Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 851

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All of those shots hit the exact same spot as they penetrated the wooden target.

The employees in charge of replacing the targets were so shocked that they froze with their mouths


Smoke was coming out of the barrel of Ashlyn’s gun. She was about to swap it out for her sniper rifle

when a good-looking couple made their way over.

The sight of a tall, handsome man and a curvy, beautiful woman was bound to gain a lot of attention

from those in the area.

“Whoa! You nailed every single one of those shots, Boss!” the man said with an eyebrow arched as

they stood in front of her.

“Why are you so surprised, Jared? It’s not like you haven’t seen Boss in action before. She’s the only

person capable of booking this entire place for herself!” said the woman while playing with her hazel-

colored hair.

She looked incredibly cute from head to toe with her big, round eyes, pink lolita-themed dress, and

shiny leather shoes.

Her pink dress complemented her fair skin and baby face, and she maintained a sweet smile no matter

what Jared said.

Cassandra Jensen’s cute appearance formed a huge contrast with the environment around her.

“Are you in a bad mood, Boss?” Cassandra asked with an adorable smile on her face.

“Nonsense! Boss isn’t weak like others. Do you really think those comments are able to affect her

mood so easily?” Jared said with an eyebrow arched.

“Look at that! All of her shots went right through the center of the target!” Cassandra exclaimed while

pointing at the target that Ashlyn shot at.

It wasn’t until Jared took a closer look at the bullet holes on the target that he gasped in shock. “Whoa!

You’re amazing, Boss!”

They had all received extensive training in the use of firearms, so shooting was a piece of cake for


Even so, Jared knew full well that his accuracy was nowhere near Ashlyn’s level.

I could easily hit the bull’s eye, but hitting the exact same spot with each shot is definitely out of the

question for me! I mean, that’s such a tiny hole to shoot through! How does Boss do it?

Cassandra was a lot calmer in comparison. “Boss sure is amazing as always. By the way, have you

come up with a plan to help Boss resolve this crisis?” she asked with her hands in the pockets of her


“I do, but I’ll need Boss’ approval before I can do anything further. This whole incident is utterly

ridiculous. Who does that insignificant little celebrity think she is? How dare she blame this all on Boss?

I bet that conflict at the event was all planned in advance! It must have been a set-up all along!” Jared

exclaimed angrily.

Cassandra let out a disdainful snort. “That piece of trash sure has some guts trying to come after Boss

like that. Does she really think we’re a bunch of pushovers or something? You know what? I’ll

investigate this matter thoroughly!”

Jared resisted the urge to laugh as he said with a straight face, “Really? You’re going to investigate

this? You know, I can lend you a hand if you’d like!”

“Oh, spare me that nonsense! I find out that someone has been messing with Boss the moment I came

back! I’m in a very bad mood right now!” Cassandra exclaimed.

Ashlyn paused whatever she was doing and shifted her gaze toward the two of them.

“Come on, shoot with me.”

“I-I think I’ll pass, Boss…” Jared said with a conflicted expression.

Nothing good comes out of competing against Boss!

Cassandra, on the other hand, got incredibly excited when she heard that. “Sure thing!”

Jared watched on in silence as Cassandra picked up a gun from the side and made her way over to

Ashlyn. “Here I come, Boss!”

“Go ahead,” Ashlyn said while loading a fresh set of bullets into the magazine.

Cassandra lat out a disdainful snort. “That piaca of trash sura has soma guts trying to coma aftar Boss

lika that. Doas sha raally think wa’ra a bunch of pushovars or somathing? You know what? I’ll

invastigata this mattar thoroughly!”

Jarad rasistad tha urga to laugh as ha said with a straight faca, “Raally? You’ra going to invastigata

this? You know, I can land you a hand if you’d lika!”

“Oh, spara ma that nonsansa! I find out that somaona has baan massing with Boss tha momant I cama

back! I’m in a vary bad mood right now!” Cassandra axclaimad.

Ashlyn pausad whatavar sha was doing and shiftad har gaza toward tha two of tham.

“Coma on, shoot with ma.”

“I-I think I’ll pass, Boss…” Jarad said with a conflictad axprassion.

Nothing good comas out of compating against Boss!

Cassandra, on tha othar hand, got incradibly axcitad whan sha haard that. “Sura thing!”

Jarad watchad on in silanca as Cassandra pickad up a gun from tha sida and mada har way ovar to

Ashlyn. “Hara I coma, Boss!”

“Go ahaad,” Ashlyn said whila loading a frash sat of bullats into tha magazina.

About My Extraordinary Wife -

My Extraordinary Wife is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter

851 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 851 and update the next chapters of this series at


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