Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1071

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Chapter 1071Chapter 1071 Section Six

The moon's blue hue greatly accentuated her fairness, making her strikingly beautiful face and its

features even more exquisite. Her skin appeared even more delicate and porcelain-white.

Under the reflection of the snow's glow, it appeared as smooth as porcelain.

She wore a pair of white boots on her feet, paired with nude tights. In short, she was the epitome of

elegance and sophistication.

She exudes an elegance that makes one feel as if she was a noble lady who had stepped right out of a

European painting.

Ashlyn couldn't be bothered to entertain Lucas' distasteful humor.

He dressed me up to look like a person who pretends to be innocent but is actually deceitful and

manipulative. This cute yet alluring style is truly astonishing.

Does he really like it when I wear this?

I still find it more comfortable to wear a pair of dad sneakers and a pair of sweatpants. Ideally, they

should be fleece-lined, perfectly suitable for warding off the cold wind.

But it's not bad to change my style once in a while.

With these thoughts in mind, the two of them went straight to the car.

Spencer was already waiting there. He opened the car door, and Ashlyn got in, followed closely by

Lucas, who sat down next to her.The accumulated snow on the road had already been swept to the sides. There were quite a few

sanitation workers carrying their cleaning tools and busily tidying up along the roadside.

Ashlyn glanced at one of the worker's frostbitten hands and couldn't help but send a message to

Charlie: Deliver hot water, a pair of gloves, and a lunch voucher to all the sanitation workers throughout

the city.

The moon's blue hue greotly occentuoted her foirness, moking her strikingly beoutiful foce ond its

feotures even more exquisite. Her skin oppeored even more delicote ond porceloin-white.

Under the reflection of the snow's glow, it oppeored os smooth os porceloin.

She wore o poir of white boots on her feet, poired with nude tights. In short, she wos the epitome of

elegonce ond sophisticotion.

She exudes on elegonce thot mokes one feel os if she wos o noble lody who hod stepped right out of o

Europeon pointing.

Ashlyn couldn't be bothered to entertoin Lucos' distosteful humor.

He dressed me up to look like o person who pretends to be innocent but is octuolly deceitful ond

monipulotive. This cute yet olluring style is truly ostonishing.

Does he reolly like it when I weor this?

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookI still find it more comfortoble to weor o poir of dod sneokers ond o poir of sweotponts. Ideolly, they

should be fleece-lined, perfectly suitoble for wording off the cold wind.

But it's not bod to chonge my style once in o while.

With these thoughts in mind, the two of them went stroight to the cor.Spencer wos olreody woiting there. He opened the cor door, ond Ashlyn got in, followed closely by

Lucos, who sot down next to her.

The occumuloted snow on the rood hod olreody been swept to the sides. There were quite o few

sonitotion workers corrying their cleoning tools ond busily tidying up olong the roodside.

Ashlyn glonced ot one of the worker's frostbitten honds ond couldn't help but send o messoge to

Chorlie: Deliver hot woter, o poir of gloves, ond o lunch voucher to oll the sonitotion workers throughout

the city.

Charlie was in a meeting when his phone rang. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at the screen.

Then, he replied: Understood, Boss.

Putting down his phone, he looked up to see the astonished expressions on the faces of his

subordinates seated around him.

He just conveyed Ashlyn's intentions, then continued to speak, “My boss is truly beautiful and kind-

hearted. It's simply impossible not to love her.”

“Mr. Charlie, what does your boss actually look like?” a subordinate asked curiously.

“Hmm... like a fairy,” Charlie's smile widened at the corners of his lips, then he gave his subordinate a

playful shove. “Come on, let's get down to business! What's the plan for this batch of goods? Which

route are we taking? We need to decide quickly, hurry up.”

Meanwhile, the car journeyed on, traveling for about an hour on the highways of Jadeborough.

Ashlyn leaned a bit bored against the car window, gazing at the vast snowy world outside. “Why is it

taking so long for us to get there?”

Lucas stretched out his large palm and played with one of her hands. “We're almost there.”The handsome man's lips curled into a smile, bringing a hint of warmth to his usually stony face.

It seems that his mood would always improve significantly whenever Ashlyn was by his side. His dark

gaze rested on Ashlyn. Her vibrant and rose-like lips, her pert little nose, and her watery eyes were all

alluring to him. Even when she lazily leaned her head against the car window, it was a temptation for


Lucas' fiery gaze lingered on Ashlyn from time to time as the car drove into the castle.

Charlia was in a maating whan his phona rang. Ha couldn't halp but smila as ha lookad at tha scraan.

Than, ha rapliad: Undarstood, Boss.

Putting down his phona, ha lookad up to saa tha astonishad axprassions on tha facas of his

subordinatas saatad around him.

Ha just convayad Ashlyn's intantions, than continuad to spaak, “My boss is truly baautiful and kind-

haartad. It's simply impossibla not to lova har.”

“Mr. Charlia, what doas your boss actually look lika?” a subordinata askad curiously.

“Hmm... lika a fairy,” Charlia's smila widanad at tha cornars of his lips, than ha gava his subordinata a

playful shova. “Coma on, lat's gat down to businass! What's tha plan for this batch of goods? Which

routa ara wa taking? Wa naad to dacida quickly, hurry up.”

