Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1087

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Chapter 1087Chapter 1087 A Warning

Sabrina stood in the private room, unsure whether to sit or to stand.

She stood there awkwardly, feeling like her presence was unnecessary.

Yvette couldn't bear it. In the end, she said, “Mr. Nolan, Sabrina is still young and somewhat childish.

Please don't punish her like this. I promise she won't make the same mistake again.”

Lucas gazed at Yvette with an emotionless expression. Despite her unsuccessful attempt to salvage

the situation, he felt a hint of gratitude toward her for trying to help.

Lucas could tell that Yvette was a woman with strong moral values.

He felt thoroughly disappointed with Sabrina at the moment. The reason he chose her to join Section

Six initially was because of her excellent computer skills.

However, her performance over the past two days had been quite disappointing.

Ashlyn's gaze turned cold as it fell upon Lucas' chest, which was now dampened by the fish soup. The

scalding hot soup must have been unbearable, even for someone with a strong constitution.

Furrowing her brows, she said, “Follow me back to clean your wound and apply some burn ointment. It

needs proper treatment.”

Lucas was taken aback, and a sense of being cared for welled up in his heart.

With an air of authority, Ashlyn firmly grasped his large palm and said, “Old-timer, I'll take him to apply

the medicine. Go ahead and eat without me.”Only then did Lucas realize what was happening. His body reacted swiftly by following Ashlyn.

As Ashlyn walked past Sabrina, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. Her eyes, which were a cold

almond color, reflected a chilly stare. “Ms. Gray, I understand that you work in Section Six and I respect

Lucas' decision to have you here. However, I want to remind you to be careful with your actions. If you

continue to play little tricks, I may not be as polite next time.”

“Hey!” Sabrina glared at her, feeling both embarrassed and annoyed. “What gives you the right to warn

me like this!”

“No one can harm my man and walk away unscathed.” Ashlyn chuckled softly. The very next second, a

piercing scream echoed through the room.

“Ow!” Sabrina cried out in agony, crouching down and clutching her calf bone. It throbbed with intense

pain as if it was on the verge of snapping.

“You...” Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead. Her face contorted with pain, and her expression

turned ferocious. She gazed at Ashlyn in disbelief, her eyes filled with a burning intensity as if she

wished she could bore a hole through Ashlyn with her gaze.

I can't believe this crazy woman actually stepped on me! It felt like iron had struck my calf bone,

causing such intense pain that I wished I could pass out right there and then.

Sabrina awkwardly fell to the ground, clutching her own calf. She was unable to control the tears

streaming down her face.

Seeing her distress, Yvette quickly rose from her seat and approached Sabrina. “Sabrina, what were

you thinking? Why did you try to frame Ms. Berry? She has no grudge against you. And why did you

trip the waiter?”“Aunt Yvette, why are you also blaming me instead of siding with me?” Sabrina lifted her tear-filled eyes

to look at Yvette. “I'm the one who got hurt...”

“But was it right for you to trip the waiter?” Yvette's weariness was evident in her voice. She felt that the

Gray family had spoiled Sabrina too much, which had contributed to her unruly and willful behavior.

“You should at least choose your battles wisely when you're causing trouble, shouldn't you? Do you

truly believe Ashlyn will fall for your tricks? Don't you know your place?”

“It's not like I did it on purpose. I didn't mean to do that.”

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookEven if it pained her, Sabrina refused to admit that she did it on purpose. She wanted to scald Ashlyn to

release her pent-up anger.

After all, Ashlyn had stolen her thunder.

“Everyone knows clearly whether or not that was unintentional. Sabrina, do you truly believe that

everyone else is a fool?” Yvette expressed her disappointment. “Let me be clear. If you persist with this

behavior, I won't hesitate to hand in your resignation to Mr. Nolan on your behalf. You'll be confined to

the Gray family!”

Yvette gently helped Sabrina to her feet, guiding her to sit down in the chair. Then, Yvette crouched

down in front of her, lifting her skirt to check her calf.

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