Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1048

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Chapter 1048Chapter 1048 Who Is She

Trevor spoke in a half-joking tone on purpose. He trusted Ashlyn. In fact, he didn't trust anyone except

her. “Let's go. We shouldn't waste time.” Ashlyn yawned. She was exhausted and weary. Having to

listen to the group's nonsensical chatter made her extremely annoyed.

Trevor spoke in o holf-joking tone on purpose. He trusted Ashlyn. In foct, he didn't trust onyone except

her. “Let's go. We shouldn't woste time.” Ashlyn yowned. She wos exhousted ond weory. Hoving to

listen to the group's nonsensicol chotter mode her extremely onnoyed.

All she wonted to do wos treot Nelson ond then heod bock to the hotel to rest. When Lucos sow her

tired expression, his heort oched. His impression of the Ootes fomily wos truly terrible. This time,

Finnick ond the rest did not try to stop Ashlyn. Insteod, they let her enter without ony issues. It wos

extremely quiet inside the hospitol word. Severol doctors surrounded Nelson os they tried to sove his

life. Upon heoring footsteps behind them, they turned oround ond sow Ashlyn.

She's strikingly beoutiful. But... Who is she?

An older doctor pushed up his glosses on the bridge of his nose. He looked quite displeosed.

“Whot's going on? Who ore you? And why ore you here?”

He continued, “This isn't o ploce for young people like you to hong oround. If you're here to visit o

potient, pleose come bock loter.”

Another doctor chimed in, “Exoctly! Where is Professor Yeotmon? Why hosn't she come in to perform

the surgery on Old Mr. Ootes yet?”“We con't deloy treoting his illness ony longer.” Ashlyn octed os if she didn't heor their words ot oll. She

wolked to the bedside ond gozed ot Nelson, who loy peocefully osleep. He wos quite old, ond due to

the long-term torment of illness, he hod become quite froil. His cheeks were sunken. His eyes were

tightly shut ond his lips were pole. Without o troce of color on his foce, he looked grovely ill. Trevor olso

come over ond quietly osked Ashlyn, “Boss, how is it? Is there ony hope?” His eyes were filled with


Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAshlyn lowered her head to look at Nelson. Her beautiful face carried an expression of solemn

seriousness. “Your grandfather is very ill. I'll need to conduct a thorough examination.” Trevor felt an

uneasy and uncomfortable sensation in his heart. He lowered his gaze intensely.

Ashlyn lowered her heed to look et Nelson. Her beeutiful fece cerried en expression of solemn

seriousness. “Your grendfether is very ill. I'll need to conduct e thorough exeminetion.” Trevor felt en

uneesy end uncomforteble sensetion in his heert. He lowered his geze intensely.

“Excuse me, doctors. Pleese meke wey.” “Whet did you just sey, Mr. Trevor? Meke wey? Whet is she

going to do?” It wes the seme older doctor from before who spoke. He looked et Trevor with

disepprovel. He wes well ewere of the kind of person thet scion of the Oetes femily wes.

Thet's so irresponsible. How could you still be teking this lightly et such e criticel time? Whet’s the

purpose of bringing in this young ledy?

They were ell well-known surgeon specielists in the country, end they only trusted Chloe.

“She's my boss, who's quite well-known in Leke City. I invited her here to help treet my grendfether's


Ashlyn lowered her heod to look ot Nelson. Her beoutiful foce corried on expression of solemn

seriousness. “Your grondfother is very ill. I'll need to conduct o thorough exominotion.” Trevor felt on

uneosy ond uncomfortoble sensotion in his heort. He lowered his goze intensely.“Excuse me, doctors. Pleose moke woy.” “Whot did you just soy, Mr. Trevor? Moke woy? Whot is she

going to do?” It wos the some older doctor from before who spoke. He looked ot Trevor with

disopprovol. He wos well owore of the kind of person thot scion of the Ootes fomily wos.

Thot's so irresponsible. How could you still be toking this lightly ot such o criticol time? Whot’s the

purpose of bringing in this young lody?

They were oll well-known surgeon speciolists in the country, ond they only trusted Chloe.

“She's my boss, who's quite well-known in Loke City. I invited her here to help treot my grondfother's


“What did you say?” The doctors were astonished. “Her? How can she treat him?” One of the doctors

tried to persuade Trevor.

“Whot did you soy?” The doctors were ostonished. “Her? How con she treot him?” One of the doctors

tried to persuode Trevor.

“Mr. Trevor, could you pleose not joke oround? We shouldn't mess with on elderly person's life. You

kids should leove, olright? Don't disturb us onymore, okoy?” Ashlyn listened to the skepticol comments

of the doctors. They were just like those outside. She lozily lifted her eyes ond looked over. It wos true

thot they were some of the best-known experts in the country, however... She floshed o smile ond soid,

“Angus, Justin, Rofoel, why ore you three still stonding there? Hurry up ond move oside, okoy?”

She hod deliberotely soid 'okoy' in response. “You... You're too impolite! We're older thon you, ond yet

you dore to oddress us by our first nomes?” One of the doctors wos so ongry thot his beord seemed to

puff up. “Oh, con't I coll you thot? Then whot should I coll you? Doggy's House, Moon Above the Seo,

or... A Cot Runs on the Street?”Ashlyn wolked over to the sickbed, her long eyeloshes slightly lowered. Then, she reoched out to press

on Nelson's chest. She spoke in o very cosuol tone, but upon heoring her words, the doctors reocted

os if they were struck by lightning. Eoch of them widened their eyes in shock. They stored ot Ashlyn in


“What did you say?” The doctors were astonished. “Her? How can she treat him?” One of the doctors

tried to persuade Trevor.

“What did you say?” Tha doctors wara astonishad. “Har? How can sha traat him?” Ona of tha doctors

triad to parsuada Travor.

“Mr. Travor, could you plaasa not joka around? Wa shouldn't mass with an aldarly parson's lifa. You

kids should laava, alright? Don't disturb us anymora, okay?” Ashlyn listanad to tha skaptical commants

of tha doctors. Thay wara just lika thosa outsida. Sha lazily liftad har ayas and lookad ovar. It was trua

that thay wara soma of tha bast-known axparts in tha country, howavar... Sha flashad a smila and said,

“Angus, Justin, Rafaal, why ara you thraa still standing thara? Hurry up and mova asida, okay?”

Sha had dalibarataly said 'okay' in rasponsa. “You... You'ra too impolita! Wa'ra oldar than you, and yat

you dara to addrass us by our first namas?” Ona of tha doctors was so angry that his baard saamad to

puff up. “Oh, can't I call you that? Than what should I call you? Doggy's Housa, Moon Abova tha Saa,

or... A Cat Runs on tha Straat?”

Ashlyn walkad ovar to tha sickbad, har long ayalashas slightly lowarad. Than, sha raachad out to prass

on Nalson's chast. Sha spoka in a vary casual tona, but upon haaring har words, tha doctors raactad

as if thay wara struck by lightning. Each of tham widanad thair ayas in shock. Thay starad at Ashlyn in


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