Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1210

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Chapter 1210Chapter 1210 Is She Zero

Herald's face looked rather unpleasant. Ashlyn was blatantly slapping him in the face, provoking him


He used to have a bit of a soft spot for her, but now he just felt that this kind of woman was utterly

undiscriminating and impossible to control.

“Let's go!”

He snorted coldly, then turned around to leave with Leroy and Sloan.

Sloan walked to the door, then turned back to take another glance at Ashlyn. The woman's cool gaze

fell on him as if she could see through everything.

It sent a chill down his spine...

He always felt that nothing could escape her gaze.

Upon seeing the bunch leave, everyone at Section Six gathered around Ashlyn, their faces filled with


The sparks in Silas's eyes looked like they were about to fall out. “Ms. Berry, how did you manage to

tame that Trojan horse virus?”

“That was Panda Adieu! It's no ordinary virus.” Sabrina was also very curious. “Can you teach us?”“Hmm, it's quite simple.” Ashlyn walked straight to the computer she had been using before. “I'm going

to plant the virus in now.”

Plant... plant it in?

Is she serious?

Upon hearing her voice, everyone was astounded!

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookSilas's face changed, “Ms. Berry, please don't... This computer is fine now. If you plant it again, won't it


Before he could finish his sentence, he found himself at a loss for words.


He saw that Ashlyn was programming the virus...

The source code of the panda continuously flowed out beneath her fingers.

Everyone was also stunned.

Not only can she eliminate the Trojan horse virus, but she also write it?

“I think... she is Zero,” Sabrina couldn't help but speculate again. Just how many people in this world could write Panda Adieu?

These top-tier computer technicians across the country couldn't wipe it off, but she, Ashlyn Berry,


In no time at all, Ashlyn had finished writing.

Once she was ready, she immediately launched the Trojan horse virus named “Panda Adieu”.

Then, the computer immediately glitched and the screen went black.

Immediately, she began to demonstrate and explained as she went along.

Those people who were completely shocked just now, quickly perked up their ears to listen to her


She stood in front of the computer, as if she was radiating light.

She radiated an alluring glow from head to toe.

“Alright, it's just that simple.”

While Ashlyn was eliminating the virus, she also fixed the computer.

After she finished, she lifted her head, only to meet the stunned expressions of everyone around her.

They were as stunned as statues. It is such a complex and difficult solution process, but she actually said it is so simple...

There are a few expressions that, even after reading them once, I still don't understand...

My heart is breaking...

Sabrina managed to understand, so her eyes were wide and she was all excited as she looked at

Ashlyn. Her gaze was filled with fervent admiration and excitement, “Ms. Berry, you're simply a fairy!”

Lucas had been silently watching her all this time. Now that she had finished her tasks, he extended his

hand towards her. “Let's go and eat.”

Ashlyn nodded, her beautiful almond eyes fixed on the man not far from her. He was dressed in a suit,

with long legs, and a perfectly triangular physique. The suit made his figure appear even more slender

and upright, catching the eye.

Unable to resist, she too extended her hand, intertwining it with his.

The handsome man and the beautiful woman standing together were particularly pleasing to the eye.

Sabrina watched the two of them, feeling an unexpected calmness in her heart. She had truly let go of

Lucas, and her foolish unrequited love.

She felt that she had been such a fool in the past, then she chuckled at herself and moved closer to

Spencer. In a low voice, she asked, “Mr. White, how's the investigation going?”

Spencer's expression was cold and indifferent. “It's starting to take shape.”

Lucas had already taken Ashlyn's hand, heading towards the outside of the meeting room.

Meanwhile, the rest of the people from Section Six hurriedly followed him, everyone eagerly

anticipating an outcome.

That's it! Find the person who harmed Section Six and bring them to justice!

They first checked the hotel's surveillance, but didn't find anything unusual.

However, it didn't take long for Spencer to realize that someone had tampered with the surveillance.

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