Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1113

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Chapter 1113Chapter 1113 Unfazed

“My mother is the lady of the Taylor family. Do you think she's just an ordinary housewife from a small

family? My mother's connections are not something an average person can compare to, especially

since my grandfather was a founding father of the nation who was awarded countless medals. What

are you afraid of?” Suddenly, a somewhat familiar female voice echoed from the side of the piano.

Ashlyn glanced up and saw Winona, who had been playing the piano earlier, slowly turning around,

adjusting the shawl on her shoulders.

That familiar face immediately came into Ashlyn's view.

With an arrogant expression, Winona looked toward Ashlyn.

Their eyes met, and her previously arrogant and smug face changed abruptly. Her voice became

piercingly sharp. “Why is it you!”

Andrea's eyebrows slightly furrowed after hearing that. She felt a hint of displeasure at her daughter's

lack of composure. With a stern expression, she reprimanded Winona, “Winona, this is Ms. Saunders.

Have you met her before?”

Winona immediately stepped forward in her high heels, dramatically throwing herself toward Andrea.

“Mom, she's the woman who bullied me. She even had her husband kick me out of the shopping mall. I

was so deeply humiliated. You must avenge me!”

Andrea looked at Winona with an extremely complex expression, then turned her gaze to Ashlyn. A

couple of days ago, Winona had returned home, nearly driven to the point of an emotional breakdown.

Upon asking, she found out that her daughter had been wronged in the shopping mall.Unexpectedly, the woman who had wronged her daughter turned out to be Ashlyn. Well, this is really...

At that time, the Taylor family sent someone to that mall to check the surveillance footage, hoping to

identify the man and woman. However, the mall management refused their request.

The Taylor family was quite upset. They were a powerful and influential family in the capital, and their

daughter had never been subjected to such indignity before.

Someone had dared to challenge them on their own ground.

Yet, Andrea never imagined that that person would turn out to be Ashlyn.

She was so angry that she was grinding her teeth. However, she then thought about how Ashlyn and

Joseph needed her while she also had a favor to ask Ashlyn. We are merely using each other; I believe

Ashlyn is a smart person.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookWith those thoughts in mind, she looked down at Ashlyn with a sense of superiority. Her tone was as if

she was bestowing charity, exuding an inexplicable sense of superiority.

“Ms. Saunders, you were quite rude to my daughter a couple of days ago. If it were anyone else, I

would have already used a hundred different ways to torment them into apologizing, but—”

“But what?” Ashlyn's dark almond eyes met the arrogant gaze of Andrea in a casual manner, seemingly

not concerned with Andrea's condescending attitude.

Andrea slightly furrowed her brows. Why does Ashlyn seem so unyielding? And why is there a hint of

cool wildness about her?However, she believed that even the wildest of people wouldn't be able to pull any tricks under her


“But, since we are to collaborate, I will act as if this incident never occurred. As long as you are willing

to properly guide and instruct my daughter in her piano skills, helping her to reach new heights, then

whether it's about Mr. Field or the matter of you bullying my daughter...”

Joseph looked at Ashlyn's calm demeanor. His lips moved slightly, unsure of how to chime in. “Mrs.

Taylor, I believe there must be some misunderstanding here. How could my aunt possibly bully Ms.


Ashlyn could hear the suppressed urgency in his voice. She turned her head to look at him, her black

eyes stunningly captivating. “That's right. I did bully her.” She arched an eyebrow, her voice cool and

clear. Eyes narrowed, she asked unhurriedly, “So what?”

Upon hearing her words, Joseph looked at her in astonishment. This... Amazing!

He couldn't afford to pay attention to anything else and could only lower his voice. “Aunt Ashlyn, the

Taylor family's influence in Jadeborough is not to be underestimated. Isn't it a bit too much to act so

arrogantly in front of her mother?”

Ashlyn was not scared at all. She sat on the sofa, leisurely looking over at Andrea.

She stared at Andrea with her charming black pupils, locking gazes. Andrea was so infuriated by

Ashlyn's arrogant demeanor that she almost had a stroke on the spot. This Ashlyn really doesn't know

what's good for her. Despite my high regard for her, she shockingly lacks a sense of propriety.

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