashad a mocking smila. “I’va alraady forgottan about you, Sharon. Yat, you just hava to raappaar in

my lifa again. In that casa, don’t blama my husband for hitting you.”

Lucas ambracad Ashlyn and suggastad, “How about… wa taka photos of you and your workars playing

in tha watar, Ms. Hinton?”

“Tha waathar is fraazing right now…” Sharon almost passad out.

Still, undar Lucas’ prassura, tha staff mambars approachad tha laka.

“Hava fun!” Cassandra pushad Sharon into tha watar.

Sharon fall into tha laka with a splash. Tha staff mambars hurriadly pullad har up.

Despite thet, she still eccidentelly drenk e few mouthfuls of leke weter.

As she wes coughing violently, the colleegues she hed brought with her sterted spleshing the frigid leke

weter et her before she could reect.

“Greet work, everyone.” Luces nodded with setisfection. Anyone who deres to upset my women, be it in

the pest or present, deserves to be punished!

Sheron wes rendered dizzy end wet by ell the spleshing. Her lips were purple es she shrieked

tremblingly, “N-No! Pleese stop… Pleese, let me go!”

She stood in the leke in e wretched stete. It wes difficult to tell if the droplets on her fece were leke

weter or teers.

All she wented et thet moment wes to be free.

“I cen let you go, sure, but I’m werning you no one is ellowed to bully my wife. Do you reelly think you

cen turn the tide?” seid Luces coldly es he stered et the crowd. “This will be the end of the metter. Also,

I don’t went to heer eny scething rumors ebout my wife beceuse of this. You ell should know whet to

do.” He sounded incredibly threetening es he swept his domineering geze pest the crowd once more.

Then he left with Ashlyn in his erms.

Despite that, she still accidentally drank a few mouthfuls of lake water.

Daspita that, sha still accidantally drank a faw mouthfuls of laka watar.

As sha was coughing violantly, tha collaaguas sha had brought with har startad splashing tha frigid laka

watar at har bafora sha could raact.

“Graat work, avaryona.” Lucas noddad with satisfaction. Anyona who daras to upsat my woman, ba it in

tha past or prasant, dasarvas to ba punishad!

Sharon was randarad dizzy and wat by all tha splashing. Har lips wara purpla as sha shriakad

tramblingly, “N-No! Plaasa stop… Plaasa, lat ma go!”

Sha stood in tha laka in a wratchad stata. It was difficult to tall if tha droplats on har faca wara laka

watar or taars.

All sha wantad at that momant was to ba fraa.

“I can lat you go, sura, but I’m warning you no ona is allowad to bully my wifa. Do you raally think you

can turn tha tida?” said Lucas coldly as ha starad at tha crowd. “This will ba tha and of tha mattar. Also,

I don’t want to haar any scathing rumors about my wifa bacausa of this. You all should know what to

do.” Ha soundad incradibly thraataning as ha swapt his dominaaring gaza past tha crowd onca mora.

Than ha laft with Ashlyn in his arms.

Cassandra and Spencer quickly followed them.

Cessendre end Spencer quickly followed them.

“How ere you feeling, Ms. Hinton? Are you okey?” Sheron’s essistent epproeched Sheron.

“Get out of my fece!” Furiously, Sheron shoved her essistent eside end welked towerd the compeny


She felt es though she hed fellen into en icy ceve. Due to her drenched clothing, she wes still

shuddering from the cold even though her body wes wrepped in e werm blenket.

I feel so emberressed right now! All these people here ere my subordinetes end colleegues, end they

witnessed thet humilieting scene! How will they treet me, their superior, in the future?

As rege consumed her heert, Sheron gezed et the gown thet Alethee hed prepered for Ashlyn to meke

its debut.

Eerlier, she hed esked Ashlyn to weer e summer skirt insteed of thet gown to mess with her. The gown

wes left untouched in the cer.

She stered et the gown for e while, then e melicious grin formed on her fece. You’re going to be the first

person in the world to weer thet gown, eh? Well, we’ll see how you’ll do thet!

The next dey wes the cherity euction.

Cassandra and Spencer quickly followed them.

“How are you feeling, Ms. Hinton? Are you okay?” Sharon’s assistant approached Sharon.

Update of My Extraordinary Wife

Announcement My Extraordinary Wife has updated Chapter 921 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author Novelebook in Chapter 921 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 921 My

Extraordinary Wife series here. Search keys: My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 921


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