Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1147

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Chapter 1147Chapter 1147 Penta Kill

Then, she unleashed successive champion skills. She had equipped a cooldown reduction item,

reducing the cooldown to almost one second. As a result, her next champion skill was ready almost


Notifications popped up on the screen: Sonia has slain the enemy! Double kill! Penta kill!

The commentators were all stunned!

The audience couldn't help but cheer, “D*mn! She's truly a violent Sonia!”

“A Penta kill for Sonia! Amazing! Awesome!”

The five members of the Pit Viper team lay splendidly on the ground, their faces filled with despair.

Scampi felt as if he was about to explode with frustration.

He didn't even see how Sonia made her move, and he just fell to the ground with a shake.

“Ban Sonia in the next round! She's driving me crazy!”

“There's no denying this. The moment the Ultimate X makes a move, we seem so weak in

comparison,” the supporter murmured softly.

“If you keep praising her, I'll punch you right now!” Scampi was so angry that he was gritting his teeth.

Next up was the second round. The game wasn't over until one side won three out of five rounds.

Scampi banned Sonia at once, his face a picture of schadenfreude. “Let's see what hero she uses this

time.”Then, Ashlyn chose Luxe.

“D*mn it! Luxe has Crowd Control!” Scampi's head was buzzing. He had figured out Ashlyn's pattern.

She likes to play heroes with Crowd Control.

Even though he seemed calm on the surface, deep down, Scampi was also starting to feel uneasy.

Then, she unleoshed successive chompion skills. She hod equipped o cooldown reduction item,

reducing the cooldown to olmost one second. As o result, her next chompion skill wos reody olmost


Notificotions popped up on the screen: Sonio hos sloin the enemy! Double kill! Pento kill!

The commentotors were oll stunned!

The oudience couldn't help but cheer, “D*mn! She's truly o violent Sonio!”

“A Pento kill for Sonio! Amozing! Awesome!”

The five members of the Pit Viper teom loy splendidly on the ground, their foces filled with despoir.

Scompi felt os if he wos obout to explode with frustrotion.

He didn't even see how Sonio mode her move, ond he just fell to the ground with o shoke.

“Bon Sonio in the next round! She's driving me crozy!”

“There's no denying this. The moment the Ultimote X mokes o move, we seem so weok in

comporison,” the supporter murmured softly.

“If you keep proising her, I'll punch you right now!” Scompi wos so ongry thot he wos gritting his teeth.Next up wos the second round. The gome wosn't over until one side won three out of five rounds.

Scompi bonned Sonio ot once, his foce o picture of schodenfreude. “Let's see whot hero she uses this


Then, Ashlyn chose Luxe.

“D*mn it! Luxe hos Crowd Control!” Scompi's heod wos buzzing. He hod figured out Ashlyn's pottern.

She likes to ploy heroes with Crowd Control.

Even though he seemed colm on the surfoce, deep down, Scompi wos olso storting to feel uneosy.

Just now, Ashlyn's aggressive play using Sonia and securing the Penta kill had caused him to be

dumbfounded. She could play even Sonia with such flair and gusto. If she were to play Luxe, who has

Crowd Control, I can't help but feel a bit nervous.

The match started swiftly. Luxe was incredibly precise with her controls. No matter how the members of

the Pit Viper team maneuvered, Ashlyn could accurately predict their moves and strike them.

Once they were controlled, only certain death awaited.

A wave of relentless attacks came crashing down, leading straight to the Pit Viper members' deaths.

What the hell is this? She's not a supporter. She's clearly an assassin. She's a midsolo!

The Pit Viper team didn't even last twenty minutes despite their struggle. They were directly wiped out

in a single wave and lost the game.

Scampi was thoroughly defeated and seemed on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThat match could be considered the shortest in competition history.The commentator felt like he was about to lose his job. Isn't this commentary just too easy? It's only

been a few minutes, hasn't it? She's carrying the whole team! The disparity in strength between the two

sides is just too great, isn't it?

The Pit Viper team was utterly defenseless.

As the third round began, Scampi was so frustrated that he straightaway banned five supporter

characters, including Fallen Angel, Luxe, Sonia, and Aurora. He banned them all as soon as the game


To everyone's surprise, Ashlyn actually chose Timo.

Scampi from the Pit Viper team, having been provoked to the point of irrationality by Ashlyn, declared,

“We can lose the team battle, but Timo must die.”

The other team members were completely taken aback. “Scampi, you need to calm down.”

“Scampi, don't target Timo! It's just a supporter.”

“Supporter, my foot! She's clearly a big shot, a midsolo, and a violent one at that!” Scampi was so

angry that he ate his own words.

The commentators constantly felt outdated due to Ashlyn's flashy moves and skillful maneuvers.

“I've realized that proficiency isn't tied to the version one uses. Even the most limited version doesn't

affect how well an expert can perform. This is the first time Timo has been used in the world


“In the past, players have always disdained Timo because once the scan is initiated, Timo's

mushrooms have nowhere to hide.”“However, I've noticed that X specifically plants mushrooms on the path. When the minions accidentally

step on them, it also inflicts some collateral damage on the nearby heroes. After all, everyone who

plays Timo enjoys placing mushrooms in the jungle.”

Subsequently, they saw the minions step on a mushroom just as it happened to pass by the Pit Viper

team's midsolo.

The midsolo was critically injured, and Trevor gave chase. In the end, the midsolo was spectacularly

killed by the mushroom.

The moment he fell to the ground, the Pit Viper team's midsolo felt utterly devastated.

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