Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1221

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Chapter 1221Chapter 1221 Peculiar Contract Terms

No sooner had he left than he received a phone call.

“Yes, I'll go right away.”

Thirty minutes later, at the President's Office.

The president's face was grim as he forcefully threw the document onto Herald's face. “What's going

on? What is Centennial Healthcare up to?”

Herald's face stung painfully from the impact of the documents, but he still had to pick them up and


After he finished reading, his face paled. “Mr. President, this is... Their demand is outrageous. Half of

these medications must be used for the treatment of women. What kind of contract is this? If we don't

sign, they won't supply the drugs! They're also demanding that hospitals promote female doctors and

nurses, or else they won't continue to supply medical products. They're insisting that female patients

receive reasonable, fair, and timely treatment. We can't prioritize male patients first. This... Isn't

Centennial Healthcare being a bit too nosy? What business is it of theirs how we use the medicine we

buy, or whether our hospital has female doctors and nurses? T-This is simply unbelievable...”

Herald stared at the contract in shock. “If we sign this contract, women would be holding their own in

the healthcare system here.

“I heard that the chairman of Centennial Healthcare is a woman.” The president paused before

continuing, “The drugs produced by Centenarian Healthcare are not only effective, but their prices arealso much more reasonable compared to other international pharmaceutical companies. Moreover,

they have proposed other conditions. You'll see as you read on.”

Herald continued reading and was once again taken aback. “If we agree to and implement their

proposed requirements, the price of medicine will be reduced by another two percent?”

The pharmaceuticals they were importing from Centennial Healthcare weren't something they could

buy with one or two million. It was worth in the hundreds of millions. If the price was reduced by two

percent, it would mean that they would be saving a substantial amount of money.

However, given their current situation, the condition had placed them in a bit of a predicament.

In a place where men were revered and male dominance took precedence, allowing women to take the

lead would place them in a difficult position.

“What is the purpose of these demands made by Centennial Healthcare? What benefits do they stand

to gain?” The president frowned, utterly perplexed.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that this situation brought no benefits to Centennial Healthcare.

Herald always felt that ever since the people from the Section Six arrived in Zaewora, everything

seemed inexplicably strange.

However, he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

“Mr. President, are we agreeing to their terms?” Herald also felt quite confused about what the other party had to gain from this, but they would be

saving a lot of money if they agreed to it.

He wanted to know how the president would choose in the face of interest.

“Of course, we will agree to their terms,” the President said, his face expressionless. “But, this contract

must include a term limit of two years.”

“All right, I'll go and talk to Jared right away.” Herald picked up the documents, but he didn't leave.

He looked at the president hesitantly. The president glared at him, looking displeased. He said in a

stern tone, “Mr. Cook, I always thought you were a sensible man. It's a pity, you have a troublesome

younger brother at home. What, are you going to plead for him?”

Upon hearing the President's words, Herald felt a sudden chill travel down his spine.

It's over... It's truly over.

Before he even had a chance to speak, the president had already shut down everything he was about

to say.

His face paled as he steeled himself to speak up. “Yes, Mr. President, you're right. Hugo should be

punished since he has made a mistake. Everyone is equal before the law.”

The President was very pleased with his response. “You may leave now. Lucas is no ordinary man, be

careful around him. Jared's defiance this time surprised me. I'll leave these two matters in your hands.” “All right,” Herald said and left.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThe President did not retract his power, nor did he remove him from overseeing the new energy.

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