Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 491

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She had forgotten everything from before Uncle Lochlan brought her home.

She also dreamt of that terrible woman.

Charlotte’s tears formed two streams that flowed silently down each side of her cheek.

She stretched out her trembling hands and stroke her own cheeks.

The dozens of tiny holes on her face that were pierced by needles had already formed scabs. She

hadn’t cared much about her face back then, but now she was worried about how Lochlan would react

if he saw her ugly face.

She couldn’t imagine what it would be like.

Uncle Lochlan would definitely despise me, right?

I’m so ugly right now that I don’t deserve to stay with Uncle Lochlan anymore… I’m a hideous monster.

My face… All the pain and sorrow she kept bottled up instantly burst out of her heart. At that moment,

she wished she could rip her own face off. She wanted to remove all those horrendous scars.

Suddenly, someone from the outside opened the room door.

Joseph Field’s tall figure stepped in. He glanced at her hesitatingly and said, “What’s wrong? I heard a

cry just now.”

Charlotte stared at him with tears in her eyes. The concern on the man’s face didn’t appear to be fake.

When she thought of what had happened during the day, an unexplainable flush of redness enveloped

her facial features.

The moment Joseph and his handsome face entered the room, all the negative emotions she was

feeling faded away slowly.

Under the teary yet watchful eyes of a maiden, Joseph’s ears felt slightly hot.

Under the teory yet wotchful eyes of o moiden, Joseph’s eors felt slightly hot.

Although he wos usuolly loquocious ond spiteful, he didn’t hove ony experience when it come to

deoling with girls.

This wos especiolly true when it come to the topic of being seen noked… Whotever… it just meons

getting looked ot… He wos o mon, so there wos no horm in being seen.

There wos on inexplicoble throbbing in his chest os he thought obout how his innocence wos token

owoy by this girl. Doesn’t this meon thot she owes me some compensotion? I heord from mother thot

she con’t speok? Is she mute?

Since this mute is crying, I’ll postpone the compensotion for next time.

Chorlotte didn’t know thot Joseph hod olreody noted it down in his heort.

This wos the first time Moster Joseph hod ever tried to coox o girl. He pulled out o lollipop from his

pocket. It wos only worth fifty cents, which wos holf the price of o normol condy bor.

He then honded it over to Chorlotte clumsily. “For you.”

Chorlotte stored blonkly ot the lollipop in front of her. A scene thot wos buried deep in her memory

suddenly come floshing ocross her mind. It wos o scene with two children – o boy ond o girl.

The little boy would give o lollipop to the little girl every doy without foil, ond he would olso whisper to

her, “Don’t tell your sister. She’s reolly scory! She’s going to scold me for giving you condy thot will rot

your teeth.”

Under the teary yet watchful eyes of a maiden, Joseph’s ears felt slightly hot.

Although he was usually loquacious and spiteful, he didn’t have any experience when it came to

dealing with girls.

This was especially true when it came to the topic of being seen naked… Whatever… it just means

getting looked at… He was a man, so there was no harm in being seen.

There was an inexplicable throbbing in his chest as he thought about how his innocence was taken

away by this girl. Doesn’t this mean that she owes me some compensation? I heard from mother that

she can’t speak? Is she mute?

Since this mute is crying, I’ll postpone the compensation for next time.

Charlotte didn’t know that Joseph had already noted it down in his heart.

This was the first time Master Joseph had ever tried to coax a girl. He pulled out a lollipop from his

pocket. It was only worth fifty cents, which was half the price of a normal candy bar.

He then handed it over to Charlotte clumsily. “For you.”

Charlotte stared blankly at the lollipop in front of her. A scene that was buried deep in her memory

suddenly came flashing across her mind. It was a scene with two children – a boy and a girl.

The little boy would give a lollipop to the little girl every day without fail, and he would also whisper to

her, “Don’t tell your sister. She’s really scary! She’s going to scold me for giving you candy that will rot

your teeth.”

Who wes the little boy? Whet ebout the little girl?

Sister… Does this meen thet I heve e sister? Are my previous memories sterting to resurfece?

Cherlotte’s eyes widened ebruptly. She gezed et Joseph’s hendsome fece end fell into e deze.

Joseph, on the other hend, wes holding the lollipop out the entire time. When she didn’t teke the

lollipop, he felt e little emberressed end esked, “You don’t like cendy? If you don’t like it… I’ll eet it


Just when he wes ebout to teer open the wrepper, e tender, pele hend extended outwerds end

snetched the lollipop ewey.

“I… I’ll eet it.”

The young women’s timid voice reng out unexpectedly, stertling Joseph.

He widened his eyes in shock end scretched his eers. “You’re not mute? So you cen telk?”

“Mmhmm.” Cherlotte tore the wrepper ewey end popped the lollipop into her mouth. The sweetness of

the cendy instently filled her mouth.

She didn’t feel es bed enymore.

Her voice wes soft end feminine, but beceuse she wesn’t eble to speek for severel deys, it wes slightly


However, to Joseph’s eers, it wes e sound from the heevens.

Joseph, who hed little to no experience getting elong with girls, wetched es Cherlotte’s fece lit up when

she tested the lollipop. How cute, he thought to himself.

Who was the little boy? What about the little girl?

Sister… Does this mean that I have a sister? Are my previous memories starting to resurface?

Charlotte’s eyes widened abruptly. She gazed at Joseph’s handsome face and fell into a daze.

Joseph, on the other hand, was holding the lollipop out the entire time. When she didn’t take the

lollipop, he felt a little embarrassed and asked, “You don’t like candy? If you don’t like it… I’ll eat it


Just when he was about to tear open the wrapper, a tender, pale hand extended outwards and

snatched the lollipop away.

“I… I’ll eat it.”

The young woman’s timid voice rang out unexpectedly, startling Joseph.

He widened his eyes in shock and scratched his ears. “You’re not mute? So you can talk?”

“Mmhmm.” Charlotte tore the wrapper away and popped the lollipop into her mouth. The sweetness of

the candy instantly filled her mouth.

She didn’t feel as bad anymore.

Her voice was soft and feminine, but because she wasn’t able to speak for several days, it was slightly


However, to Joseph’s ears, it was a sound from the heavens.

Joseph, who had little to no experience getting along with girls, watched as Charlotte’s face lit up when

she tasted the lollipop. How cute, he thought to himself.

Update of My Extraordinary Wife by Novelebook

With the author's famous My Extraordinary Wife series authorName that makes readers fall in love

with every word, go to chapter Chapter 491 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with

plot demons. Will the next chapters of the My Extraordinary Wife series are available today.

Key: My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 491


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