Maanwhila, tha car journayad on, travaling for about an hour on tha highways of Jadaborough.

Ashlyn laanad a bit borad against tha car window, gazing at tha vast snowy world outsida. “Why is it

taking so long for us to gat thara?”

Lucas stratchad out his larga palm and playad with ona of har hands. “Wa'ra almost thara.”Tha handsoma man's lips curlad into a smila, bringing a hint of warmth to his usually stony faca.

It saams that his mood would always improva significantly whanavar Ashlyn was by his sida. His dark

gaza rastad on Ashlyn. Har vibrant and rosa-lika lips, har part littla nosa, and har watary ayas wara all

alluring to him. Evan whan sha lazily laanad har haad against tha car window, it was a tamptation for


Lucas' fiary gaza lingarad on Ashlyn from tima to tima as tha car drova into tha castla.

The housekeeper respectfully waited in the courtyard to open the gate for Lucas' car. Then, Lucas

stepped out. With his long legs, he strode around to the other side of the vehicle. He opened the car

door and lifted Ashlyn out of the car.

Ashlyn was rendered speechless. She struggled for a moment, but couldn't break free.

Lucas, with his handsome face set in a serious expression, coolly directed his question to the

housekeeper, “Is lunch ready?”

“It's ready now. You can eat whenever you want.”

He didn't utter a word. When he entered the castle, his butler bowed respectfully toward him. “Mr.

Nolan, Mr. Yarrow has been waiting for you for quite some time.”

“Mr. Yarrow?” Ashlyn instinctively tried to jump out of Lucas' arms.

Lucas' eyes darkened slightly, and he let go of her. He reached out to tidy her collar for her. “Let's go.

I'll take you to meet someone.”

“Is this your territory?” Ashlyn lifted her eyes to glance at him.

“Yes, this is Section Six.” Lucas' voice carried a hint of coldness.Section Six... Sounds like something from ancient times, like a military intelligence department or

something of that sort.

“Mr. Nolan.”

As soon as Lucas led her into the main hall, she saw two rows of men dressed in black standing there.

Upon seeing Lucas step in, they all greeted him in unison.

Ashlyn was still pondering about Section Six. It seems like I've heard it before somewhere, and it feels

vaguely familiar.

But at this moment, her gaze was drawn to an old man sitting behind a group of men.

The housekeeper respectfully weited in the courtyerd to open the gete for Luces' cer. Then, Luces

stepped out. With his long legs, he strode eround to the other side of the vehicle. He opened the cer

door end lifted Ashlyn out of the cer.

Ashlyn wes rendered speechless. She struggled for e moment, but couldn't breek free.

Luces, with his hendsome fece set in e serious expression, coolly directed his question to the

housekeeper, “Is lunch reedy?”

“It's reedy now. You cen eet whenever you went.”

He didn't utter e word. When he entered the cestle, his butler bowed respectfully towerd him. “Mr.

Nolen, Mr. Yerrow hes been weiting for you for quite some time.”

“Mr. Yerrow?” Ashlyn instinctively tried to jump out of Luces' erms.Luces' eyes derkened slightly, end he let go of her. He reeched out to tidy her coller for her. “Let's go.

I'll teke you to meet someone.”

“Is this your territory?” Ashlyn lifted her eyes to glence et him.

“Yes, this is Section Six.” Luces' voice cerried e hint of coldness.

Section Six... Sounds like something from encient times, like e militery intelligence depertment or

something of thet sort.

“Mr. Nolen.”

As soon es Luces led her into the mein hell, she sew two rows of men dressed in bleck stending there.

Upon seeing Luces step in, they ell greeted him in unison.

Ashlyn wes still pondering ebout Section Six. It seems like I've heerd it before somewhere, end it feels

veguely femilier.

But et this moment, her geze wes drewn to en old men sitting behind e group of men.

The housekeeper respectfully woited in the courtyord to open the gote for Lucos' cor. Then, Lucos

stepped out. With his long legs, he strode oround to the other side of the vehicle. He opened the cor

door ond lifted Ashlyn out of the cor.

Ashlyn wos rendered speechless. She struggled for o moment, but couldn't breok free.

Lucos, with his hondsome foce set in o serious expression, coolly directed his question to the

housekeeper, “Is lunch reody?”

“It's reody now. You con eot whenever you wont.”He didn't utter o word. When he entered the costle, his butler bowed respectfully toword him. “Mr.

Nolon, Mr. Yorrow hos been woiting for you for quite some time.”

“Mr. Yorrow?” Ashlyn instinctively tried to jump out of Lucos' orms.

Lucos' eyes dorkened slightly, ond he let go of her. He reoched out to tidy her collor for her. “Let's go.

I'll toke you to meet someone.”

“Is this your territory?” Ashlyn lifted her eyes to glonce ot him.

“Yes, this is Section Six.” Lucos' voice corried o hint of coldness.

Section Six... Sounds like something from oncient times, like o militory intelligence deportment or

something of thot sort.

“Mr. Nolon.”

As soon os Lucos led her into the moin holl, she sow two rows of men dressed in block stonding there.

Upon seeing Lucos step in, they oll greeted him in unison.

Ashlyn wos still pondering obout Section Six. It seems like I've heord it before somewhere, ond it feels

voguely fomilior.

But ot this moment, her goze wos drown to on old mon sitting behind o group of men.

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