Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1091

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Chapter 1091Chapter 1091 Spoiled

Harvey directly rejected her request on behalf of Ashlyn.

Yvette's face turned red in embarrassment when she heard that.

“I must have been delusional. After all, Ms. Berry's skills have left me astonished. I'm almost losing my

mind,” she explained, trying to salvage her dignity.

Ashlyn ignored her and continued eating.

Lucas selected a crab and began carefully peeling it.

His fingers were long and slender. Even the act of peeling a crab was done with such elegance and

charm by him.

It seemed as if it was not a crab, but rather a piece of art.

He kept his head lowered, and his side profile was strikingly attractive.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAfter picking out the crab roe meticulously, he placed it on the plate in front of Ashlyn.

He curled his lips into a smile, his eyes filled with a hint of affection. “This crab isn't very big, but it's

quite rich in roe.”

As Ashlyn lowered her gaze, she saw the golden yellow crab roe. Beside the roe was the white and

tender crab meat that Lucas had picked out.

She first savored the crab meat then proceeded to enjoy the crab roe.

The taste was incredibly delicious.While Ashlyn was enjoying her crab, Lucas was also keeping himself busy.

He continued to peel the shrimp, his head bowed in concentration. In no time at all, several plump,

large shrimps appeared on Ashlyn's plate.

A pile of shrimp shells was stacked in front of Lucas.

His thoughtful actions instantly astonished everyone present.

He spoils Ashlyn so much!

Seeing this, Sabrina felt both jealous and upset.

Why does Lucas treat Ashlyn so well?

She couldn't help but speak up, her voice tinged with bitterness. “Mr. Nolan, you just got scalded.

Perhaps you should rest for a while. Ms. Berry is perfectly healthy, so she shouldn't need your help

peeling shrimps.”

Ashlyn picked up a peeled shrimp from her own plate and held it in front of Lucas. “Open your mouth.”

Upon hearing this, the man gently parted his lips. He bit the shrimp and chewed on it carefully.

Ashlyn's lips curled. “Ms. Gray, have you forgotten who just hurt my husband? How could you say such

things as if I don't care about him?”

Her words made Sabrina's face flush and then turn pale.

She was filled with both hatred and anger. She resented Lucas for protecting Ashlyn and was infuriated

by Ashlyn's mockery of her.

Why is she so lucky to be protected by Lucas?The more she thought about it, the more unsettled she felt.

However, in the presence of Lucas, she couldn't let herself lose control.

All she could do was forcefully suppress all the jealousy welling up inside me.

“Ms. Berry, you really have a knack for jokes. That's not what I meant.”

“If that's not the case, then shut up and focus on your food.” Ashlyn's cold gaze fell on her, carrying a

hint of stern warning.

Sabrina clenched her fists. “Ashlyn, one day, you will have to endure the humiliation and pain that I'm

experiencing today.”

A man with long legs and a suitcase exited Jadeborough Airport, holding the hand of a young girl who

walked beside him.

The two of them mingled with the crowd, heading out of the airport.

Charlotte was wearing a white down jacket, whose snowy fur collar made her cheeks appear even

more delicate.

“Joseph, Mrs. Taylor has arranged to meet me at three in the afternoon.”

“Let's head to the hotel first. After a bit of rest, we'll go see her,” Joseph suggested. He was wearing a

black cashmere coat, and the dark circles under his eyes hinted at his recent lack of sleep. Despite his

somewhat haggard appearance, he was handsome enough to attract the attention of many passersby.

Even though she was clad in a down jacket, Charlotte's hands remained icy cold.Joseph took her hand, looking worried as if he feared she might get lost. “Why are your hands so cold?

Let's hurry back to the hotel.”

Upon leaving the airport, the man immediately hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address of his


The car drove forward smoothly.

The car was filled with warmth, providing some comfort to Charlotte's cold body.

Lake City was in the south, while Jadeborough was in the northern region.

Southern cities tend to be damp and cold, while the northern region was characterized by a dry winter.

Charlotte was somewhat unaccustomed to this kind of climate.

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